Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1593

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mnnx. 3005 Siva: Reservations, N. and S. Dak., Pan. slqyww, Jmwi;8 B, (widow), Psa. unexpended balance of appropriation pension __________________ _ _________ 1713 _ for school buildings, covered on- 468 Sleeper, Ella H. (widow), Sw WGRGT éllkhb Fort, pgnsmn __________________________ ___ 1570 tablet to be erected at, on Roanoke Slifer, Gnnrgn, [91*1111; N- Cv 111 111911191Y 91 pension increasedn ,.... - ............. 1782 ,S_ _ })are ................ 676 sziior, Mary J, (widow), 1·"°°*°h» Wm -1 nsion increased- _,_,,... - ........... deiiciency appropriation for contested Slsfw, Emma ])_ H_ (widow), 1633 ¤1¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤x>¤¤¤¤¤- ------------- 842 pension increased. ........... - ........ 1864 Sirvpc. Table and SM. Sloat, Ewoliwo (widow) ·v¤¤>¤r1¤11¤¤ for 1¤2Y•=¤11s=¢1¤s ¤¤~¤¤- pension 1no1eeeea---J ...... - .......... 1569 facture of;ut11using new sources- gloom", Serbs, C,-M1, 1,,,,;, _ _ ap ropriation for minister to ........ 331, 1180 ‘g"p'f;n;”1‘o'?i“‘”"’°"" wo S'““21"’5““.,.·‘.·...,1*°‘*'°"’· 7 _ -_ -------—— y ---------·-—·-—- nsion m .,..... - ............ 15 2 SI3801l,_LI?HIdG E. (widow), Srgsu, Nellie (widow), S_p¢¤¤11>,¤;,111,;=,r¤¤sed ................... 1884 S psgnnn iugrggggd __________________ ___ 1955 ` m P1'°111¤·1¤¤17 ¤¥¤·1¤111¤t1°11i 9*9-1 91 11111* appprgiriation for prevention of epi- . b01‘,_$¤ be made .............. 1021 dcm1c_ ___________ _ ________ 148, 1038 sale authorized of abandoned lots at-, 246 for prevention of e(;c_ umm; In- Sh N¤¢1¤M {MMM. N- Yo dians ........ I .... I ......... 472 951 appropriation for fulfilling treaties Smallpox Hospital D_ g_ . ' l with ------—--—·—---——----— 477» 955 up ropriation for maixiteuance etc- 439 1319 S¤=1¢¤11'· $1*2*1 NE-- D- !·`·· . it: motor ambulance ...... -1 .... ian; 1319 appropriation for paving, East Qapitol for ________ _ ________________ 1319 to B Streets; from gasoline-tax Smdlwoodg , Emthw (widow), f¤¤<1 -----—---------·--·--—-— 425 pension increased.--...-- - .... - 1532 Simmh S¢r¤¢¢ N W-. D- G-. Smart, Rachel B. (widow) ` ` ` ` -- ¤1>pr¤pri¤ti<>n for agodins. Knknin Road pension innrmnd_ _____ ’ ________ ____ 1554 _ 1<> 1>1¤1ri¤* '¤•=--· ------------- 1995 sweoa, Loouo 12. (widow): ` ' ’S“““"”* '$"'€“ SE- D- qw ‘ ` pension increased ..................... 1878 nppropmnon for pawns. A.81r¤¤* to swouow Elizabeth B. (widow) Massachusetts Avenue; from pensgjn increased _____ ____ ’ _________ 1962 ¤¤¤<>11¤¤-1¤= f¤¤·1 -------·----- 499 Smith Ada M. (widow) 151 ¤·v1¤¢ M·¤¤·¤1¤¤¤¤*1· ·$v¤¤¤¤ peuiion 1ne»ewoo.--.Z ..... - .......... 1647 1:,, A1 Meet; from s¤¤<>1¤¤¤-tu ,306 Smith, _.1a4o B. (widow), ,8,, , · ··: ·················*··· i l18l0I1 mcmased ................... SM1 1’•=··.»1·2·¢···<=·=·· ¢‘···fe*e··¤¤i . 531, Amelia an (widow), nppropnwon for gfcrcipotins rn. at . pension incrggggd ___________________ 1884 11·1>·¤··» C9 -------——--—·-- 1185 swim, Anastasia zi. (miiow), Shmqhwa Shwhr ,w“L» pension .........,.,,,_,...,._.___,_ 1654

 examination, etc., 01, to be Smuh, Anna (widow),

, 1¤¤<19 ··--~—·--- y —-—----··--·- 11121 pension ............................ 1521 51=··1•~e~· ¥·=*v¤~¢ 11- <··~1<¤¤>· swiui, Annie B. (widow), r2¤¤¤¤<>¤ ¤¤¤1¤¤·¢<1- -——- 5 ———--—-—-—-·· 1559 pension inennweo .... - .............. 1583 ·9’¤¤1M•· 11*5 ·9v·1··¢v <·~1¤·¤>» swim, Annie E. (wiww), pendon mcreased: .................. 1592 pendon ____________________________ 1572 ·91¤·11·¤i MM -1- <·~1•¤¤>· swim, Arena (widow), r2¤¤¤·<·¤·——i -——-—- e ·-----—---——-———· 1149 pension ............................ 1532 ·S'°*’1*~1?,;,f’*¢*° H- (*****19*9% 16,4 swiu»,_Boi-,11wo B. (widow), ,85, _ ·······*·•· ·; ·•·····•·• · *··• DHOH cfelsod ................. -- ‘·g’°””•°!· ·*!‘•9°”° F- (*9*19*9% $1:31, Caroline M. (widow), i2·=¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤<1--T -------··------· 1994 pension increased ................... 1683 $’¤M·¢!’· "!m•• S- (·°¤1°·¤>· Smith, Catherine (widow), Pemwn }“°'°”°d -····—---—·---····· 1596 pension increased ................... 1654 ·$'=··'=vi V·!¤=¢*·*· Smith, Charles .4., oiio. Moriiw 1.. rwizw, ,gkP,3,¤'$°n,, -——·-····-··· 1595 pension ipcreahgred- - - .; ............... 1818 I I · appropriation for support, etc., of In- S"§;:L1g:r"f{’__ I __________ , __________ 1780 5 <11·¤¤¤1 ·------—-—-~—--—·-—-— *174- 954 Smith Cldninda Mason (widow) Skyks, Cdudil W. N. Army, pe1.1Li0u_______________ ____ ;___ ____ _ 1972 ·=*¤·111 111 *?°°“11*°.°{ —--------—-·-=-—- 1827 Smith crook, Ma., $1¤¢1¢*», ¥¤11¤= G- (‘“d°“’)» preliminary examination, etc., of, to be p¢¤¤E>,,¤:,,1¤;¤§¤9¤d·,--~ ·---- - --------- 1537 _ mndn___, ____________________ 101-; I ‘ I ymha i>¢¤¤1<>¤ 1¤<=¤>¤¤·>¤1- ----·--------·- · ---— , 1592 Sngégeign inoreiinoo.`? ................ me 8'“‘°· ·(°"“ G·· Smith view E (widow) ~ P°““'°“ -----·---··- · ················ 1825 union increased ' 1657 Slave Trade, Bureau for Re- S pgh D0 ,,,,,, E (Ti;) ‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ . P'“·””¤ Af€1°*€"· » m ’· T G ` ’ - 1549 deiuenoy jppropnatxon for ...... .. .... _ 188 . S P??,s;;u··7 ······ é ·················· Slang, Sallie . (widow), , "‘“ v . °'€V “‘”i d 196,1 pension increased. ......... - .......... 1966 Pensmn m°'°°·S° ···················