Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/298

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25*} SIXTYENINTH GONGRESS. I. CH. 14.6. li}26.

 "‘ I  ’ PAYAII   R¥HB1ED·81‘iTUB.¢ FOI pay of tho 0mC€!Z8 ,0ll

- . themtired h$*e¤$6»Q‘}•9•923—._s w »-. 1 . i . . · 0******* **1- _ .~_]¤`,on ingrqsedyepay, tp, {Bl21l'Bd 00`l<¤$1'B_0¤ RCHY6 duty. $21%*70- "°“*°•°°°· ’ !F<>r.p¤y¤¤f r¤t·u·ed.e¤l¤.w>¤. _ . . ... » °¤ •°*"·°¤**· dl3¤r$¤;¤6:f)•&S¢4—-my wl ¤1l¤wa¤¢<>s.<>f vewced ¤¤h¤t¤d wm <>¤ active u . P" °1"k"‘ B%r pay of retired. pay clerks., $7 500. ., ` V°°”""'”‘“" For pay of retiredhveterinarians, 03,570.. .»n%°i°¤°32{.f:;t;°€¤'$£.lZ.l§ Pl|·¥¥Q!7€ARHY·FIBI·D£}I•ERK#’AND ¤mr··smmw.1azss1¤1~r¤nas xrnxw- °°‘*’“'°“· · QUAMHB OF wmnvronun mraarmnurs, corre arms, Amr am conrs nnwquanmns rmnrroaxn. ms·rmc·rs mcmcax. fm cm d mvxsxoxs nm nueanm, snavrca ecnoots, snare nam roms dr ammun- ,.,,.§,,,_ "“' m"' Amon nm nmanxymox: Army Held clerks——seven at $2,000 each, pea, D. mf diirtyéigost arg~$1,600.e¤ch», se:texg»y&?O$l#g0 e% y-thw _ eac ·,·s1 ye, vemesengers ‘ eac · A wm =- wm my *§881$,g00`m 0 blew 'ti 1.e.—¤1` ae ita jgmeg _¤~o eamrnessengeror rera equa rso c E5.? ‘° "’ ‘°""" aavseaene, aepéeieeeeee, brigades, eeeviee schools, eee emee %$.thi)BChie£.of tail shall beassigned to duty in anytbureau of the °°“*‘“° ”“’¤°°”· For paywnd allowances oficontract surgeons $45 457. Nmee. -I•‘or..·payio£in1n¤sas,_ $796,100. y “ ’ ’ Hmm ¤”*“°¤¤· For pay of hr·1]slp1jsa1;matrons, $960. A la A . , R°°“*‘ '“°"°¤°°S- For rental owances, including allowances for quarters for to men on duty »1where.· pub ic~ quarters are not available, 961 010. l m§;}f•"*°“° •“°"· llorisubsistence a.l1owances,.$}i,600,000.. . $1%:;* gms:. ' gr mterest tonfsold(;;rs’ depositg $75,000._ _ f _ t _ · rpaymen~o—ex ange o cersservmgin oreign counries, and when spelciially authorizedybifhe Secretary of War, by otlicers disbursing ds pertaining td —War Despartment when serving in Alaska and all foreign ,m¤¤ey- received, all be ch cd to an ga.;’d1·out=1l;y.diabmsing¥o%i1cer; of the Army at the leg-5 » valuation ,,,_<;_,=;_=,·;·· ·¤··»·»»»· ‘F..*TZ.£e‘2..§§°.i’?’p*2§.’eZ .&.`E..e”&`¥Z’¥hi1g.°?.'i. er ......0. .........1 ve. · be mounted and.?who their ownrnounts, $175,000. - °°‘x*°‘*`·*""*`i°°“i°°‘“°`i’ .d Mi blil°.11?.°..mmayi h£.$,°e‘”.*£i.°.{.`?..§'2i’ %Z‘”‘“°"°}. €‘i'.E“"e°f °h° “?i‘}“°’ ~ _ ~ e eas _ ‘ e rmy an or §'_‘§',‘;,g;,m on mb that purposrshalleconetitute one fund: garovided, That uhder this v1¤vi¤¢ •<i<1i¤¤;¤¤ mr- provision no amount shall be used for the employment of any addi- ’°”" tienal.;ve1)soru¢.o1gc¤·e the number for which t e speciiic appropria- ‘ tions heremigrovide. ~ . . ,,f`{gg’§,§°*,,;"§;°_{’_§ i Ncne»of= eemoncy aippropriated in this Act shall be used for ¤<=¤<><>¤¤· payment of caretakers or animals at schools which are privately ,r=0w·¤ re- :.,:on _aprop.r1a .m s c _ . pay

 ..— °".‘$;;°S.;‘i,‘}’.?£.‘;°'.‘;I°°"..§"’   ee   ...1 l ..1..u 1.. eee ee

i>u‘:a»mn¤°;i1i°°£emP any ediceiiionthe ~retn·ed) lint of the Army who for himself or for

 m the selling, contracting for the sale of, negotiating

for the sale of, or furnishing to the Army or the War Department ee., ,,,1,,,,, ,,,..,.,.1 M, any eupp11es,e.maber1a1s,,equipment; lands, buildings, plants, vessels, {,°;°h•g;Bg;“m€_{*g,"”_g{{ or munitions; None of the monei appropriated in this Act shall be

=‘¢”¤1•¤M_;» Dmrv paid to officer on the retired 'stof t e,Army who,.having.been

°' y' — retired be ore? reaching the··_age= of sixty-four, IS employed in the U11itedi.§tates»0r its upossessionsisbye argl individual, géartnexjliip, corporation or associa on re r y or uent ‘ ge in m ing dl1%¢`8&l$’,0f any merchandgeldgor materialeto The gear Department orthe Armyi » ~` ~ c c