Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1099

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PAN AMEHICAN+·FRIENDSHIP; 3, 1023: 2529. Tha.]? _ initiatingithe proeed ie eatab1ished.by1thisT1€eatgyma °’¤g"““°°°‘°°¤·

im meg wi, to astirammwr oommasaenmiiau fi-“""‘° °‘”"‘“""

oonsi ers most efficacious or a rap1d organizetioniof the ;Co¤mi¤¤ion of Inquiry. Once the request for convocation has been received and the Permanent Commission;has,m¤dc’_the respective notifications the qluestion or controversy existing betweenthe Partiesnand as to cwhic no agneementihas been reached, ripadjado be suspended; ‘ .· mg ·A:§TICIQEi‘IV¥ Y The Commission of Inquiry shall. be composed of five members, all q¤?${°m”“i°° °' I"` nationals of American States, 2&pointed in the following manner: pcf&';Bi"§§“°° “d°¤‘ each, Govemmentshall appoint ozat thetime of convocation; only ` one of whomnixy be a ·national,of~its country. ·The¢iifth· shall _be ohosenby common accordtby-those already appointed and shall"per· form the duties of President. However, acitmen of a nation already represented on the Commission may not be elected: .Any of the Governments may refuse to ¢acceJ>t the elected member, for reasons which it may reserve to itself, an in such eventia substitute shall be aplpointed, with the mutual consent of the Parties, within thirty days fo owing the notification of this refusal. In the failure of such agreement, the designation shall be made by the President of. an American Republic not interested inrthe dispute, who beselected by let by the·Commissi0ners already ajipointed, fromia list of not more than six American Presidents to e formed as follows: each Govemments party to the controversy, `or if thereare more than two Govemments directly interested in the disputefthe Government or Govemments on. eac side of, the controversy, shall designate three Presidents of American States which nmaintain the same friendly relations with allthe Parties to,the_dispute.__, Lg- _ a _ x __ _ ' Whenever there_are’more than twoQGovernments directly interested ,,;§§$,},‘f,°,‘;§f,,,§§,,,,g'g,;$ in a controversy, the interestof two’or more of them are identical, inwrosioe theiGovernment ‘or‘Govermnents on 08¢h,s1de_of the controversy shall have the niht to increase the _ number of, their Commissioners, as far as. it may e necessarygso that both, sides in the dispute may always have equal representation on the Commission. a ;» Q . · Nom u n I. Once the Commission has. been thus_organized`in the capital city, gmmugi. ° ° °° Veeat of the"Perina1{ent‘Commission which issued c1;sm-deref conyo- cation, it shall notify the respective Governmentsof the dpitopf. its inauguration and it may then dotonnino upon thepinoo or ieoosin whic ittvilli function, taking into. aeco1mt,_‘the‘ greater facilities for investigation;. ‘ it " n "* " ‘ jf _ y ” ’  ; The Commission of Inquiry shall itself estahlishits rules of pro- }§,f,_°“l;"2*{‘§,';°°d“*‘· cedure. In this regard there are recommended for incorporation into ` ` Said-miss of proper me the provisions oontaiqod inertia es 9,.10,:14, 12 Wd 13 bg i·li9iCd¤Yéhi°i0¤ $i8¤¢dj W¤9§¤i8l>0¤§ F6bi'il¤1T,Y}._l923. bé€Wi;§;x$hoiGpvéi¤mon6· of the Un1i¢<i;Ste¢s¤.Qof'.Amorica and the Gore _ __ _ §D§Bi9f¤th5 Bbglibliiis of-Guatoninh,. 'l§icai‘agiiaS’ and Costa ica, which appeariii the appendix to this I'63i»Y•{¤ or . : _:  ;~= 5 Iii .‘

 and final report _sha11;be agrees to by_,the_maj0rity or D°°'”i°”°‘

itsmern rs} ’ _ c . ` · Eacii`,}’art 'shalibear its own expensesiandaproportionate share E’p°'”°“‘ of the genéralexpenses of the'Co1nmisSion, “ ` ‘ ` ‘ `

 The `Partiesto the controveréyishall‘sfumish the antecedents "a11d_‘,p.i§i‘.§§'°°°i°°"°m °°°

data necessary for the investigation. The Commission shall render its report within one year from the date of its inauguration. If it has Re m been impossible to finish the investigation or draft the report withm °° 43892°—·27—1>·r3·———68 _