Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/992

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2422 CAMEROONSJHZANDATEAGREAT BRITAIN Fnnsmmr 10, 1925. Mir-y_';.,w ini;} i`$>"'·f 2=¤ .;_°;;i>’ jj ,;· XI ,

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....—... °"’“•¤' *°·‘m bigtwwceeu the-lfnitgi Steiger-aid Great go >’.' paint igneat eruary , ,· · by the Senate March 15, 1926;‘ratzfied b the f» P·reeident,Ma••ch 93, 1926; émt·?Ied by Great Britain, April 20, _, 1.926,- ratzyicatiimw exchanged he oadon, July 8,1996; proclaimed, ~· July 12, 19£b'.¤ ’ . Br run Pnms1nmN·r·or run Uurrnn Srarns or Aumuca. ` .. = A·wPROCLAMA£l`IONa JQ °¤¤*•*"<*¤‘****· ~ FW. .H.E§EAS.a,.Conventipn between the United _ tates of America

»r¥i°£¤;3iii°iimri•1i`»ti'?.i and _I-lis, _ ,Majes?_conmrning__the rights their respective

“'5,‘},_f§,,,_ nationals m that part o the former German protecterate _of the ·· · · i over whiglaa gwas conferred upon.I·I1s Britannic Msiesfnvas ccnclu. at an ~¤¤z¤¤< ther. respective Plemgvten- tiaries at London on t e tenth day o February, onethousan nine fl , hundred andttwenty·£ve, the original of which_.C¤nvention is word

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T°"""°"“‘“°°°‘ . Wnnnas HA§.Br1tanmc Ma]esty has accepted a mandate for the achqinislsrationpf partlof the former German, rotectorate of the Cameroons, tbedermsof which have been defined by the Council of the League of Nations as follows :— ` ` . "A'rticZc'1. "v_Thet te' itory for which amandate is conferred upon His ,Britannic`.g`ajesty coin rises that part of the Cameroons which lies to thewest of the line laid down in the Declaration signed on the 10th July,·19`19, of which a copy is annexed hereto. “ 'Ifhis‘line‘ may, however, be slig tly modified by mutual Egreeinérit between His Britannic Majesty’s Govermnent and the y overnmentpf the French Republic where an examinationof the localities shows that it is rmdesirableheither in the interests of ti1e`inhthitants‘or byreason of any inaccuracies in themap, Moisel 1% 309,000 annexed to the Dec eration, to adhere strict y tothe line laid down therein. _ , _ ‘ · "`The delimitation on the spot of this line shall be carriedout in accordance with the provisions of the said Declaration. _` `“The iinalreport of the Mixed Commission shall give the exact descrilption of the boundary line as traced on t c spot; maps signe by the Commissioners shall be annexed to the rc- port. his report with its annexes, shall be drawn up in triplicate· one of these shall be deposited inthe archives of the League oi Nations, one shall be kept by His Brjitannic Maiiestyk Government, and one by the Government of the rench Republic. "ArticZe 2. " The Mandatory shall be responsible for the peace, order and good government of the territory, and for the promotion to the utmost of the material and moral well-being and the social progress of its inhabitants.