Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1187

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sus. II. CH. 168. 1927. 1].47 orncn or wuz vxcm rxxswsxr mX"’° *"°"d°°°'· °'· Salaries: Secretary to the Vice President, $4,200; assistant clerk, 5***-'°°**'Y wd °*** $2,080; clark, $1,940;‘gsssistamt clerk, $1,830; in all, $10,050. éHAPLAIN_ " ’ C“°°‘**°· For Chaplain, $1,520. " omcm or mm sncxmumr S°°'°‘°"'°°“’°•· Salaries: Secrets of the Sc1mte,,including·c0m usation as dis- S°°‘°°“"· “““‘·’°'*“*· bursing officer of sigrios of Scnatarsxmd of coutingeont fund of the dmhm Senate, $6,500; Assxstant Secretary, Henry M. Bose, $4,500; chief clerk, who shall perform the duties cf na.di¤g.c1erk,_ $5,500; timm- cinl clerk, $5,000;apri1Icipal clerk, $8,420;-nsaastsnt financial clerk, $4,200; mimlfv *111 J<>¤!'!1|} Gléfk; $+,200; Iogislmtivmclexzk, $3,150; librariqn, $8,000* enrolling clerk, $3,150;..p1·inting clerk, $3,000; executive clerk,fé2,890; B10 clerk, chief bookkocpor, and assistant Jourm.1 clerk, ¤t¤$2,880 ‘o•ch; first assistant librarian, and keeper , of stationc , $2380 each; assistant librarian, $2,150; skilled laborer, $1,520; clerzs-·¢h1*2e at $2;880 each; one at $2,590, one at $2,460, one at $2,100, one at $1,800, one at $1,7 70; assistant. keeper of. stationery, $2,360; assistant in stationery room, $1,520; messenger in library, $1,310; ia.1 officer, $2,150; assistant in library, $1,520; laborers- foui atsg;7149 ouch, two at $1,010 each, one in stationery room, $1,440; in all, $102,620. — DOCUMENT ROOM Document room. Salaries: Superintendent, $3,600; first assistant, $3;000;" second ,S“*°°“”°°°d°“°· °°°· assistant, in lieu of employee heretofore paid under Senate Resblu- tion Numbered 90,52,400; two clerks, at $1,7 70 each; skilled laborer, $1,520; in s.11,}$14,060. ‘ ‘ ‘ comezmwmz murmrms °°‘“m“°°° °’°'*’· Clerks and mcssen ers to the followin committzesz Agiiculture B§§§"·’d, ““ig¤d¤ mm;] and Forcstryeclerk, §3,300; assistant c1er§,iu_1iau of employee here- §¤i¢¤¤¤¤· M 00 tofore paid under Senate resolution, $2,500; _8SSiSt8.Ht_(2].61‘k) $2,150; assistant clerk, $1,830; additional clerk, $1,520. ,Appr6p1·1atio1is-— clerk, $6,000* assistant clerk $3,300; clerk, ‘$3;O0G·__t;hr%¢ assistant clerics, at $2,700 eiicix; two assistant qlerksz at $2;10d}; messenger, $1,520. To Audit and Control the Coutxxiganb of the Senate-—c1erk, $3,300,; assistant c1erkb$1,94Q; assistant clerk, $1,830; additional clerk, $1,520. Banking amd l11'1‘6HQ%é—·C1€l‘k5 $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,150; two assistant clerks, at $1, 0 exch. Civil Service-—c1crk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $1,940; assistant clerk, $1,830; additional clerk, $1,520. Claims-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,5'l—0; assiqygnt clerk, $2,360; two assistant clezks, at $1,830 each.

 $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,590;__p,s3istant__cIerk,

$2,150,·_a.ssist.h;1i: clerk, $1,830. ` Conference Minority of the Senate- clerk, $3,309; assistagt clerk, $2,150; two clerks, at Sl,830 eachy District of Columbia-clerk, $3,300· i·e$id&mt’ assistant clerk, , in lieu of emgloyee heretofore paid undext Sahita res0luti0n,V$2,50O; assistant cler , $2,480;_assist,u,nt c1en7k,$1,830; additional clerk, $},520. Education and Lqbor—clerk $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,150; assxstnnt Chyk, $1,830; additional cletix, $1 520. Enrolled Bills-clerk; $3,300; assistant clerk, $1,940; assistant clerk, $1,830; additional cle1*k,$1,520. Expenditures in the Executive De artments-=clark, $3,300; assistant clgrk, $2,150; assistant clerk, §1,830; additional clerk, $1,520. F1H8HC€——C18Pk, $3,600; special assistant to the committee, $3,150;