Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1462

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2874 mnnx. Naval Observotory—Continued. ?¤8¤· Naval Reserve——Continued. Psse. exchange authorized of designated por- appropriation for pay, etc., Fleet Naval tion of grounds of for portion of Reserve .......... - ........ 597, 1280 Industrial Home School site .... 1386 additional for aviation material- 597, 1280 use of land for school, etc., if not sold- 1386 clerical, etc., services ............ 1280 part of {proceeds from sale of land to for procuring aircraft and equip- be eposited to credit of Observa- ment ........................ 598 tory, for improving property Naval Reserve Force, thereof ...................... 1386 deficiency appropriation for organiz- Naval 011 Reserves, ing ............... 188, 193, 883, 1258 deficiency appropriation for expenses Charles Wall may be placed on retired of suits to cancel leases, etc., of- - 843 list with rank of lieutenant com- for special counsel, etc., in suits to mander ...................... 1459 cancel leases of ....... - ....... 858 Naval Reserve Ojicers’ Training Corps, Naval Operations, Chief of, appropriation for printing and binding to be next in succession during tem- for ....................... 593, 1276 porary absence of Secretary and for supplies ,.... - .............. · 598, 1280 Assistants .............. - ..... 1086 for expenses, instruction camps and Naval Operations, Ojice of Chief of, schools on ships- ......-.... 598, 1280 appropriation for civilian personnel, commutation of travel, subsist- Navy Department .....-... 595, 1278 ence, etc -.........-.-.-... 598, 1280 for civilian personnel, Board of In- medical attendance, etc., if injured spection and Survey ...-.... 595, 1278 in line of duty; burial ex- for civilian personnel Oiiice of Direc- penses .....--......--..... 598, 1281 tor of Naval Communica- uniforms, etc., from Navy service tions .-.... - .......-.... 595, 1278 stocks -..-.-........ - --... 598, 1281 for civilian personnel, Oflice of Naval price current to govern payments Intelligence ...-..-.-...... 595, 1278 for -..-..........-.......- 598, 1281 Nalvaé fension und, mm f _ Naval Storesi f t t e ciency approp on or paying a ropria ion or inves iga ing g1‘&d1D• g, claims from -.......-.....-.-. 191 pp handling, etc., of -..-... 516, 972, 1003 Naval Public Works Construction Fund, Naval Trapmyw lalwrw, _ not proceeds of guyplug mw;] Eopgrty approrgiation for California ....... 597, 1279 to be deposited in the easury 0I' hode 1S18¤d- .------------- 597. 1279 tg fhg gygdit gf ______________ _ 7()]_ {O1? GIGS`5 Lakes, Ill ........ ..-..- 597, expenditures from, when authorized by -l01'_H{iI¤Pl»0{ Roads. V8- - --·--— 597. 1279 Congress _____________________ 701 lumt, clerical, etc., services .... 597, 1279 estimates for, etc., to be submitted Naval War €‘9ll¢v¢. » annually by Secretary of the apprapnation for maintenance, etc,. 599, 1281 Ngvyu _______ ________________ Naval ·01'k‘HIg Fund, balance remaining in, March 4, 1933, estabhshed ---··----—----------- ---- 665 to revert 60 the '[ycgury ______ 701 bills for work, etc., ordered, to be paid Naval Radio Stalions, p'°'Ppt1Y ···· ···•· Ri- 905 use of, nnder conditions, for transmit- 1 not 3*3;*98 t° au 1 °’s s° °' 605 privab3gg5$1·1·m:1m“8“8id "3 ~·gi¤avLav;·»~g¤,~x gw Ugg S·~¤-· 832 tween ships, in Alaska, etc -.... 1173 rsslg t. °sd}s Y'? cf: i --1- Hgh --·· 832 rates for, other than Pacific coast °° °°l;°“ ‘st?`*° s· ° -- -|- messages, and Virgin Islands-- 1173 "°ss€ °¥’°"3tm$ mi;_:“ les tc 832 termination of, when private stations . ug? lm ° mqu m°“t's· ° ° ---·· able to meet requirements .... -- 1173 Navwabk . ¢'?°m*· °'•=·» . Naval R hand L., G , appropflrationcffor investigating pgl;8 1039 . . ion .........------.-. °'ppr°9ng;°i°°f f°r_ °ig{“°'° p°r°°°°§k5 1278 deficiency appropriation for Conference I for gressggng `QQQ; §§Q1`§Q,Q,;,§s of ’ N _ _ 0¤g1‘€VOD131¢.B of oil polluting of_ 367 gar with Central Powers $5 1278 °m'g°h'°;"c;rmu’ epimmmi °f °m “’°P° ---·--·-·---------- · appro riation for Commissioner, and Naval E¢¢0‘Vd8 C°l'l‘¢€Wd» poiiice personnel .--...--.-.. 355, 1205 Cl’0¤l¤r ·l6ll¤ ---·--·--—·----—-·----- 1798 for admeasurement of vessels -... 355, 1205 G¤'lm€¤ Edwud A ----·--·—-—-----—- - 1812 for motor boats, etc., to enforce navi- Hoist, Harold ...........--.----.... 1745 gation awe .,...... - ....... ess, 1206 M¤1€Y, T110m88-- --------—---—------ 1892 for preventing overcrowding of pas- M{¤‘¤h¤·11» Fl’¢d€¤¢k -·---·---—------- 1766 sengervessels --..- - .-...... 355, 1206 Ml¤0¤» ·l¤!¤9¤ C -··------—---------- 1615 for enforcing wireless communication Nemec, Louis- .-....---..---------.. 1763 lgwg ______________________ 355, 1206 Willey. Ch8‘1¢8 H -----·-------·----- 1615 for Shipping Commissioners ----- 355, 1206 W¤1¤0¤» Frank H- -----------—---— --- 1799 for clerk hire; contingent ex- Naval Reserve, penses .-----------.--....- 355, 1206 appropriation for mileage to 015- Navigation Bureau, Navy (see Bureau of cers ,.....-......--.--.-.. 595, 1280 Navigation, Navy), for expenses of organizing, etc-- 597, 1280 Navigation, Commissioner of, for pay, etc., on active training to enroll Norwegian vessel " Derwent" duty ........-..-.......---- 5 7, 1280 as vessel of the United States-- - 1354