Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1488

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1448 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cn. 510. 1927. “¥”¤°¤¤’°¤ P°¤°*¤¢ char classification, re lation, or ractice· v and cpendi such Mum` hear§3g and the decisiongtlhereon the gimmission, upon lilillii with such ° schedule and delivering to the carrier or carriers aifected thereby a statement in writing of its reaspnstfor such sugiension mzgrfrom time to time susgn the operation of such sche ule and Pmodmendul de _the use of such rate, re, charge, classification, reigation, or md dcwmmmm practice, but not for a lcgger period than seven months yond_the time when it would othe ISO go into effect; and after full hearing, whether completed before_ or after _the rate, fare, charge, classifica- tion, regulatron, or_pract1ce_ goes mto eiect, the conumssion may makesuch order with reference thereto as would be proper in a Ch“'“° °°°°°i"‘ initiated after itvhad become effective. If the proceeding has not _ een concluded and an order made within the period o suspension, the proposed change of rate, fare charge, classification, Mud if 1 d regulation, or practice shall go into effect at the en. of suqh period; was many ami- but 1n case of _a proposed mcreased rate or charge for or in respect ‘°"'°°· to the `transportation of fproperty,`.the commission may by order Eequilre itlre;1 interested O8.l.’1'l:c!.;1 og carriers· · accurate accoupt in eta` ‘o la amounts recei reason o ` __ ‘increase,‘ i ying by whom and in whose behalflsuch amounts are paid, upon com letionof the hearing and decisionemay by further order require B . . . . . the interested carrier or carriers to refund,‘w1th“1nterest, to the persons in whose behalf such amounts were paid such portion of B d u { mm W such increased rates 0r_charges as by its decision shall be _found not msgrmiisgsgs oi is. justified. At any hearmginvclviug a rate, fare, or charge increased g¥g;’j°°° '°°°°· °“ °“‘ after January1,1910, or of a rate, fare, or charge_ sought to be increased afterpthe passage of this Act, the burden of to show that thelnereased _rate, are, or charge or pgoposed increased rate, mmm to thm fare, orschargjeyis and reasonableishalt upon the carrier, and cm, the oommlssion s all give the hearrng an decision of such ggcestions preference over all otheruuestions pending before it and M mmm M ideitlie same as spwdil as `ossib eQ” V V image. Y S20; 3. Paragraphs (11; andl (12) ofsection,"20jof the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, are amended to follows: ,mR§°§§,§‘§f,&$j§§,",$' ‘° "(11) That any c¤mmo¤,_cai·r;ei=, ‘railroad,`, or transportation Egg, $1. v- 1197- company subject to the provisxons of thisAct receiving property for ' transportation from aipoint in one State or Territory or the District ` * of Columbia: to a point in another_ State, Territory, District of Columbia, or from any point in the Jmted States to a point 1n an adjacent fore1gn*country shall issue a recei t orzbill of lading ,0,Ij‘;§“" *° h°‘°" therefor; and shall liable to fthe lawful hdldeif',thereofl_for any loss, damage, or intury to such property causedgby it orpby any com1non·carr1er,_ra1 road, or transportation company to wh1ch suc property may delivered orover whose line or _inesfs·ichQproperty may pass’ within the United States_or’·withii1‘a!i.`adjacent foreign country when transported on ‘a through bill er lading, and no ,_,,§%§,,,,j§,‘f,Q'f*;§‘? by contract, receipt rule, regulation, or other limitation ct ahry-character umm? mr mu whatsoever, s exempt such common carrier, railroa , or trans- mu.; im, sa. portation company from the liability hereby imposed; and any_such common earner, railroad, or transportation company so receiving proper;} for trangportation from a point lll one State, Territoiy, or t e istrict of_ lumbia to a 'Fouit m another State or,Terr1tory, or from a point in a State or V erritory a point in the Distrlct of Columbm, or from any point in the United States to a point in an adjacent foreign country, or for transportation wholly within a Territory, or any common carrier, railroad, or transportation companydélivering saidproperty so received and trans orted, shall be liable to the lawful holder of said receipt or bill of lading or to any party entitled to recover thereon, whether such receipt or bill of lading has been issued or not, for the full actual loss, damage,