Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1154

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1114 s1x·rY-N1NTH CONGRESS. sus. II. Gs. wv. 1927t recruiting pgrties; of appégcants fo; enlistment between _ _ stations an ~ -recrui ·' pots- o necessary- te so p.g5S§§PS£i“‘ d°` employeeaé inoluding§ieir·trayh•lixi‘g expenee•·_-0;. dependents ef °“§°”“ ‘°3£‘e‘i';.“§.i`d“°*i;'2‘””§'*“&i1’aas"”‘.“ii‘§“°”“.pta· ‘°°i$.¥'&°£§$R an persons . m am ia e thereto fromathe 'taryteervice, to ztheir homes iorelaewhene as ggyémmol they may elect)t;mP ;IBI;'lt:a8£;he bi greater to V istmen -. ‘ nipmea ·an s of funds for the~Ar¥ny;‘f0r·t}w purchase¤o1irconatrnetign, mt exi>eed· B°°“·°*°~ ing $8’]a,gm],¢lIli'B1!Iti0Zl1,`!$P8I‘Il3;0;l, and repiairgf boats and other vessels- orvhar£age‘ , ·tolla,an s- ermages· r~ ayagean eartagef wm . lion theipuncliaseycsmaniufactme ‘(·inc1uding’both»· material and labor): pacra¤iS’st-,d”.R°a'°°° maintenance; hire,·and repair of packsaddles and harness; for the purchase #hire,*operation,s maintenance, and repair of carts, drays, otbervehicles, and liorse-drawn and motonpmpel ·p¤sen· ‘ r-c•rrymg‘· ' ·vehicles A\1i1'0d' fonthewranspertation ci troops and gdp lies an dor garrison pu · for nrchase T ¤·¤ “*‘§‘ii“°*’°‘t‘* 2Q§" *’°‘$;?%‘n""°* "‘°‘“£ ,.2i?§it".§“°"‘ ,H,“"" °"’f“°§’,; `ce anime. _ · , r tra V owanoes o — men

-if bnldischirgegitd ‘0Lloers of National Guard ondischarge :from·Fed-

vaiezlplmi. eral service ,as—g1·eeeribed· inthe Act of.Marchi2, 190 ; tn enlisted men of Nations Guardon dischar Federal- servi¤e,·as re- Marsalis amendatory Act of 1922; andtomemgers £—the»Nati >nwl:Guard.’who<hav·e " Fmusterediinto Fedenalzservice mm t M ml and gud cnaccount oivphysical disabilitiwgtin alle $14,688,252}, zmdioriseen, imma of which amountinot exceeding $ ,000,00Q:shall» immediately avail- d”’ Y ’“““"‘“· able ‘forFthe‘·p1·ocurement· and ransportationcf fuel fortthe service, of Mm rmmthhhmlmrlmi wait 1rac¤§1ia1ite"d assi Q 1i ir eum.° V omaney appropria y t is · ‘ expen orit e ire, ` ti " maintenance- or re air of ¤an motor-propelled- vehicle gghifch ghtllibe wholly or-in pdyrtzfor personal, social, or sumlar use,fex§ept such use as isprescribgd by .ot1i1detrh for the porjtationl o ·_ personne in on wi p e recre on

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be for the purchase gautier-propellled vehiel/Sis fort e* yext - t atrare pure use so rexperimen puugoeee, yr any ofisuchl be used gn- the ipurcharssi 1;; exc an nioret an one un r twenty- ve motor- ro ~ passen§·-carrying vehicles (at a cost not toexceed $1,800 each, including the value of a vehicle exchanged) for the Army in execs of those that arepiirchased solelyifor experimental purposes. H°”°'· noasns AIl0lt"·GAVAI.Ri1`,—AR'!'l1iliEhY, arm eo P¤¤¤¤¤¤·>- ¤¤¤· ·.For the of horses sex and size to be prescribed by the Secretary of War for remoudts {hr oilicers entitled to p1ublic·mounts,>for the United States Military Academy, and forsuc organizations and members of the militugaservice as may·be’requined·to~be¤1nounted, and for allexpenseso-inci nt to such bkgiggpiigigzpgggagf p;u~chda·ses·§$i(;1ciuding¢§)150é)·ll0 5101- Xnceuragement of the breeding "’° o ri ing wrses santa e r e‘- rmy in coo ration with the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department’of A.g!'lP<:11tHN,;iD0l\iY}iHg 8 the purchase of ganimals for breeding purpgsee and their mainte- Numbeiximmc. nance), $504,750: Provided,~That the `nnm r of horses purchased t , underthis appropriation shall be limited to the actual needs df the c,fjggf* ‘”‘*'k°° P“’· mounted service, including reasonable provision for remounts; _When practicable; horses shall b;£urcliased in open market at all military posts or stations, when n d, within a maximum price to be fixed y the Secretary of War: Provided further, That no part of this