Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1480

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1440 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Suas. II. Gu. 509. 1927. oaseiof default to sell any such securities suilieient to pay compensa» tion awardsor to bring suit upon such bonds, to procure prompt payment; of compensation under this Act. Any employer securing compensaktlion in accsoixisiance with the provisions of this paragrap ` ll be own as —insurer. _ ,i,‘{,"]"“‘°'*"°*°°°°°°" Smzb) In granting aslithoriisgtign to {ny carrier to insure tpgyment froompemltion un er·,t ` ct t ercommiscionj ma e» into gennderiatione the recommendation of { any; State authdritymhiaving supervision over/carrierecor over wcrlunen s compensation, may ,,0,,,,,,, ,,,,,,»,,,, authvwim My ce.rr,ier_to insure the payment of compensation under ¤¤¤¤¤·¤- in territory., uhny mar1ne.tpmteoti‘c;1n in emm wm u insurance corpora on or assccia ion au or to write iissumnee against liability forrloes or damage frbmdpersonal injury and .dea;h;han<g r5til;)en°bmezi:xpd0ldacx{11$;_ inci fental to or.1Ix.1‘¢¤P6di. 0. e · pen. o vessels on·,a mutual assessment dplan, _slia be deeinod a gualiiilid carrier to insure compensation un er this Act. The commission may suspend , or revoke any such authorization. for good cause shown after a hearing at which the carrier shall be entitled to be heard in person or b counsel and to present evidence. No sugpension or revocation shali aifect the liability of any carrier alrea y incurred. ¤¤ia°i°”°ib’°°°°°° oonqnissarxois ron rmwams wrmun rman reasons ,,.¢t'i°.t°`ii.’i,‘i`§*'?3tt {xiii Sno`. '(Ua) If on account of_`a disability or death for which '*°‘· compensation ip payable 1;§d€r,this,Act thelgrsoéil entiltiled to such compensation, etermmes. a some person er _an t e em lo er is lieblem _<i¤;¤¤¤s¤¤,hi¤¤ .¤¤¤y·¤1¤<>¢¤¤. y smug;w¤<>¤ w the &piity commissioner in suc_ manner as the commission may provide, to receive such compensation or to- recover damages against such third . aon.._ _  » e p$£::i:§i°éi:l;°?:i°¤z¤¤i PTH) Acceptance of such coxpipensation shall operate as an §§”,,,_ " °m assignment to the employer of right of the person entitled to compensation to recover amages against such third person, whether or not the pe1·sEo1l;1e1;|i;t;led to compensation has notified the deputy m§)'g•$,gm*;*nm¤g?¤¤* C (c) Tigangragmmi oflsucii compensation into the fund established P¤·¢.i>.m4. section 44 shall operate as an assignment to the employer of all

of the legal, representative of the deceased (hereinafter referred

to as “ representative ") to recover, against such third person, whethep lpir raot tthe representative notified the deputy commissioner o s e ec ion. xigxeiirmz d an _ (d) Such employer on account of such assignment may either institute proceéi {pr dthe recovelpy of such damages or may compromieeiwi {suc t ir person eit er without or after instituting such proceeding. ..¤i)¤iiiiii»i¤i°e`$:.i».`ii` °! (e) Any amount recovered by such employer on account of Such assignment, whether or not as the result of a compromise, shall be E I b _m_ distributed as follows: ‘ ohm. ’ §1) The employer shall retain an amount eriual to- ""°"‘°"’““ Az. TM eszasussrdmby *2.%* are »°*:m’* crass orco pom _r_ aea rneys eeasermm Benefits furnished thq uty i I $10nGr)· ·· • ,m),,;J,;:1m’ cm(};)_ m pi! 'Ibeneiits actually furnished by to the .,,,,’},'{§,,,,_"F,:,‘_ " HFC) ’,Allginount§1paid as compensation, apld the present value gg a amoun pays e as compensation suc present val to computed in accordance with a scheduleiprepared b ` the coriitinission, and the amounts so computed to be retained gy the employer as a trust fund to pay such compensation as it becomes due and