Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/13

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LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND REOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. XIII Psa- Lake Denmark N. J., explosion. An Act To provide a method for compe — who eudered propertL=amage or Eersonal injury due to the explosions at naval ammunition depot, e Denmar , New Jersey July 10, 1920; March 2, 1927 .... 1810 ScmuclJ.L•aml. AnAetFortherelldofSamuel.l. . March¥{1927 ....... ISD Orford, N. C., Baptist Church. An Act Authorlaing the of the to sell certainlandtotheFirstBaptist Churchof0zford,North Carohna. March2,1927-- 1801 Arch£baldL. PersonsandBsn llcreell. A¤ActToauthoriaccertalnoBcersoftheUuited 8tatceNav;z7toaeceptfromthe Republicoflialti the MedalcfHonorand Merit. March 2 1 .............................................................. IUI Decoration, China and Haiti. An Act To authorise certain oBcers of tl.e United States Navy anddvwanemployeeucfthe Navy Departmenttoacceptcertainmedalsteudercd them b§the Republic of Cm and to authorise Captain Walter S. Crosley, United States mnzoaccepta olhonorandmerltandadiplomatendeiedhimby the Rim of Haiti. March 2, 1927- .......................,................ 1801 Decorations, hile. An Act Authorizing certain omcers of the United States Navy to accept from theltepublic of Chile the order A1 Mérlto. March 2, 1927 .................. 1802 Dasidberbsr. AnActForther·eliefofDavldBarker. March3 1927 ................ -- 1802 Thomas Haley. An Act For the relief of Thomas Maley. March 3, 1927 ............... 1802 John C. Pauley. An·Act For the relid of John G. March 3, 1927 ............ .- 1&>2 Thomas P. 1lc8hsn·y. An Act For the relief of Thomas . McSherry. March 3, 1927 .... 1&l3 Theodore W. Goldin. An Act For the relief of Theodore W. Goldin. March 3, 1927 ...... 1803

 AnAct'D0correctthomilitaryrecordofWilliamJ.Bodiford. March lam

Ceorpsfghldly. AnActTocorrectthemilitaryrecordofGeorgeW.Kelly. M¤ch3, 1803 Thornteisaglaeksovi. An Act To correct the military record of Thornton Jackson. March 3, lms Lawrence I'. Nelson. An Act For the relief of Lawrence F. Nelson. March 3, 1927 ...... 1814 Lacy Slaford. An Act Authorisingethe Secretary of the Interior- tc sell to Ieroy Stalord certain lands situate in Rapi Parish, Louisiana. March 3 1927 ........... ---- 1&4 Andrew Kellaayhlin. An Act For the relief of Andrew McLaughlin. March I} 1927...... 1804 Robert!. Neeleyandl'ranhlinE. Neeley. AnActForthereliefclRobertF. eeleyand Franklin E. Neeley. March 3, 1927; .......................................... 1804 0. E'. lfoors. An Act Granting patent to 0. E. Moore. March 3 1927 ................. 1805 American Embassy, Ccnstandnopls, drdte. An Act For the reliefof certainclaimantsfor intaest arlaingfrom delay in the yment of drafts andcabletranafersof the Ameri- can Emba=;7at Constantinople Etween December 23, 1915, and April 21, 1917. March 3, 1 .............................................................. 1805 Claude T. Winslow. An Act For the relief of Claude T. Winslow. March 3 1927 ........ 1805 Harry Cadsn. An Act To allow creditsinthe acccuntsof Hamr(';Jaden,g<:ial§scalagunt, Bureau of Reclamation, nt of the Interior. h 3, 1 ........... --- 1808 B. F. Cowley. An Act For the of B. F. Cowley. March 3, 1927 ................... IKE Martha Ellen Rape. An Act For the relief of Martha Ellen Raper. March 3 1927 ...... 1815 Richinys J. Shand. An Act To credit the accounts of Richings J. Shand, United States property and disbursing odicer Illinois National Guard. March 3, 1927.. .......... 1806 Charles A. Mw, and others. An Act For the relief of Charles A. Mayo, T. S. Taylor, and Frank ckey. March 3, 1927 ............................................... 18m Arthur E. Colgate. An Act For the relief of Arthur E. Colgate, administrator of Clinton G. Col¥te, deceased. March 3, 1927 ............................................ 1807 “0reyoT;7 erryboat. An Act For the relief of the owners of the ferryboat Oregon. March 3, N7 - ...................................................................... 1 “ Neptrgreiggltearashlp. An Act For the relief of the owner of the steamship Neptune. March . .... - .....-.....-...-................................................ INS “Gaelie Prinee," Steamship. An Act For the relief of all owners of cargo aboardthe steam- ship Gaelic Prince at the time of her collision with the United States stearnship And- gone. March 3, 1927 ..........................................., - ........_ - 1808 Paul B. Bddiny. An Act For the relief of Paul B. Belding. March 3, 1927 ............. 1&)9 James C. Baskin. A.¤ActForthere1iefofJamesC. Baskin. Mareh3, 1927 ............ 1§)9 Odelon Ramos. An Act For the relief of Odelon Ramos. March 3 1927. ............,... 1K)9 Franklin Ice Cream Company. ‘ An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to make settlement of the claim ct the Franklin Ice Cream Company.· March 3, 1927 ................ 1&)9 D. Murra Cumnrlrxg An Act For the relief of D. Murray March 3, 1927..- 1810 Samuel1§g';mma·. Act To correct the military record of Samuel emmer. March 3, - ...................................................................... 1810 Ann Hegaret Mann. AnActFca·therelief ofAnnM?rct Mann. March3, 1927 ..... 1810 , Charles . Shuanale. An Act For the relief of Charles . Shumate. March 3, 1927 ...... 1810 Randolph Foster Williamson. An Act For the relief of Randolph Fceta Williamson, de- ceased. March 3, 1927 ...,...,,............_,.__,....................... ---- 1811 Charles 0. Dunbar. An Act For the relief of Charles 0. Dunbar. March 3, 1927 ......... 1811 Delmore A. Teller. An Act For the relief of Delmore A. Teller. March 3, 1927 .... - ..... 1811 John Ferrell. An Act For the relief of John Ferrell. March 3, 1927 ...,................ 1811 Edward A. Grimes. An Act For the relief of Edward A. Grimes. March 3, 1927 ......... 1812 Olaf Nelaon. Au Act For the relief of Old Nelson. March 3, 1927 ..................... 1812 Butler Lumber Company. An Act Giving jurisdiction to the Court of Claims to hear and determine the claim of the Butler Lumber Company, Incorporated. March 8, 1927.- 1812