Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1048

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2478 ,0oNsULAR CONVENTION—-CUBA. Ai-mi. 22, 1926. the State to which he is ap- Autoridades·Judiciales de la Na- pointed for the purpose of observ- cion en que estan acreditados, a mg the proceedings and rendering los efectos de presenciar el pro- assistance. oedimiento y prestarle auxilio. Aarrcnn XIII. Anrfcuno XIII. ,,,,’§°§§,${’u,‘Q.§, ‘§,‘§°§‘,,§ In case of the death of a na- En caso de muerte de un na- ¢i¤¤¤1•>f¤¤¤•¢¤¤r- tional of either High Contracting cional de cualquiera de las Altas Party in the territory of the other Partes Contratantes dentro del without having in the territory territorio de la otra sin tener en of his decease any known heirs or éste herederos conocidos o alba- testamentajy executors, the com- ceas testamentarios, las autori· petent loc authorities shall at dades locales comlpletentes pon- once inform the nearest consular dran el caso inme 'atamente en oiiicer of the State of which the couocimiento del funcionario con- deceased was a national of the sular mas cercano del Estado de fact of his death, in order that ue el fallecido fuere nacional, a information may be forwarded to gn de que se Pueda dar aviso a R t t, b I the parties interested. los interesados. of p$Jf,'lr}Y§1°0;?'¤€£I§§’B In case of the death of a na- En caso de muerte de un

    • °°°"°¤°· tional of either of the High Con- nacional _de cualquiera de las

tracting Parties without will or Altas Partes. Contratantes, sin testament, in the territory of the haber otor ado testamento en el other High Contracting} Party, territorio so la otm Alta Parte the cons ar ofiicer of t e· State Contratante el funcionario con- of which the deceased was a na- sular del Estado del cual sea tional and within whose district nacional el fallecido y dentro de the. deceased made his home at cuyo territorio estuviere resi- the time of his death, may take diendo en el momento de la charge of the protection or con- muerte, podra hacerse cargo de servation of the prcéperty left by la proteccion o conservacion de the decedent, pen ing the ap- los bienes dejados por el difunto, pointment of an administrator hasta tanto se nombre el admi- who may be the consular oiiicer nistrador delaherencia, que podra himself, in the discretion of the serlo el propio fxmcionario con- court comgetent to take c0gni— sular, a ]l1lC10 del tribunal com- zance of t e case, provided the petente para conocer de esta laws of the place where the estate materia, siempre ehue las leyes is administered permit such ac- del lugar en que la erencia haya tion by the consular oflicer and ‘de ser prevenida o administrada A th Ht of co Su] apgglntment by the court. asf lo permita. as fiiyninasimttr oi an enever a consular oihcer En caso de que uu funcionario °5°’**°· accepts the office of administrator consular ace te el cargo de ad- of the estate of a national of the ministrador die los bienes dejados country he represents, he_sub- por ,el nacional del pais que jectshimself as such to the ]uris· represents, queda sometido, en diction of the tribunal making eee caracter, a la jurisdiccion del the appointment for all pertinent tribunal que haga el nombra- purposes to the same extent as a miento a todos los fines pertinen- national of the State where he is tes y en la misma extension que appointed. ` los nacionales del Estado en que esta nombrado. Anrrcnn XIV. Anrfcuno XIV. s,§},°$,?Qf,D§§‘§0§°§§,*,§l . A _, consular _oiiicer of either iLos_funcionarios consulares de r¤¤id¤¤¢¢<>¤¤¤>’¤¤¤¤· High Contracting Party may m cualquiera de, las Altas Partes behalf of the non-resident na- Contratantes recibir en