Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1067

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s1x·rY.N1NTH c0NGnEss.l sEe¤.i1.’ oss si, ss. 1927. 102*1 to be for theisupportjor in of the common., orlpulxliiz hw _ schools; Tlxatany lanclsgor II§1D6}‘$;8}&l»SPOB€d ,qf_¤¢i¤t1*&ry renews or me- §° “‘°p"*%"*?£L“imete¤g8°‘ "*’“ *°°i§l?$“seds ‘*° *£*‘ii“A*&”"° "‘&$*°°‘ ~S{‘§“ *’l~i“·»»°°·-‘*·*i»‘·** ‘° yaprowrxy , {1'rw enera or » that purpose in the `Statés"d1strir¢t lcourtforg glxe district in whiclrthe or §art·,thereof;`igi,‘located. j · Q y _ (c) Tha i yl lands mclu ed‘withiu`tl1e limits of exrsting reser- in;**§é§;r;f*{g’g*¤*;_ *=g;· vations of orbyg the or speézlifically reserved, for water- <¤><=i·¤¤¤¢ " power purp0ses,”or mc u ° *’g11rjany_pen_ ' ’ suitior prooeedxngw f ` _in the courts_of _the United jStates,jor.° to or included in any val.ul’applxcat1on, claimz ‘or:r§li1t imtuatecljor under any of_tl1e existmg avsjs of the _ or until such ap? 1cat10n, · gllaun, or mgggag;·e11nqu;s1ie<l1é;>1rf;:uuee1}4iq,,_and el} lan S gin the délmn me sx- °§§‘§°?' vita ¤0t§t;’i§rii$’ct¤ti tiZ%· ¥S$n€§.’§2%‘°§F S%€1l*`é2 iiéiii ·»· M M- or constrtuled tg;incr€0ase€hdiminish,£»rl%1il'ect therights Stat§s_u1§d§r g§?·.S?' xiii grantso er an ‘r esup We commonorf u 'csc oo y· numbered school sections in’pl);cFe, and this1Act sgall yapggy to mdemmty or lieu selections or exchanges or the right he fter to select indemnity for numbered school sections in lace lost to the State under the Erovlsions of thisor other Actsyang all existin Grgmms ;s=·;¤édz<>y- laws governing) suc grants and indemnity or lieu selectionsang iaosxigi min. m exchanges are ereby continued in force and effect. ` Approved, January 25, 1927. E. ; ` 0HAP.‘58.-—An Act Making appropriations for the Treasury and- Poet Illia? Oiiice Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928, and tfor other lP¤b¥i¢» N¤- 571-1 TITLE rsrnmsunv DEPARTMENT _ ‘ ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentawveabl "the _ U nited States of America in 0'mtgreaa aseembZedyz?'l"hat’tbe follofwing sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- ' wisehpglropriated, for the Treasury Department fore thaiiscaleyear ending une*30, —1B28,& namely: = v ~ E iw; ,r¤).i . t»*» OFFICE or THE ·SECRETARYi H Salaries: Secretary. of the $15i(l00l·e of the Treasury, $10i000;.three; Secretaries of the  :”3‘?”‘”““"&li" d and otherpersonalrsservilnesevrn the Dxdsrictnuf Colunxbxaruxt _

·thet(Dla.smiicatron;tAet.0fc1*9Q3,2$125,000;—1ngd1; $1>§0,0QQ: P I _

P¢1<w2d¤d» The? ¤¤ e¤¤¢¤si¤sv~¤£;>=·:1r;;·¤¤¤r¤¤¤·¤·i=1>¤¤·¤¤¤¤»=¤f#=¤p1>¤¤- priat1ons_conta1ned·—m·th1s· grit ref Clasguguwug ` -> L Y`.} < ‘ .Z— , ’ { {ll ` K: 1i{2e“`§€i"e;3“’°‘t%3*;°m.g¤°““”2¢’*I‘»;?°¤‘$’iE.»?§‘8°°4?'€$; me1°]§“°.]m»¤°1l‘Z‘£ °` persons_unde’r any grade in any bureau, oiiice, or other s%·op1*i§bikSn __ I L mut~shaBgno12ratV<an§;t1me·ex¢>eed the average: ofgythew pensatlon H my Om mania §s;spec1iiecl;:f01; t bg; sucl]i.Act(;fand~1;nt·grades smut. ymoneepositjnnxis ' oca ` · esa a1*yY =suo emot exceed the average of the compensation rates for __Mmm_mK wha that in u:nus11i»lly~_msritori01zs. rofrone position a Ve my uenmouéeuer advances may be madeto rates- lngher thanthe average of the eom~ §;.i’*““wr°“”"‘§‘t§* ‘£§1g`2%d€£4”“§st“t“rgts “‘°'° l ‘i“‘°‘}»““'?iz,?»”°¢§t‘fe~;‘£ ·>»m‘?‘°°=l·--‘?“"‘“ V. :811 ODS ¤ `TIIV! :1382,-02) ' ‘_ restriction shalb not apply (·1·)=tosgradcs 1; 2, 3; and 4*ofl tli,e·cleri·ea1•» Tlgmi md mechanical serviee, or (2)—to.require¤the reduction in salsry o£ésn' ,,;,§,,,_ °“ “ person whose compensation was fixed, as of July 1, 1924; in · V°*·*’·¤’- “°°~