Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1149

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...· PLROGIAMATIONS, ms. 2577 In TAB N., B. 20E., WLM}., SEK SEM NWM and·8% SWM .~See. 4, ¤dE}6 8IWl3Sec..24.. »_ . tm V ,_ And I do further an make known that pursuanttto *:"""""’,;°"'j Public No.»29;of February 14, 1920141 Stat, 43494.. ¤§¤=3z• #3*

 Nopv86‘ and 79,Zapgmved Jan¤ari21, and ` ?¢°%£%·

December , 1922,rpsp;t1nlyég Stat., 58, 1067), it_~ hereby v°* "‘”‘ ordenedthat thepubhc him above subjecttoJalidrigl1ts,»»sliall beopened to entryonlyunderr homestead and desertlandlawsbyqua1iiiedex-s¤·v1ccmer1.of thewar with Germany, under the tame and the regulations isued thereunder, for a period eofninety-one days

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thereafter if unm to appropniation under any public law l¤¤¤•*· applicable thereto bgnthe general public. Subsequent to the date hereof and prior to datesof restoration as h¢u·einprov1ded,morightmaybeaoqui1*edt0.therest0red1andb · settlement in advance of entry, orotherwise except strictly in aoeorcl- aneeherewith. · —. .V e_ a.- In Witness Whereof, I have hereuntofset my handand caused the °°°1hQ°ith°¢I1l¤°it<i1dS¤titiv°nhmg»¤t°?b°°‘§x¤iQ»‘l1ima• ru; theyearx I s e at t ' - 0 in 0 our one thousand nine hundred and tgenty-five, and [sun.] of the Igxdxpenidencc of the United States of America the g one hun and f0rty·ninth. p , Csnvm Coounon By the President.: Josnm C. Guw Acting Secretary qfState. Br rms Pxnsmnwr or mm Uxrrmn Susrns or Axnmca —"£"i'!‘>·—— A PROCLAMATION Whereas it appears that the lpublic good would be promoted by rggwwm addingto the Chufeh National orest within the Ter:itoq—dAlaska “‘“""•· certainlands, and yexcludingcertainareas ther£·om;andrestoring the public lands subject to dispositiontherein to @%l1y—Q!··I€Yb0 menin advance of'tl1¢a§e1·alpublicinacc0rdancew1 Now, therefore, I, OOOLEDGE, President of the $¥,{_‘,,'f,‘f’§'R,,‘{ S¢ll`$0f.AlII.Bl‘iDl, bidvirtueofthelpowerinmexreatedbytheaavtof (Bungee ved arch 8 189 (26 Stat., 1095), entitled "An Act o and for other ?’, and also by the ac of O0n§re¤ approved June 4, 1897 30-Stat., 11 at 34 v°"°·’·"· and 36), entitleg,0 An Ac Making Egtpsropriations-efor civil of the vemment for the year endin.gJ¤¤e tlurtieth, · 3 teen hundred and nineiyaight and for other . ’Y, do pro- claim that the boundaries th hereby changedtoinclndethevueain hereto annexed and forjmxpg apart hereof and to emhde dneareas DtIl0l»li0d.tlI.B1'0®.lS 3.‘  ;. vmdmnm Provided, That this not be so comtrued astro ·r¤¤wm.s¤u¤.T deprive any person of anyjralid right possessed. Treaty "Q';$,°,$‘}g_ ,,_,,,_ fu of the Bumnan possesaionam.N01·th America to the tqmr.lW°d.¤o.S“°“’ °°“.3»'“‘Z£°c0m¤“ w“°E°"“ °Z. ¥£:'é".m%"· e ISE? °' ‘°’· mY I » o _ c Prior um me ·1m.1nw.1··m41e b ¢mq»pmé—3».e»¤ anu, as to ·¤·····¤"""“" whichareatthis datel¥alEra.ppropriatedundertl1edpubHc‘la;yllaws or reserved for any pub c , be subject to an shall not mter- __ fore with or defeat legal · such appropriation, nor pxevent