Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1018

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967 te rminat ion of atten dance of suc h chil d, and if any such instit ution of learning fails to make such report promptly the approval shall be w ithdrawn ." . SEC . 8 . That section 202, subdivision ( 1) , paragraph (e) of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended (section 475, title 38, United States Code), be hereby amended to read as follows

"(e) If he has a mother or father, either or both dependent on him for support, then, in addition to the above amounts, $10 for each parent so dependent : Provided, That the status of dependency shall be determined as of the first day of each year, and the director is authorized to require the submission of such proof of dependency as he, in his discretion, deems necessary : Provided further, That supplied, if proof not upon refusal or neglect of the claimant to supply such proof of dependency in a reasonable time, the payment of such additional co mpensa tion a s here in pro vided shall be susp ended or dis contin ued ." SEC . 9 . That section 202, subdivision 12, of the World War e Vol . 43,p .631,amend- Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended (section 486, title 38, United U.S . Code, p .1222 . States Code), be hereby amended to read as follows : "(12) Where the disabled person is a patient in a hospital, or Apportionment of compensation if parties where for any other reason the disabled person and his wife are not living together . not living together, or where the children are not in the custody of the disabled person, the amount of the compensation may be apportioned as may be prescribed by regulations ." SEC . 10. That section 206 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended (section 495, title 38, United States Code), is amended to read as follows "SEC . 206 . That no compensation shall be payable for death or disability which does not occur prior to or within one year after d ischa rge o r re signa tion from the servi ce, e xcep t as provi ded in section 200 of this Act, and except where there is an official record of the injury during service or at the time of separation from active service, or where prior to April 6, 1930, satisfactory evidence is furnished the bureau to establish that the injury was suffered or aggravated during active service . Where there is official record of injury during service compensation shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of this title, for death or disability whenever occurring, proximately resulting from such injury ." SEC . 11 . That the second paragraph of section 209 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended (section 498, title 38, United States Code), is amended to read as follows : "The time herein provided may be extended by the director up to April 6, 1930, for good cause shown . If at the time that any right ac crues to any perso n unde r the provis ions of this title such p erson is a minor, or is of unsound mind or physically unable to make a claim, the time herein provided shall not begin to run until such di sability ceases ." SEC . 12 . That section 212 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended (section 422, title 38, United States Code), be amended by adding thereto the following proviso `~ Provided further, That where the widow, child,- or children, of a deceased veteran are entitled to compensation by virtue of an accrued right under the War Risk Insurance Act, as amended, the rates of compensation shall be the same as those provided by section 201 of this Act ." SEC . 13 . That section 300 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended (section 511, title 38, of the United States Code), be h ereby amen ded to re ad as foll ows " SEC. 300. In order to give to every commissioned officer and enlisted man and to every mem ber of the Army Nurs e Corps (female) and of the Navy Nurse Corps (female) when employed in Dis ability comp ensa- tion . Vol . 43, p. 618, amend- ed. U. S. Code, p . 1221. With parent to sup- p ort . Provisos . Proof of dependency. Payment of co m- pensation . Vol . 4 p .797, ame nd- ed. U. S. Code, p. 1223. No payment unl ess disability, etc ., occur- red prior to discharge, or within a year there- after. Restriction removed if official record of its existence . Tim e limit for c laims . Vol . 44, p . 797, amend- ed. U. S. Code, p. 1223. Extension per mitted . For minors, etc . Purpose of Ac t . Vol .44, p . 798, amend. ed. U.S.Code,p.1214 . Compensation to w idows , etc ., under War Risk Insurance Act, to be as provided by this Act . Vol . 43, p. 1305. Insurance . V ol .44, p .798,amend« ed. U.S. Code, p.2079. Granted to all per- sons in active service under War or Navy Department, upon ap- plicationwithout medical examination .