Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/403

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SIXT Y-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cu. 195. 1926. 363 Ollice force: For personal services in the District of Columbia in °*“°°¤°"°°°*“- accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $425,000. (Mice expenses: For pmehase of new instruments (except survey- °“°"°‘°°"'°’· in instruments), including their exchangle, materials, eqpipment ani supplies required in the instrument app, carpenter s op, and drawing division; books, scientific and nical books, journals, books of reference, maps, charts and subscriptions; coqpercplates, chart paper, printer’s ink, copper, zinc, and chemicals or ectro- t in and hotographing; engraving, rinting, photographing, and Jp s . P . . P . . ectroty mg supphes; photohthographmg charts and printing from stone and copper for immediate use; stationeriy for oilice an field parties; transportation of instruments and supp ies when not charged ' to party expenses; otlice wagon and horses or automobile truck; heat- ing, lighting, and power; telephones, including operation of switch- board; telegrams, ice, and washing; otiice _furmture, repairs, and including not to exceed $500 for construction of concrete pit for relocation of chart printing press in pressroom of building occupied by the Coast and Geodetic urveg in t e District of Columbia; travel- ing expenses of oiiicers and ot ers employed in the oiice sent on special duty in the service of the oiiice; miscellaneous expenses, con- tl ncies of all kinds, $67,100. lfepropriations herein made for the Coast and Geodetic Survey "“°"‘ shall) not be available for allowance to civilian or other oilicers for subsistence while on duty} at Washington (excxapt as hereinbefore provided for otlicers of t e field force ordered to Washington for short periods for consultation with the director), except as now provided by law. BUREAU or rxsrmams F'°"°"°“ B“"““‘· Ccmmissione1·’s Omce: For the Commissioner and other personal ,,,§§,"‘§,,‘,§‘;§,’],§",,‘},',;§¥· ““" services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classi- fication Act of 1923 $164,7 78. For pay of employees in the field, _as follows: Alaska service, mfg; °‘ md °¤¤· $49,210; employees at larglp, $40,850; distribution (car) employees, $33,600; employees at iis -cultural stations, $255,270; employees fish rescue station, Mississipfpi River Valley, $19,600; employees at vm, ,m,,,0mS_ biological stations $39,000; or pay of oflicers and employees for the steamers Gannet, lE·Ialcyon and P alarope, $33,000; or odicers and crew of vessels for Alaska Pisheries Service $53,070; in all $523,600. _ Administration: For expenses of the ollice of the commissioner p,‘§,§,"§f*“""°‘i°" °" including stationery, scientific and reference books periodicals and newspapers for library, furniture and equipment, telegraph and tele- phone service, compensation of temporary employees, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, $3,900. Propagation of food fishes: For maintenance repair, alteration, ,,§;;,§_’°“°"°“ °‘° improvement, equipment, and operation of Hsh—cultural stations, general propagation of food fishes and their distribution, including movement, maintenance, and repairs of cars, purchase of equipment (including rubber boots and oil skins) and a paratus, contingent expenses temporary labor, and not to exceed ¥10,000 for propaga- F'°°*""°°°’ mmm- tion and distribution of fresh-water mussels and the necessary expenses connected therewith, $427,000, of which amount not to exceed $18,000 shall be available for the establishment of a fish- age Wm '1`•¤·· cultural station at Lake Worth, Texas, as a necessary auxiliary P¤:l,Lp.12I5. of the fish-cultural station at San Marcos, Texas, including the acquisition of land therefor by gift and the construction of build- mgs and ponds thereon, and the purchase of necessary equipment therefor, and $4,000 shall be available for the construction of a dwelling for the district supervisor or caretaker at the fish-cultural L“ C'°”"’ W13 station at La Crosse, Wisconsin.