Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1153

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESs. II . CH. 102. 1929. Pan American Union .

PAN AMERIC AN UNION Quota for support and printing. Proviso. Use of moneys from other Republics . International Bureau, Permanent Court of To meet the share of the United States in the expenses for the Arbitration . Vol. 36, p . 2222 . calendar year 1928 of the International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, created under article 43 of the convention concluded at The Hague, October 18, 1907, for the pacific settle- ment of international disputes, $2,000 . BUREAU OF INTERPARLIAMENTARY UNION FOR PROMOTION OF INTERNA- TIONAL ARBITRATION Interparliamentary Union for Promoting International Arbitra- tion . International Com- mission on Tables of Constants . For the payment of the quota of the United States for the support of the Pan American Union, $147,219 .60, and for printinand binding of the union, $20,000 ; in all, $167,219 .60 : Provided,- That any moneys received from the other American Republics for the sup- port of the union shall be paid into the Treasury as a credit, in addi- tion to the appropriation, and may be drawn therefrom upon requi- sitions of the chairman of the governing board of the union for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the union and of carrying out the orders of the said governing board . INTER NATIONAL BUREAU OF THE PE RMANENT COURT OF ARBITRAT ION For the contribution of the United States toward the maintenance of the Bureau of the Interparliamentary Union for the promotion of in tern atio nal arbi trat ion, $6, 000 . INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ANNUAL TABLES OF CONSTANTS, AND SO FOR TH To the International Commission on Annual Tables of Constants and Numerical Data, Chemical, Physical, and Technological, as established by the Seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry in London and as continued by the eighth congress in New York, as a contribution by the United States toward the publi- cation of annual tables of constants, chemical, physical, and tech- nological, $500 . International Insti-

INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGRICULI URE AT ROME, ITALY tute of A gricu lture . Quota, including de- For the payment of the quota of the United States, including the pende ncies . Territory of Hawaii, and the dependencies of the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, for the support of the Interna- tional Institute of Agriculture for the calendar year 1930, $9,600 ; Addit ional Quota : To enable the Secretary of State, in his discretion, to pay the addi- tional quota of the United States, including the Territory of Hawaii, and the dependencies of the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, for the support of the International Institute of Agriculture, in accordance with the resolutions of the general meet- ings of the institute held in November, 1920, and May, 1924, $34,740, for the calendar year 1930, to be paid in United States currency on the basis of the fixed rate of exchange at par ; Member of perms- For salary of the one member of the permanent committee of the neat committee .

International Institute of Agriculture for the calendar year 1930, $5,000 ; ti oTr slating pablica- For the cost of tran slat ing into and pri ntin g in the Eng lish lan - guage the publications of the International Institute of Agriculture at Rome, $5,000 ; Clerks, etc.

For clerical assistance and traveling and office expenses, $3,660 ; Total, $58,000 .