Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/441

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SIK€l.`Y»NI.NTH CONGRESS. LS1¤ss.iI. i 0ns.·.243,.244.» 1926. 401 -Sec1·eI.¤:3ho1f _War all coftheir records,ir:.conneotion with the finarcing and co étion thereof. The"fin¥lings’ of the Secretary ot War as ri¤cs_¤;s¤1sa¤•¤¤y to such act1;al origixifg cggtuzhall be conclusiga subject only to review °°“°’“""°‘ in awcomio sqm. { i l (or n i * = Sm., 6. If suchgbridge shall gd taken over and; arxluired thy, the brgmwgw new vgu States or; .*€l1bdl·Vl§QDS_Q#b€!’¢0f»,HIldQP_—tl1G provisions of gm§§,.,¤f‘°° » Y section .4 o ’ tbisoAet,i the same may as a toll bridge; in fixing the rates-ofitollitq».be,el;a,rged fnrethe use of such bud ‘_the same shall be so adjusted aatoprovide as rfar aspossible a sugienp t fundiito pay fer the cost»o£_mamtauu;ng, repeurmgi and operetmgrthebridga and.itsi»appa·oaches,,;to glayyan adequate return · on the cost theredf, and to providers sin ;fund sufficient to nrnortize the amount paid-therefor withinta ,pemod.of not. to exceed gigsyggm fzogtho dst; oi ncqiiiringrtho samekabitgr a singing ¤&Z£°".1‘1?a?.i-‘,‘§Zzi0.?".;2 ~ men H rpayt cost. o aoqvari suc n i, ge an its °°S'·*· approaches shall have been rovided, themgridge. shall thereafter bermaintaimxlandroporated lfree ofltolls or the rates ofitoll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund not to exceed the amount necessary for the proper 08.1%, repairymaintenance, and operation of the bridge and its approaches-, an accurate record of the amount ,m*j'g°g;‘(§*Q';§,g{SR°°“‘ paid for aoqu1r1ng_the ridge and 1ts_ approaches, the expenditures cr·operut1on,~repa1r1ng, and -mamtain1ng the same, and 0 the daily tcillifaollected shallbe lgept and shall be available for the information o a persons interests . n -~ ‘ Sm., .7, The right to sell, assign, transfer, and mortgage all the ,,,,,{““‘°'“’ *° °°“· rights, powers, and the privileggs conferred by this Act is hereby granted to the said Charles G. uifum, Andrew J. Murphy, Lloyd Stark, and W. J. Garner, their heirs ilegal representatives, and assigns,. andeaimeeorporation to wh1chrsuch<ri§hts,,..powers, and privileges may so d, assigned, or ntransferre ,.or which shall acqui<ro.the same by xnortgagerforeclosure or otherwise, is hereby -authorized,and‘-cempowered to exercise the same as fully as though conferred herein directly upon such corporations ‘

Snc. 8. Thea ri§ht to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ’·m°°"“°“‘·
 . . • ` . + ‘ ":r·

Appvoved,May·5, 1926. , CHA?. 244.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of M•¥s,1¤2¤. Minnesota to construct a bridge across the Minnesota‘River at or near Shalropee, Mmuaoui ‘__ , ;.—;» . ,_..·,,. _,, `· la —. `”[Public,Iwo.184.] UBe it gnactedfbgétho Senate House»o;tl$s§rc:jr_e;v·ita#»;::ea of the Mimmhm Q mw tutes 0 monica in c asaembw e ,., i t t e consent M,,,,,,,,,§§;,, of is hereby. granted toolzge State of Minnesota and its suc- b¤°¤¤·¤* S¤¤k°=>¤¤· Y oessorsg to construct nia1ntain,.and._operate,a bridge and approaches-thereto .across_ the-Minnesota River at aipointnsuitable to i;1ntei1;s(tis of,_1£ea§1gation£1rt,·er ;€§.apé§1,p,kq_pt?,,L§mt§S0t%¤·m0m

 c ar , escr; 488111./VOSOH _w _quar_r.o nortlm

qoarton rofasoqtron l, township 115 north.; rung? 23 west of the fifth principal I{1§§.‘l,d1QD,_1Il the countypf Scott, in , B.Sml`B¢0f'L[l.I1I1980l'.!\, -1D.;§,CCOId£Q§§;W1th,;t§B provisions of the not _entitled_ ifAn» Act to $${{“§,’f’§Y"§§’_‘

  ézgéistruction of bridges, over navigable waters," approved
  • ar I •h»n;.,£. . .» ** ` ·<‘

p __ Sno. right to alter, amend,or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment- oxn .mss¤¤·v¤d·». a. _

 .Approvred,=May5,~1926. ‘ ·

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