Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/177

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  1. 8IZXTY£NI1¤'1‘H*@NGBESS. *-Bnset-12% 4926... IGUBF
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B the—Smateiand = ?a tha_ 0,1::..1 .smm¤;y4m»·:m os»·m~;; g; maui; Lost- ‘.,Q'!‘.,:·,,{·,§.f:.*.*;'*:.; master General. be, and he is hereby authorizedwend directed to °•¤¤* e credit theficcounts of J. aelate at Gleve1•nd,·0hio, in the mm—oi’$8,209.38¥ ethe Umted·St•.tes on account ¤0f» the loss of postal, funds resulting from larceny and embezzlement. · " ‘ o `* *<·. Approved, June 18, 1926. CHAP B2? —·~·AhA.etFo¤· the relief of the Harrisburg ¤;¥§**’m` d,Hnrrisburg,_l’enneylvsnia.. A . ’ y, .*•¢•» o. 185. V Be is by- me Sehate and Home ef, Repmmmaeee were _ UmZted¤»S'ta$ee,—ef z_·W America in Oongrees eascembled, That in order to psy Beal Estete Comtgsny, of._.H•rrisburg, Psvmenho. Penneylvesggzl meeeonsb compensation for e use and occupation "”"·’·“"‘* by the Um gfromlleeeurber 6, 1920,ito April 10, .1923, of an tract of three hundred and nmetyeseven and twenty—two»one— léngndredtgs acres of 1a.�;iedinblo:;vi1er;i7%w&ta€·r:‘ T0wnsl1i§,;Du1phi:11. unty exmsyvmi e a1·_•2_1;ne¤t_ y period, ’there is authorized toyhe epproprieteg m tl1e out of any sums not otherwise ipproprieted, the sum of $32,270.90. Approved, June 18, 1926. _ L be no e, » reilzee xeusecerunlinfr. creekmeeer ‘5 " [§;;i°Q¤;e“|m

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Beit {by the.Se¤ate and House =o Representatives of the pwqa sum »;.·1m-sea mupmm-“»p»£k4,-,me_,m—me Em? °..'?.:&“‘.'z.°: 1i1stx·et1r;•115offeny ,hue·eon;eIrrmg· 1·ig1;1ts,<pnvi13gee,· hengltse MM- QQ0 yl: .. ` ` `;·S& 0!.‘S,·&!1 -:m¤’1110Sy m‘y—· Creekxgiore-¤}1¤l1»h¢reaf¢er beheld and considered tahnve been honor: ably. discharged fnonqdihe- service of the United;St•tee Murine Corps June 25,,1899: Pmmdcd, That no back pay, peusion,,on ellojwaneee ,'§’;$‘•,,;,,,,,,,,,_ ¤}¤H,bQ‘b¤ld¥¤0 bnveqtccrued pmorto the peseegetofthieid. —;t

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Beitenagted;by~the»Smmte,@pdH_ · MR Htle United State; 0£6’Ame1•ica in C'0ngreee0;a§e:1izf1qlee§,£zfIhal;_ _ ,;€t,ery x1°£ii¤·e»ii'¢§,r:ii¤a of the Interior and he is hereby, authorized (and directed to enroll §,?,;E'§§',‘0I{,‘,°’“ R°°‘