Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/340

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acc SIKTYNINTH CONGRESS. O!m.;165·-0.57. 1926, » . ». }i _ »Lc§;'1`g the ting Qcqnthe coqnplstiou o£,tl;a,A.laska

   cbs ¤·¤e¤··=·· t -  

s _; , —· Bic iibiractcd Uyfile Senate of the

 Umted States o[&·A»\er·ica lnldcngreec ' ,*s’I‘h•t the time for

rm ziaau aw tlis‘=c6inp ajwp·Yo¤f' the Anthracile‘·’l1ai&r6ad gompany or its ° »~ si ' » clnterest or‘asslgns·with it 4 and X9*·§¤·¤°~ · ’» -s_· ·- ldfthelaws of the "An Act g , . Lathe law; 1i‘_ths· of way for {tlle‘*D1strict of _ a&s,·—aud"tfor other purposes,

 Mh;u!4, IQB, by locating bid eompleting its rail in

‘ •*ishsnby·ertended—‘ ‘¤· M · · *< » ,,,§""‘“*°“ '°' °°“‘ Said companl; its and,assig¥1>s;’shaH=have two l years da _pas¤i@e of tlh Actw erefn tofile iinal and ’of its Canyon Greek 'branch, and three years f1pm’date’of~*the pasageofthis Act wherein to complete the con- d N of Mobi railroad and brancges. ‘h be M,. mmm, n ai _ company, its successors an ass` , s all ••* exempt from license tax during the period of’eon$rucl§d: of the rail- road and for one year thereafter, provided that this exemption shall 6X1St and operate only d ` thecontlnuanee of the construction of said futh,u;-yin the event of unnecessagy dela and failure_ in e construction agdlcompletionl of; sai _

 exemptioswfrom taxation herein lprovided shall cease, and said tax

Aall be as~to>soi‘muc `of said road as shall have been gzxsgna an compleved:,P1vivided,*,'Ih© nothing herein contained shall be held "'$‘§·,,,m,,,_* or cegxruedtoiafect any ·ncrw—vested·rights of othenpartaesz And pmmdad /unlw•·,#’Dhat the the right to alter, amend, repeal t&· act. - A Approved; April 17, 1926. A 17 ma. , , i ..s -.,.e- GRIP. 156ii*-An Acti To authorise the leasing for mining purposes of land (Y“b“°· N°· ml rsacvad for Indian agency and-school purposes, H Ba if enacted by lite Senate and`Howe oflk esentatives 0 `the mlusnz use ol of America in Umsgrces That the &c.rc· $£’.a_°°" °" °°` :13 of the Interior he is hereby, authorized under such rules p regulations as he prescribe, to lease at public auction uipon not less thirtyfdays public notice for purposes lan on any nsservedsjoii Indian cxency or school ur- posss, in accordance with existing law appli le to other 1snx£ in hm? *°¤°°*° °‘ such reservation, and the proceeds arisinfmtherefrom shall ‘be ` ~ ndsginsited in the Treasngrg of the United’Sta to the credit of the D1 'ans for whose ben t the lands are reserved subject to appro-

 priation by Congnem for educational work among the Indians or in

ncy•¤n•a·v•¤. paying ea·pmaes=of'-adg11inistrati.oa of agencies: Provided, Thats royalty onc—e;gh;h,sha.l‘l‘ be reserved in all leases. Appmv April 17,_·1926. A

 OBA!. 167.4-An Act Authorlaing a curve; for the control of excess flood

waters of th•’~Iisissippl;Riv¤· below Point e in Louisiana and on the

 Agchslalaya Outlet by the construction and maintenance of controlled and

regulated splllway or spillwaya, and for other purposes. Bc it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of

 the United States of America in Oemgreu assembled, That the

‘:,,°:;‘;“°‘}l,;‘°6':,§‘Y_,‘;‘{ Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ¤¤•••¤·1·~»•¢¤~ cause a`surve(y to be `made, and estimates of the costs of such controlled an regulated spillway or spillways as may be necewary for the diversion and control o a su§cient volume of the excess