Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/966

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926 SIXTY-NINTII CONGRESS. II. Y IDX 21926. Canal Zone: Such‘returni*sha1l·be made under oath. The cost of making such service shall be borne by the party at whosainstance the same nhidsxexcept that if made by any ·such’oHicer authorized to serie emuaheest of such service shalhbeiucluded as a peo "‘o ecaseu »—* r *¥ we ‘ ‘ "‘°" °‘ '°"*°° "' "(g)“All the‘·faote-relating liQ*th0iSGt‘€iG6*`%iE"Sll1I1lI10Il8 whether mi: mm www madelparsonally oriby publication, must bé·estab1ished»to=»?¤the‘satia· facti * of the$eourt,··or‘theljud e thereofybefbre any decree is

£ursuant—to’apetition`*for (%V01'06.?’” * * _ _ · »¢¤~ · ·

u,Y§;,,,{’· "· “”°· SBU, (a) ogslection 16 of such Act of September 21, 1922 isameiidi ‘ ‘ toreadnas ows: t 2 ‘ ·· = "'°°°““"’ ""°“°°· “ dmc. _16. ‘s1~m< ’.mswm—-Issop mn`·1·mAn;-—-Xa) The . process- and practice under roceethugs for divorce shall be t e same . , . . P _ . _ , . y Tm M hm EIB otheghcasea ipeghmcerlyaeiircplpt as in tig; A1ctfc.h•iry;;sebpp(prwdpld. nosu roc s, ecause n or ri _ e e expiration o¥sthe’ti11Iii%S-allowed furthe defendant to appear and ,,E‘,‘§‘,',;f‘“' '°’ "" answer.t§A& issued or published under, section 15 shall uire e e anttoiqgpear an answer- " * . ,6**** ¤¤¤¤¤¤' ¤¤"· tan days a erpersonal service thereof if such service ° iS' 6 •€ ;i‘ ` fi ` `. ’ 4*

 diag? afpelg personal service thereof if such

servioeis _1I1_ e, pu ico anama·“ ·— *’ "‘(3),‘Wit!iin¤eninety"da s after personhl service if such service is had outside»ef¤the Canal ” and the Mpublic of Panama; r ams°?“°° by pubuw ` “(4) days aftervthe first publicationof summons if Y th<:idefei1dant’zfesides in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama; ‘*(5) Within ninety days after the first publication of summons if · gis defendant resides outsidehthe Canal V ne>and the Republic of ,,Q§;,,df’* "· ‘°“· Sno. 5. (a) Section 21"of such Act of September 21, 1922, is amended to read as follows: ‘ , 4 ,,{,’Q§§§§°,$§‘,'§{’ °“’°' " Sno. 21. Ermc·r1·va nam or nnci¤¤a.—(a) No final decree granting a divorce ·&all be entered until after the expiration of the period o six_ from the date of theentry _o an interlocutory order ?S321i$t€.f§‘“£r§;$“;'§;ii’.d*'rsei°’“n Z22t'°°2§t€'§§°£ii°“d ‘i"°"’ $$23 _ e _ vorcee is an ·“"’°““· bly it. Au appeal may be tdgen figun any such interlocutory dirder in t ’e same manneriand within the same time as an appeal from a final { decree of such court in any other proceeding. ` · mgt?.“l¤??.?t°§1%‘餰t?-Q “£l3 _After the 6X:;:‘Bt10II”0f suclrperiod of siximonths, or if an °¤¤*=*·°¤‘~ app is talxen and ‘ case is Iplending at the time of the expiration o _such_ period then after the p al disposition of the case deter- mineyl‘m._favor‘pofvthepetitioner, the court, upon a)%phcation tiled within dzgs after theexpiration of such peri or su h Hmal . ' . . ‘ . ° disposition y- e person in w DSB favor such interlocutoxy order was entered shall, or upon its own motion- may, enter a` fin decree ,,,§‘;,,;§}f°“ °“°"°" grantmgegtdivorce. No alppeal may be takenlfrom sich 'flnal decree." hpzoegcauuermw _ (b) _ ion 21 of suc Act o Segltember 21, 1922, as in forge immediately prior to the passage of t s Act, shall be apgicable in respect ofvdivorces grantedpnor to the passing: of this ct in the same manner and tovthesame extent as thought is Act had not been Supplies. P ' _` ( i PURCHASE OF SUPl’LIEs A A ,¤'$,‘},"g,}‘m‘§,,“’k‘§‘§{‘”‘ °'* Sno. 6. The Governor of the Panama Canal ma` authorize, under such regulations as he may ¥I‘¢SCI'1b2,’th¢' purchase, of supplies for the use of the Panama Cana or for use·1n the Canal Zone, m the open market and without advertising, if the amount involved in any one purchase does not exceed $500. · ‘ -· s 1 ’ '