Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1373

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mnnx. 2785 Haiti-Continued. Pm- Hamby, Lillie (widow), ?¤¢· details authorized from Army, Navy, pension ...........,. ,--,. .......... s 1715 and Marine Corps to. assist ‘ Hamill, Ida M. (widow), ` government of, in military and 3 pension increased ....... ;..-- ......... 1815 naval matters ..... .. ........... 565 Hamilton, Anna (widow), e V _ Holbrooke, Alma (widow), i pension ........ , ...... , ............ 1737 pension ................... .. ........ 1680 Hamilton, Arma M , (widow), p Haldeman, R, (widow), r _» pension increased ......... - ......... 1695 pension increased ................... 1581 Hamilton, Emma R. (widow), V r ‘ Hale, Galicia M. (widow), pension increased-; ........... --;--- 1714 pension increased ...... ,--, ......... 1640 Hamilton, Mary R. (widow), Hale, Ella!. (widow) , r pension increased ........... - ....... 1530 l pensions increased .......,. , .... ; - - - 1743 Hamilton, Nathan W. (son), I Hale, MarynC (widow), , , ( pension. ........ ., ..... .. ........... . 1549 " ' pension creased- ......... Q...- ..,.. 1546 Hamilton, Raleigh H., _ · . . e Haley, Genevieve E. (widow), pension .............,.,....., · ..... - - 1690 pension increased ..... 7 4 ............ 1946 Hamilton, Sarah E. (widow), . _ ,Halibut Fisheries Commission, I nterna- ‘ pension increased .......,,.... , ..... 1557 " ` ’ lional, " . . Hamilton Street NW., D. C., _ {f appropriation for share of United appropriation for paving, Seventh Street c _ ·‘· St¤hes1;£;nsesof-;---;·--- 340,-1190 tolllinois Avenue. ........ r-J-.. 1304 Hull, Amanda ( ' ), V . _ Hammer, Annie (widow), V , { ` r pension increased- - 2; ............... 1546 r ‘ pension increased-, -.,. ....--.. s ..-.. ·· 1700 _ Hall, Anna Frances (widow), 1 H ammon, Nancy E. (widow), I Q V 1 ·· pension increased ...... ·-- L .......... 1857 pension incr-essed- -_-_ .....-......... 1535 Hall, Delia M. (widow) ,. Hammond, Andrew (father), . y » . ‘ ( pension increased- -..--............. 1720 pension inereased---.. .... - .... .»- r , - .... 1599 Hall, Hannah P. (widow), Hammond, Clayton 0;, ‘ , — I pension increased. ---.-.......-...... 1664 pension; ..... . ........ - ...,. - .-.. r.-- , 1820 Hall, Jennie (widow), . . ‘ · Hammond, Eliza,(widow), . i pension. ..-....-....-......... .- ..... 1535 pension increased. ............ - ....... 1717 Hall, Jennie L. (widow), Hammond, Martha J. (widow), I _ 1 pension Increased .....-... 4 - - - 4 ..... 1645 pension increased. ........-.. - ...-.-.. 1675 Hall, Josephm•.S. (widow), Hammond, Matilda A. (widow), ‘ . pensionjncreased ................. . - 1968 pension increased .....,.., L .-..-....-. 1880 ’ Hall, Lydia J. (widow), . Hammond, Raymond R. (•on)», r . pension- ........................... 1854 pension increased ..-....-.-.. - ...... ; . 1646 f Hall, Molina F. (widow), Hampton, Elizabeth F. (mother), 7 . pension increased ..-....... . ......... 1673 pension increased .,...... - .-..-.. ; .... 1586 Hall, Mana (widow), Hampton Roads, Va., » - , . pension increased ................ s-- 1627 appropriation for maintenance, naval .Hall, Martha H . (widow), r training station ......-...... 597, 1279 pension increased ..... - ....--...... .- 1951 for naval operating base, dredgini, Hall, Sarah C. (widow), · 1 payable from unexpended_ ba - pension increased ..-................ 1697 ance- ...-. - .......--.-....... 1290 Hall, Susan (widow), · construction authoriled of designated pension increased ........-...... .--- 1542 public works at naval aut sw Hall, Texas (widow), . tion ..... , ...- -..---; .... - ...... 1.341 pension ...................... - ..... 1654 Hampton, Va., Hall, William C. e _ appropriation for Volunteer So1diers’ », credit in postal, accounts ct, for losses by . Home ........... -; ....-.... 293, 1144 bank failure-: ..........-..... 1491 deficiency approgriationrfor Volunteer ‘ ‘ Holligan, Elnora S. (widow), .. S0ldiers’ cme ...--.-. 184, 880, 1260 pension increased -..-.........-..... 1520 Hana, Hawaii, _ Hallock, Mary Helena, approvalyol act of legislature of Hawaii pension .....-..................-... 1780 extending time for electrical Halpin, Thomas M., construction, etc., in ......... --- 627 pension increased ...............-... 1780 Hand, Margaret (widow), . Halsey, Edwin A., pension increased ........... , ......... 1683 dehciency appropriation for services- - - 841 Handley, Pirlle, · Halsey, Commander W. Fxiiunior, Navy, payment to, for personal injuries ..... 1745 may accept the order " Mérito " from H ones, Elizabeth (widow), Chile ........... , ...,........ 1802 , pension increased ......... 4 ........... 1858 Halverson Lieutenant H. A., Army Air Haney, Olive A. (widow), $'ervice, . pension increased .......... - ...... 1 - - - 1671 reimbursement of for expenses, around- H ankins, Garfield, p _ the-world Eight ............... 1617 · credit in Npostal accounts of ....... 1 -- - 1829 Ham, Rollin P., Hankins, ancy I. (widow), V pension increased ................... 1818 pension increased ........... , ......... 1726 H amburg-Bremen Fira Insurance Company, H anley, Mary Ellen (widow), ‘ _ dehciency a.p&ropriation for reimburse- pens10n increased .......... - .......... 1576 ment , for {ire losses,. Hawaii Hanner, Esther E.r(widow), i . bubonio plague, , ,» .,.......... 864 pension increased ................... _ 1627 reimbursement of, or iire losses, on ac- Hanners, Elizabeth (widow), eountofbubonic plsguein Hawaii 1608 pension increased ............... - - - - 1971