Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1199

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SIXTY-NINTH comnnss. sm. 11. cu. ies. mv. 1159 For extra services of employees and additional employees imder ingmd-¤Y» °°°·· °¤°¤· the Librarianto provide for the opening of the Library Building ` on Sundays and on legal holidays, at rates to be fixed by the Librarian,$3,740. · < ~* . ~¢ ··: A. i. For special and temporary servicesiniconnection with the custody, T°“‘°°'“"’°""°°’· care, xand maintenance of the Library —Bui1ding,e including extra special services of negular. employees at the discretion of the Librarian, at rates to be iixedfbly the Librarian, $500. _ For mail, ‘ delivery, und.`te éphone. services, stationery, misoel- I“°"’°“”’“°“’°°’°‘· laneous supplies and all other incidental expenses in connection with the custody and maintenance of the Library iBuilding,: $7,O(I)4 _ _Eor any expense of? the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board T““°F‘“"’ B°°‘d‘ not properly chargeable to the income 1of any trust fund. held by theb0ard,$500. · ~¥·'.·.·¤i.*— ,¤ » — · ~. ,- GOVERNMEN'13 PRINTING OFFICE » i - · im§ggg{_g{¤•=¤= Pm ii · ·· M` =¤;‘ .·. V 3 '. 1 · 1

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To provide the Public Printer with a working ca ital for the fol~» ,,,§§{““‘ ******1 P"? lowing p·urpoeesrfor,.the.·exeouti0n of printing,rbim£ing,~ lithograph ing, mapping, engraving, and otheri authorized work of the Gov- ernment, _rintin§) Oiliee or the various branches of the Governmentr Publi Pd De For sdlaries oft public Printer, $7,500, #tnd»Deput’y Public Printer, mii emliemiemeg $5,000; for- salaries, 0Hice·_0f,the Public Printer, inwaoeordanee with: · the Classification Act of ,1923,:not to exceed.$143,953, ,and‘ for the Dm Bd t purpose of; conforming to section -3iof this,Aot, this sum shall be. mi. m ° °°°°”° considered a separate unit; for salaries, compensation, or wages of ell. m necessaryroilicers and employees additional to those herein appro-, priated for, including employees necessary to handle master paper. andcondemned material! orisale; ite enable the Publiel?rinter ·toi ¤¤¤d¤>’¤- complyrwithmhe provisions, of law, rantiuig holidaysfand Executive orders granting holidays andwhelf golidnys with pay to employeeu to. enable the Publ.ic.Printer to complywith-·the vpmvisuons-oct. I’°°‘"*"°'“°’°“°°‘ law granting thirty; days’ annual leave to emtpkgyees ·wit~hi pay;. rentstafuel, gaspbeat, electric» current,. gps an i ectric ciixturesg C U bic cies, mo or-propelled vehicles for t e carriage of printing °° °°°°°""°"”°°" and, printing supplies, and the maiuteua11ee,‘repain, and operation , of the same, to be usedonlyfor official purposes, including purchase, ~ exchange, operation, repair, and maintenance of motowpmpelled pas-· senger-carrying vehicles fortoilicial H86 of the officers of the Govern- ment Printing Otlipe when in writing ordered by the Public iléfrintzsr (not_ eX¢¢¤diI{g.$£,00O) ififeigllig cfipressage, telegraph and telephone serviceyfurniture, t?BW1'1t61:$1—ID carpetsytraveling expenses; sta.-; tionery, postage, an advertising; directories, technical books, and books of reference (not exeeedi $500) subscriptions for which may be, aid. in adv¤noe;¤!i§*numbering machines _time.stemps, . ~ andp other machines of similar character; machinery; (not exceeding m§”§§f§",c‘{“’· °““"* $200 000) ; equipment, and for repairs to machinery, implements, an ’ buildings, and for minor alterations to buildings; Rbwsssryi equip· ment, maintenance, and supplies for the emergency room for the use of all employees in theiGovernment Printing {lice who may be taken suddenly ill or receive injury while on duty; other necessary con- tingent and miscellaneous items authorized by the Public Printer: mm Promkled, That inks, glues, and other supplies manufactured by the Fummilns mwa Government Printing Oilice in connection with its work may be fur- ‘°D°"“"°‘°°"·°‘°· nished to departments and other establishments of the Government A upon requisition, and payment made from appropriations available: therefor; for expenses authorized in writing by the Joint Committee I°’¥’°°“°°· on Printing for the inspection of printing and binding equipment;