Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/865

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sasa. I. Cue. 747-749. 1926. 82*5

 the»same,and.of daily tolls collected shall be kept and

shall beavailabielfor the information of all persons interested. S Sno. 4. The said John F. Kenward, his successors,~and#assigns shall ig within 90 after the completion ·ofrsu¤h_hridge—&le with the {’;,,f‘°° *€“' °°**°‘* Secretary of ar a sworn itemized statement showing the actual origiliial cost; of constructing such bridge; and its approachesil the actu costo acquiringanymterestinma ropertynecessaryt ere- for, and the actual financing and promotiod) cost, The Secretary of ‘”'“°° War may at any time within three years after the completion of such bridge investigate the actual‘@t of ‘constructing_ the same and for such pugiose the said John F. Kev{w$.rd,,_his`.success0rs, shall m e available all of its records in connection with the financing and construction Thefindings-ofe the Secretary of War,:as mdnnusmuw to the aetualioriginel cost of thetbridge, shall. be conclusive, subject °°'·‘°'“""‘ onlsy to review in oa court ofequityfor zfitaudeor gro mistake. . _ mo. The-right to_sell,. tra:nsfer,~and mortgage all the www nu. sta., rights, powers, and pr1v1legeeLoon— thrs Act is hereby granted to John F. KGlWl»|.‘d,‘lI1Si8l100GH)1l,`$l1 ns, and any corpora- tion te which or any person to whom suclillrxgtipewers, and privi- leges may be sold; asdgned, ortransferred, or w oishall aequirethe same bymortgage foreclosure, or otherwise, m herebyauthorxzed and enpoévered to exercise thlgt same as fully as thougi conformed, herem direc upon suc corpo ion~or person. _Smo.y6. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby "m'°d'°°°°‘ ¤r1>re¤¤1‘y~¤¤~- . Approved, July 3, 1926. . · . ·____ *l th ‘ Y _ p ‘ h f [H.R.5701.] & 7Sl:mA61k:::t'18m?:|?§l3e`I§i&ir·mh:i§c;¤§d§xi§th•fna?f ‘?l‘“°* *°"‘*‘ ° Be it enacted by _the Senate and House of Representatives of the D United States of America inrdongrcss assembled, at section .92 $¤i?ds%,m$i°i°iiti. pfuthe Judicial Code of the United States be amended to readas °"‘°°‘°°· o ows: . c " l\iomjAN4.—That the State of Montana shulloonstituto one l ]ud1c1al district, to be known . as the district of Montana. ‘ C<>¤4¤¤¤¢¤¤· Terms of the district court shall be held at Helena Butte,. Great T°""‘Z’°°"·_ Balls, Lewistown, _Billmgs, Missoula, Glasgow and Havre at_ such PWM IQIHIBS 88 IDR] be I'lll6 of court; Provzdaly Rooms to be {ur- rooms and accommodations for holding courtat Glasgow,¢Lewistown gfggg gjgggg and Havre are free of, all expense to, the- United me. 'I Causes; civil and criminal, maybe transferred, by the court ora Judge I"°"" Y °°°'°‘ thereo from any sitting placeldesignated, above to any other sitting place thus designated; w en convenience .0f or the ends of ]l1Bt1C8 woul be promoted, by the trans r; and any interlocutory order maybe made by theoourt or pidge thereof in either place. ’ Approved, July 3, 192o. -


CHAP. 749.-i#An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing {hi1h?'11i?tZ] th:} cplpishtxuction of a bridge across the Wabash River at the ci y of Mount Oar- lwbm N6- 470-l ID , Ol!. ' UBe it §mctcd bg the Senatgand Hotueexlygzlzpcrieimtécltivu of EM wmmkp md tateso mencain ongnmaae at etimes or ,,“'°" ,,, commenciuggnd completing the construction of tliebridge authorized g*:`gi§§¤m$¤d§°é¤* by Act of ngress, approved March 3, -1925, to be built across the Vol.,43, p. nai, Wabash Riyer from a point in the city of Mount Carmel, Wabash °mfs°,§i,°:‘;p_126,,,x,,_