Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/21

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. H1 Pan Waluridd Va. re lim Geer s Washi on’s birthplace. An Act Granting the consent of Cohgrese topthe gakedeld Nationrxgthdemoria Association to build, upon Government- owned land at Wakefield, Westmoreland County, Virginia, a rgpllca of the house in · which George Waehin n was born, and for other purposes. une 7, 1926 ........ 899 Right of way, Monterey, Cali;. An Act Authorizing the Secretariygof War to convgiy certain portionsof the military reservation at Monterey Californ , to the city of ontercy, California, for street pu ses. June 7, 1926--' ................................ 699 Navy, sus-pflus lands. A? Act? {E12 &uthorlze the disposition of lands no longer neededfor 700 nav uxgcees. une .........................*..~... ~ .......»....... Public buildixg, onora, Pa. lin Act To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to accept a title to a site for the post oliice at Donors, Pennsylvania, which excepts and reserves natural gas and oil the land. oune 8, 1926 ......................~... 702 Public buildi Boise, Idaho. An ct Providinggor the conveyance of certain 1and_to the cg.;6ot?§oise, Idaho, and from the city of ise, Idaho, to the United States. June 8, 703 1 ..,,....... - ........... .. ........................... - - ..,.............. Military Academy, department of economics, etc. An Act To establish a department of economics, overnment, and history at the United States Military Academy, at West Point, NewgYork, and to amend chapter 174 of the Act of Cou%§ae of Apri 19, 191C, entitled "An Act making aggropriations for the support of the ilitary Ace lemy for the iiscal year ending June , 1911, and for other purposee." June 8, 1926 ........ 703 New York City st ojics. An Act to authorise and empgwer the Secretary of the Treasury to accepra corrective deed to certain real estate the city of New York for the use of the new post-otllce building. June 8, 1926 ...........i..................._.. 704 Army, Enlisted Reserve Corps. An Act To amend section 55 of the National Defense Act June 3, 1916, as amended, relating to the Enlisted Reserve June 8, 1926 .... 704 Army, details to schools, etc. An Act To amend the National Defense ct of June 3, 1916, as

 so as to pgranggghe Secretary of War to detail enlisted men to educational __05

x x u ons. une , ....~.......l - ....................... - ............. » Public ébiglding, Oshkosh, Kia. fn Act ’l£é:onvey to the city of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, certain 705 vernment pro y. une 8, 1 .......... . ................ - ............. . Bridge, Chattahoochee An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Georgia- Florlda Bridge Company, to construct a toll bridge across the Chattahoochee River at or near Neale Landing in Seminole County, Gec 'a. June Y, 1926 ............ 706 Public lands, Kaysvills, Calif. lin Act Granting certain brig to the city of Kaysville, Utah, ' to protect the watershed of the watezwuppl system o! said city. June 8, 1926 ..... 707 Public laa:id;LN£dt:.0f4§1 Act To ;uthogizf9%n£ exchange of lambs between the United States 708 an e ev une , .............................. - ..... ..-- Bowdoin, Mont., town site lots. An Act Authorisinirepayment of excess amounts ggsid by , purchasers of certain lots in the town site of owdoin, Montana. June 8, 1 6 ..... 708 Public nds New Mexico. ~ An Act To authorise the Secretary of the Interior to issue apatents for lands held under color of title. June 8, 1026 ......................... 709 Natur izxvgon, gamtnsra. An itct $01 éajgend and supplement the naturalization laws, 709 an or o er purposes. une , .... - ............_.................... --- Private land grants deposits. An Act Relating to ggéatents issued pursuant to decrees ol the Court of Private Land‘Claims. June 8, 1 V ............._._.___._ 710 Hawaii, indebtedness. An Act To amend so much of section 55 of the Hawaiian Organic jtet ag gmuexnded by the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, approved July 9, 921. 7 une , .................. - ...................................... - ...... 10 Right oL)way, livestock station, Montana. An Act To authorise the Secretary of Agriculture extend and renew for the term of ten years a lease to the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Compan of a tract of land in the United States Department of Agriculture Range Livestoci Experiment Station, in the State of Montana, and for a riglht of way to said tract, for the removal of gravel and ballast material, executed under t e authority of the Act of Congress axproved June 28, 1916. June 9, 1926-- 711 McLennan County, Tex., public highwalgz An Act uthorising and directinlg the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to Mc nnan County, in the State of exas, the sum of $9,403.42 compensation for the appropriation and destruction of an im ved public road gaming thxotxaglx the military camp at Waco, Texas, in said countyggthe Governmen of the Unl States. June 9, 1926 .-------- ‘ ----.---------________ _ 711 Rocky Mountain National Park Colo. An Act To eliminate certain privatel owned lands from the Rocky Mountain National Park and to transfer certain other lands from the Rocky Mountain National Park to the Colorado National Forest, Colorado. June 9 1926 ------ .. -.-.-------..----.----.--------------------- - ---- - 712 Pea Riggs, éilgk., bgruto jtdd. A;t1'gg6provide for the inspection of the battle Held of 5 ea ` ge, . une , .-------.---.-------..-------------..----.- 71 N ew M cxico, amendment to constitution. Joint Resolution Giving and granting consent to an amendment to the constitution of the State of New Mexico providin that the moneys derived from the lands heretofore granted or confirmed to that Sgate b Congress may be apportioned to the several objects for which said lands were granted or con- firmed in proportion to the number of acres granted for each object, and to the enact- Enent gf laws and regulations as may be necessary to carry the same into elfect. 715 une , .--.... --.-.. ..-........-..--...--.-..--...- .. .-..--.-......---.-