Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1721

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iconv D•domou(o£B¤¤¤;m,·Juu¢orD•ponmm¢—— has Izadomomo P•••· sppmpeietton, lor` all expenditurer pproprieti n, Io: cost. fi operating _ elects of em: 957 1 , Q levee), etctzagl .Col§n?:*!§i¥|r, ‘ * { »‘L;-sa>L-e-:av.··#-·»·•-·- " ‘ UBIPFITO ·* damggestoprepe:ty.e-----ooo.- . 957 -, _Ca1i£,,,t-,,.-;—n.7,¤or-.-r .... 485 medical servieeefor ollpbyeesr - - - 957 for¤.¢tstenr¤ai1ne devel- edvenees for operation, etc., avail- .7 7 7 7.opmentof arid,ew ,•nd;o¤t- r 5 7 •Ne:..,o..--._.».o--c--, .... » .... 7957 over timberland; 485 extension 0f_tune allowed for psy-· dencienen ep “on 7 for gig unpaid maintenance,. etc., 479 r Ptmttiei project, 7 con- In —• ·---——- ·-•··—·-------— B C OD,€ ,...;--;..--...`----- also o 'd· oonstru ti f Y knnai irrigeti rcoi ...... _ 175

1181286, blyugnfrligstiou distliicttg, fg; Bxise project, I(:l!;§0----o ...... ` 855

cte-.n.-rr:-..·o-;. .,.. #.-..4 479, 958 1'orYunui project, Aria.-Celif....;--.n 857 sums for not for Yuma project, Colorado River available until con_ ts made Jronesand levee work...-----.;J-» 857

 il!1'§$\0¤ dlltnots, etc., for for R., B. Diemer .,.....,.. ---..,.-- 857

paying construction chimes, op- for Columbin Bp•ininve•ti?Aions.-- , 857 _ erntlnggettic. ...... ._-.-o--o .... 479 annual authorisation iorfron work on irngble ds in pnvato owner- Coloredo ,·Biver· adjacent to S D in excess of 160 acres to be o Yuma protiect,.Ariz. and Calif,- 1021 appmieedecdsclde ........ i-- 479 Commioeioner v be exceselands to meoeive no water, if  ; by the Preident; owner refuse to sell, etc ........ 479, eee,. - -. ...,. 7,-. .._, ,,_ 657 limitation on right to receive water engineers may be employed-tor consul- , until payment of charges, etc,- - a 479 libtloll On lens of prcpoeeddemn . charges to be mid annually ...... 480 iw vumues ......... 776 public notice when water available, ‘1“$**“°***°‘*"• °°mP°¤N·U0¤» 6@¢—--· ·· 7 776 qw ___________ ,_ ____ L ________ 480 H {shred Army oflicors elig1ble....r-..:- 776 opproprietion fn} examination and ln- 958 ° °:`§}§°k:‘ ri°’· { Y"} 'v spectxon projectsu- - .; ...... - · _ ¤ for operation, construction of desig- R,,d,,ma,;n°m;:‘“Qj °t°°' ‘ "‘ ‘ ’ "°T '°°'“`‘ 4% 971 Mwg P!`°j;(’§:ju,S“u’ Ri‘Y°*`· Ad'- 480 appropriation for allexpenditura ot- 478, 957 gglmé Ang '“·r -———-·- — —-——- gg.? expenses of Blni! 7 an ................, _ , 7 ’ ’ - 5 · gpg; ’v·¤·7y. gg 7 7 .-------- gg, gg , {;,,.o°‘“"“o Lo“"‘o; ........ T TT? 754 Boioo, iiongj .... IIIIZZZZZZZ 480; oss p“"“°“*,O,fn‘°“;,, °*§{’B0“‘°*’*“'wd°,¤,'j"‘,,‘,f,Qf 1} Kes Hub. 7 ° ---—--——-—·————— *80 www between price paid %"“‘g°k”B}d“;‘°· --·—---—--——— fig? gg? and reappreisal vo1oo.7- ; - ..... 708 R11 Oh .... _ _...._,, __ ’ ‘ 7 · gmkR§;,y;ér’hg,02, ____ _ ________ gg? gg ¤·¤¢¤·~¤¤·••7 Pw£t·;?•¤f§ <••¤7_ ¤¢•·_ Imation un __-—---_-·_-- • > ’ i ` ) r»1g;¤»b_k ’Y¢¤°$’w·¤»¤¤. 7 M¤¤t7;8,’ 959 appmpiil1‘m:gri°:ul1%nqh;£zt$*?•T.opmew":1(t · 4 -————--—»—~-——~——-- of- ..... - ......,....... - sca, 980 North Platte Nebr.—Wyo ...... 482l 959 , uw N " " and " www No .,---.:-~»----, mi M9 °°”“- ii€n§§,“‘““’o.m‘ 5.%;,. o.,¤£‘2f Spanish springs Division, New- Arm epmiwti; __ ‘ ‘ ’ 212 C_*;k¤}g¤_aN,gv-ME} -—-—-——·-·—- #@83 gig A lands i¤,‘m¤%¤—{·d lu xiii: GQAQBKEAEQ mo §r¤¤£d¤; N7 Méx7-777>7Z77, ggg to .... ‘}‘}*f‘Zif€’€.‘Z‘1`i'f*fi;"°‘r,.":** ooo & -·-—•;-·--»••••·••·• I ` So? ¤·¤i·»%¤¤ von --·--,-» 77 4847 M 7 7 Sh°°h°i}>:’¤1¤w¢iYo°oL¤y1°nd‘.;.-?ZKm. T.? no Okwozeo W¤¥,l=-—-- --—--—— *8% 960 Interior tion Act ro? 1928 Ylkimi, whs]!- ............. , 484, 960 w V 7 1253

 Division.   W“h- 48‘· gm · · sum authorised Ja 

Riverton, gyo- - ; ..... v ;; .... , 484, 960 on- · M MQ sm Indian. Shoshone; yo- .............. 484, 900 in “ mo Griédo b0mw_ {or weterstorege reservoir sifeeonv 4 envy . ot N. Mex;---;7--- 1098 . Truckee River ........ e ....... 959 Reeoinqgq of GK _ and Coins, for »ee0ndery.pmjecta;=.. - -· ..,.. —- 484, 960 nppmprhtion Tor- . ...... , ....... 140, 1031 for- iovooepuooo oo . to economic · BMW of D- 07. conditions, iintzncinb feasibility; ‘ “Pf°*:£g’·°§°¤ °r (Im? Nut ----•-- 423• o °“K&}Y§»¤1K$;;imo£¢I»§`£$`n.8* gm d gg ¤<>¤¤¤z¤¤¢ <¤=¤>¤¤?·§ZZ ’ won xi:wooooo·roi· one progoom- .... ecs, ceo _ ° ° °'¥:,l¥i;_P;·§"°P’****°¤ °* *YP°‘ 847 limitation of allotments to speeiiic "employou m` '6éQ,;' `5f;"'élj£‘j,];“};. ' v~i¤¤¢¤7 ¤*¤ --———--—---- , ---- 4857 960 7 retirement undo general Act"- ooo interchangeable eppropriations, {ees, etc., oi oi!ic•, to. be paid w limit; emergency flood to collector oftaxea for dew ew ............-.-.--..-- S 485, 960 7 no more or the Demo: in the use of motor vehicles for travel Treasury .................. --- 322 etc.; allowance for .......... 485, 960 retention for unpaid obligations .... - 322 43892°-27-—-108