Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1618

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3030 INDEX. Trefclhen, N aomi (widow), P•I•· True, Hester C. (widow), Piv- peusion increased ____...,_____,__,_. 1700 pqnsion incregscd _____.___________,_ 1557 Trent River, N. C., · Trujillo, Juan Jose, _ improvement of, authorized .......... 1011 properté losscsof, by oyerilow of R10 Trenton, N. J., raude, to be adgusted, etc .... 1792 terms of court at ........ - ........... 561 Trujillo, Lucas, _ Trestcr! Virginia (widow), propcrté losses of, by overfjow of R10 pgmmn incrggggd __________________, 1676 _ nude, to be detenmncd, c’cc--- 1792 Trdhcway, Alice (widow), Trujillo, Miguel, _ pension increased ________________ ___ 1880 properté losses of, by qvcrfiow of R10 Trevesaick William J., alias William J. raude, to be adgusted, etc .... 1792 Trejizk, or Treppick, Truka, J amea, alias J ames H. Connely, pension _____________________., - .... 1594 pension increased- .................. 1777 Tribblc, Claudia B. (widow), Truman, N ettia (widow), pension increased ...........,.. - .... 1726 pension ................... - -.-.-.-. 1551 Trim, Jane H. (widow), Trumble, Phoebe A. (widow), pension increased __,__,._.__,. - ..... 1689 pension increased ................... 1744 Trimble, Lulu B. (widow), 1655 Trgmb1gl Céaugty, (zhiob _ _ f pgugigu _____ _ _________ _ ______,__ --- Oar 0 OUR y OIHIDISSIODBIS 0 , Trimblq Ma A, widow , may construct overhead via- pengién inigggggeg _____ ) ______________ 1957 dqct across Mahoning River, at Trinidad Avenue NE., 13. 0., _ ,G¤r¤rd ...... - ..............-. 696 deficienc appropnatxou for pavmg, at bules ..... - .................... 780 Nyeal to Queen Streets ......... 166 Truscott, John S., Trimltrolnluol, pension ........ - ...............---- 1826 appropriation for distributing, ctc., sur- Trussell, Abby E. (widow), plus war, for clearing agricul- pension increased, .................. 1558 tural laudq ................. 521, 996 Trusses fog Qisabled Solqicrg, Trzpp, _Sarah E. (wsdaw), appmprmuon {pr fg;-n}sh1¤g ....... 290, 1141 pensnon ............................ 1642 Trusts (see also F1duc1ar1es), Troester, Kate (widow), income of, subject to income tax ...... 32 pension increased .................. - 1574 Truxton Canyon Agency, Ariz., Troost, Nellie (widow), appropriation for support, etc., of In- pension iucrcased- .................. 1530 diana at ................... 474, 953 Trophies, cdc., World War (see War Tro- Truxion Canyon, Ariz., ghies and Devices, Captured). appropriation for Indian school at"'. 469, 948 Tropical lanla, Truxton Canyon Indian Camp Hvspztal, up ropriation for acclimatiziug, etc- 509, 986 Ariz., H)21DY08:ig8til1?iDS8CtS_8»KOCtiDg-- 518, 993 appropriation for maintenance, ctc; 2 951 Trost, una und0·w` , of .... .. ......... R; ......... 7" , T pensi?`}1 .... Y -(.M - -) ............... 1877 Try0n,_Ma1ga·rel C. (widow) , 1632 mu , an . ow , penswn .................... - ....... pegsion irfgreased ................... 1892 Tryon, Susan M. (wwkiaw), Troutman, Susan A. (widow), pension increased ............. - ..... 1887 pension increased ................... 1880 Tubercular Children, D. C., Troumcr, Myrtle M. (widow), appropriation fo1·_scho0ls for ....... 434, 1313 pension increased ................... 1908 for tmusportauou ._............ 434, 1313 Troy, Wis., ` Tuberculin, Serums, cig, _ _ _ preference right of, to purchase, for appropriation for mvcstngatmg am- park purposes, lands formerly mal .......... - ........... 505. 982 xiixanxcyed as in area of Booth 230 Tubgyculggig, f t f t 6 -----------·-·------·-·- a. ro riation or reven ion 0 , e c., TfuG1,_A’vQ¢1"i¢¤ (widvw), ` ` pp pamong Indisgxs .............. 471, 951 _ Tifxgslgn }§°"°"°°d ··················· 1660 Tuberculo8js,_D· C'., _ . ) V ' ‘! redemption ¤r lost ¤·¤¤¤·=¤¢» of i¤- “""'°'i,‘??T{‘Z‘ZfTT-R'f’I’?I‘Y{'{?-?}’H‘§8, mg Truck érg;;’“’d“°““ t° ···· · ············ 1835 d gv; di¤1>¤¤S¤ri<=S fqr :r¤¤ti¤;g--.d_.- 438. 1319 •. . . . . c cncuc a ro rm. non or xs cn- appr0p(1;}at10n for 1uvest1gat1ng dxseasegog 986 sgies gg. tgeating _________ F_;_ 848 - ‘"F"¥'"- ‘'‘`'‘' - `°`° · _ ' Tuberculosis, etc., Animal, ·f°r u;Y:gg]g;E:)g3°;:g§mgg?2€&_m517' 993 appropriation for Spreventing spread of , · · - - from one tate to a.u0ther--- 505, 982 Truckee-Carson Irngatum Dzstmt, N ev., a ment for . ls d t d_ reimbursement to, for operating irriga.- P gmit mma GS r°y° 505 983 tion drains for Paiute Indian I , ‘ ···· 1 ·················· * mas under Newumds pmjm- - - m Tw¤~M<>$2¤ H¤Sg¤M'· 1*-,0-» Tmckw River, appr0prxaQ10n or salanes .... - ..... 444, 1325 appropriation for surveying headwaters for contgngent expenses ......... 444, 1325 of, for reservoir sites; Ncwlands f°*` *'°P*m'S» etc- ---------------- 445, 1325 irrigation project, Ngv_ ________ 959 controlbetc, Of, uput under Board of Tmcksy Mm"., ubhc We are, D. C- ......... 209 excepted from tax on automobile chss- Tucker: Albert O-. sis, etc ...... - ................ 93 pension ............... - ............ 1722 Trudel{, Harriett P. (widow), Tucker, Cynthia E. (widow), peuswn ............................ 1574 I pension ____________________________ 1594