Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/917

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UNIVERSAL rosmn UN1oN—AUG¤ST es, 1924. 2347 Pour Z’ Union des Républigues Pour Z’ Uruguay: S*¤¤°'*'¤’°*‘C°¤*d· Somkétistes Soewlistes: Abonwo Aoomo V. Ossmsxr V. Dovoomnvsxx Pour les Etats- Unis de Vénézuela: E. Hmsoxzrnm Lms ALEJANDR0 Acmnaa E. Sranvrrcu KATISS V. Tomrcmmunsn Oertifiée pour co ie confirme. Stockholm, au Nlinistere Royal des Affaires Etrangéres, le 30 Sept 1924. Pour Le Secrétaire Général: Lo Chef des Archives CAN SONGREN Having examined and considered the rovisions of the aforegoing A1>¤*°v¤* gg ***6 Regulations, signed at Stockholm on the? 28th day of Au§st, 1924, Pmtmwr G° m` relative to the Universal Postal Convention of Stockho , signed the same da , the same is by me, by virtue of the powers_ vested by law in the Postmaster General, hereby ratified and approved by and with the advice and consent of the President of the Umted States. In witness whereof, .1 have caused the seal of the Post Ofiice De- artment of the United States to be hereto aflixed this 19th day of Kiarch, 1925. [sEAL.] HARRY S. Nnw, _ Postmaster General. I hereby a rove the above-mentioned Regulations, and in testi- ·’*¤¤'°'°" by “*° nlgydthereophave caused the seal of the United States to be hereto Pmmm e . [sam,.] CALVIN COOLI1>o1:. By the President: FRANK B Knuooo, Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, March 24, 1.925. IV IV PROTOCOLE FINAL DU REGLE- FINAL PROTOCOL OF THE REG· Fi¤¤U’¤‘¤*0•¤>l- MENT ULATIONS Au moment de rocéder a la At the moment of signing' ° the ·*¤°°"°‘°“‘ by *"°'“‘ signature du Reglerlnent d’exécu- Regulations of Execution o the p°mmm' tion de la Convention arreté par Convention drawn up by the le Congfgs postal universel de Universl Postal Congress of Stockho , les Plénipotentiaires Stockholm, the undersigned pleni— soussignés sont convenus de ce potentiaries have agreed as fol- qui suit: ows: I I Statistiglue spéciale de transit pour Specuzl transit statistics V for the Républigue turgue Turkish Republic L’Oflice turc a la faculté de The Turkish Administration _p'§d¤;1¤¤{¤m¤§§¢gg3Qgq fairedresser une statistique spé- has the option of causing special ins. ciale rendant les mois d’octobre- statistics to be made u uring now-mbre de l’année 19251pour the months of October-Nbvember les dépéches de et pour la erse of the year 1925 for dispatches et les pa s situés au sud de la from and for Persia and the Turquie dlAsie. Elle servira de countries situated to the south base pour les décomptes des frais of Asiatic Turkey. They shall de _ transit pendant toute la serve as the basis for the transit pémode prévue par la Convention charge accounts dining the en- et le Reglement. tire period fixed by the Con- vention and the Regulations.