Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/364

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1796 SIXTY·NIN»TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cue. 236#239. A 1027. Fe¤r¤?ry6§.)1¤27- UHAP. Act For the relief of Mary · I °‘°m` Be itenacted.-by t];e_Senate G71d;H0ftlJQ of Repreeentatices of the ,.§f';,‘§fB·°°“‘*" United States cf America in Oltgreee assembled, That the Secretary igegvmoh mcuav to of the Navy is hereby author` and directed. to causeito bepai , m ° from the appropriation for beneficiaries of oliicers who die whi e on the active list 0 the Navy, t0‘Mary`H. Dou herty, widow of Horace DeB, Dougherty, late lieutenant, United gtates Navy an amount equal to six m0nths’ paiyegt the rate to which the said Plorace DeB. Dougherty would have n entitled to receive had he been employed onactive duty at the time of his death. ` Apprgybd. .F¢br¤¤ry 28. 1927-. Feb¤lN'y28.l927. , , . -, ~

  _23‘t.+A¤ Act For’the relief of C. P. Dryden.

Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the $;,;,g,.}?,’§y,`,lf*}I;,d,,m. U»n.ited:Statee of America tn. Ocngvreee assembled, That the Secretary W- of the Treamry be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to (Fay, out of any money in-the Treasury notctherwise appropriate , to C. P. Dryden, $2,329.25, as full compensation to O. ·P. Dryden, C. P. Dryden, and Mrs. D. F. Dryden for; personal idamages and private property damages which occurred, without negligence on his part, as a result of the operation of military aircraft on June 28, 1923, at Kiwaniadlviatien Field; Van Nuys, California. 8 # Apprcved. February 28, 1927.. Febrimry 28, 1927. 3 .. , , · . , ..

 ` CHAP.     Forfthe relief of Mark J.   i y

¤ Beit enacted by the Senate and Honey; Representatives of the

  • ,§{’;?;j£Q*”°,;, M United Staten of Amenha in>0mreae ass led, That the Secretary

tlsment or nidsrngnr of the Treasury is’authoriaed‘ directedjto ay to Mark J. White, ·¤·°··¤°¤=·*"***’*· in- enter pr the Umm- lemme Public- ·1—1etith *Service,— Treasury Departmentythe snnrof $168.75; from any money in the Treasury not~otherwise‘apprepi·iated; Such_¤sumrepresents a judgment for cests Mark J. White b the Supreme Gourtect the » nited¢ on December · 10,*1*923, in Numbered, 172, October term; 1928,;gmwéng out of the case of¤Wil1iam·»I.eather andethers VGl‘Sl1S_jWlllt6’ll1d` others for the recovery of certaiiireal- estate in the custody of*the»said Mark J t White ns an alicia! of the United States said sum- to be*paid to the iplaintifséin the=a“b0ve‘cau$, land, when accepted, to be 111 full settlement of this judgment. # · — i ~ Approved, February 28, 1927.- . reuumm.1 . ’ " ‘ ` i' `Z r¤n¤zz=nE- CHASE. 289.e—An Act Fer the relief of_ the Muscle Shoals, Birmingham and '°°°·N°#“°·} Pensacola Railroad the succeseor_in,i'nterest of the receiver of the Gulfgwlonddanind Alabama ilway Companypo _ ` - = · ·. — _ " .—.Be-et enacted byzthe Senatemad-Hwa of Rmmmadvw o the mms'; §‘;2,*‘a».2.*:; vested swam; emeezca mamma ,.nam1»zez,,.1*ue the $3};, R°“’°°° °°’”‘ tary€—.9f~th¤ Treasury,be,.a;1d;he·1s;he1·eby,¢gautherizegland directed raimeum. tp, pay, cuteof any money Twa$¤¤y·Qf¤th¤rU¤¤l¢¢d. mt otherwise app1;0priated,,the¤ sum. of· $27,008..04 to the Muscle . Shoals, Birmingh¤me;and·- Pensacola;Rei1read— Campania the successor; in interest nfnthe .re¤¤iv¤r of- the;·Gu1f,»—F1orida an . .A1l·b¤·m&¤R9»11W8y G¤mpany.¤,a¤,;fu1l·.¢qmpenqat1¤n .fcr clsimablemn-cnrgnectnomwith $h6x90¤S$Y}l6i10¤;; an extension of Evrrcksitv the United States-mvaliair station and yard·a.t.Peusaco1a, on U- ‘?: ’·»Z;_:_Y·. if ,: .€ i?:· ,i :’ :=,.`i{ Y-.y I Approved, February 28, 1927. . g ,:.