Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/643

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CONVENTION——CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Fm;. 7, 1923. 2075; tocolo respective yafalta de este protocol and fa1lmg` ' this in th enellugar quelainisma Comisién. place to be determinedyhy th: determme, y una vez mstalada same Commission, and once in- podra trasladarse a los lugaree stalled it shall have the right to que creyeregropios para los fines 50 to anye localities which it shall esu cometi o. - LasPartes Con- eemaproper for the discharge of tratantessecomprometen afoner its duties. The Contracting ala disposicion de ella, o e sus Parties glew themselves to agentes, todos los medios y facili— place at t e posal of the Com- dades necesarios_para el cumpli- mission, or of its agents, all the miento de su mis16n. means and facilities necessary for the fulnlment of its mission. Airrfcuno IX. Anrxcnm IX. Los Gobiernos S[1_§)na` tarios otor- The ' atc Governm nt ·*“'-“°"*°"°P'°°'“‘° Eau a todas las misiones que grant tdlggll tile Commission; °mm°' M

eguen a constituirse, la facultad which may be constituted the

de citar y juramentar testigos y power to summon and swear in de recibir pruebas y testimonies. witinesses and to receive evidence an testimony. i A.RTlCULO X. ARTICLE X. Durante la inv t` i6n `r‘* Durin the inves ° ation the m*d¤“°°*°°,,,, °‘ *8***** oidas las Partes?8y1g;codrar?1l’sla·i· Parties ghall be heart? and may d ` representadas por uno 0 mas have the right to be represented agentes y abogados. (bguuggile or more agents and Anriovm XI. ' Anmonn XI. Todos los miembros de la Co- All members of the Commis- °“°‘°’°'“‘· misién juraran ante la mas alta sion shall take oath before the autoridad 'udicial del lugar en highest Ludicial authority of the donde aquglla se instale, e Hely place wl ere it may meet, duly leal desempeno de su cometido. faithfully to discharge their uties. Aarofum XII. Annonn XII. La investgglacion se llevara a The Inquiig shall be conducted H¤•r¤»a.•¢¤· cabo contr `ctoriamente. En so that ot Parties must be consecuencia la Comisién notifi- heard. Consequently, the Com- cara a cada Parte las exposiciones mission shall notify each Party of que la otra presente y iijara the statements of fact submitted términos para recibir pruebas. by the other, and shall {ix periods o time in which to receive evi— dence. , » Una vez notificadas las Partes, Once the Parties are notified, thlnvelggtsstggntg la Comision procedera a la in- the Commission shall proceed to .p‘X,.,“§,'{ °° vestigacién no obstante que ellas the investigation, even though no comparezcan. · they fail to appear. · ‘ A.B'1‘fQHL0 XHI. ARTICLE XIH. Desde el momento en que As soon as the Commission of °,§ °°“°° qlviiede organizada la Comision de Inquiry is organized, it shall, at _ vest?aci6n podra ésta iijar la the request o any of the Parties s1tuac1 n en que deban per- to the dispute, have the right to