Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/932

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892 SIK’{I`Y=\N‘IN1"H:GONGRESS. Sana. L 'Gm., 782+784; 1926. ""*°F*"·*’”*“° nah: _ `“ 't " %f‘§,"°Ei‘="*‘? W1"'H ,¤P*¥‘¥*!*~¥¤%$**¤**•¤i·‘P•8¤ 91)»*‘*·¤=2_¢h¤`e*·•*¤=é¤f H _, ,»_ A p tam trusts land; one annlammg memes »hentafnre. meaerved for park, A»of2¤the·nea1·

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t Us i ·n. ~2" Q l ,·q` ]ig“¤f . ` y < » actual`, " F ' &&h•1·tb;<4—apge¤7 ·W;~I¤1[.,{¤d:in· »_ ls ,;"°_;fn•;,mum additin  :· tha ` saidtowncf ah•1h‘pay»` aumof $102 landshereina " tobeconveyed. 2 PF { , 7 Z` 3 c»`<·iJ&* ·g·Zf· · Appreved,July 3, 1926. _,,, W

 OBA?. 783.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An2 Act to authorize the

V °· of 1q;;?`t,q_ gyagfnviggu and wage? gttend the sguggggiou

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yo,gant,am;hb¤¤z;d¤ag:re¤an,;,¤x¤ondc5l, Ice-ve not to pda? m _ eicalendar year 1927 to ex—se1·v1ce 1nenpd_won;en_§gr_Lge go e mm purgosp of attend1¥ the annual conventwn of the Amencan Legxon, ,,,,,,,3; km ,0. m ms, France:_ rovided, hqzgever, That thns statute shall not be

    • ¤*¤¤M•°* ; eonatrued to mod; the r0v1s10ns of the Act approved March 3,

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  %_,§d 1893,·th¤A,ot{ppmva&May28 1908, and the Ant apprgyYe§hFQ§muy

,5, ,,_‘~&,%.;_ 5_ ,g 28, 1925, hxmtmg the annual leave whmhmay be g!'Ik11bd·`W1u1 pay mt ..7 ·; 1., ,; - , cxcégt ¢h¤tx2§y‘f>0{<ti0¤i;1>f `  »<e‘v . 7 7, , ¢17»¥ ·»z r § c¤ 81*31 a,·79¥Z“9$ 9

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 c if » wir i6¤9hf9r;,th¤,!pu¤p¤s¤, begin specified in

{ f &•>#¤¤, ¤¤i3¤i¤yd¤y¤’ lém -wi¤h»p¤y21¤7¢h¤`¢ai¤¤d•r year 1927 or E15 fiscal year 1928. “"Qn“§§; {A · P y~3,_1926. · ?E7’n°!¤¥i°$‘»1 vsaejqi A¤z'*1*¤;m¤¤u 204 as an Aemlucm ··A¤—A¤z to ¤·¤¤¤- 2 1•wt0;yon.·t&¤e2Bte·'1e:¤t2O¢a¤m£b:•,r;* approved ’—»1 Mann 3,1901, _ Ill , _ I ¥ ,,— B it ted Nw Senate R nta.t' the

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,4, V _; · . Y " " , Y 18 g` ? B Blmb IS 2*"" *2** m9eby<a;in8uded‘so—as2to*read’ ·- 2 2 2 §.’,,{•‘§§d$,‘,,’“'}, Sw. 204,. Drawing ju1j0rs‘t‘ least days before thelhrst Tuesé ·;y,,,,·;··,;;;···*··*·¤ £·°°*·· ¤p<=¢a5¤sl.·-we wh:3 ¤¤· ¢<> »¤··~s.¤·» b¤lh)~4»;¤¤¤ ¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤h~11..,p¤b€<=1{ be , r¤f,¢h¤ ` ,1)0XBD¢¥ M, t0;§I!’&Wd1Q!`8§h#0¢l1,, ,otand, ,_ ut revmus JW.? I P t . . _ Y. - P r ,