Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1175

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II . Cs. 102. 1929. tory, and service tests, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $220,000 ; Standards for cheek- Standard materials

For purchase, preparation, analysis, and dis-

ing chemical analyses, tribution of standard materials to be used in checking chemical analy ses an d in t he tes ting o f phys ical me asurin g appa ratus, inclu d- ing personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $10,600 ; Radi oact ive su b- Investigation of radioactive substances and X rays : For an inves- stances and X-ray in- vestigations . tigati on of radioa ctive substa nces a nd the method s of t heir m easure - ments and testing ; for investigations relative to the development of standard specifications for X-ray equipment and operation ; for the investigation of the hazards of X-ray practice ; for the testing and standardization of X-ray protective materials ; for the standardiza- tion and d esign of X-ray test ing equip ment ; f or the deter minati on of fundamental physical constants essential to X-ray diagnosis and therapy to X-ray analysis of materials and to other technical and scientific applications, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $31,500 ; ucttf omgtheland ro d- Utilization of waste products from the land : For the survey of the possibilities of the industrial utilization of waste products from the land, including cooperation with colleges, other institutions and man- ufacturers, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in th e field, $52,700 ; Invest igations Antomotive , etc. engines engines Investigation of automotive engines : For the promotion of econ- omy and efficiency in automotive transportation by land and by air through investigations of the basic principles underlying the design, perfo rmanc e, op erat ion, and t esti ng of auto motiv e en gines , the ir fuels, lubricants, accessories, and the power transmitting system used in conne ction with t hem, a lso su ch elem ents a s brak es and brake linings ; to promote economy in the use of liquid fuels and safety in vehicular traffic, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $26,500 ; Dental materials in. TQStlgSti0I1S .Investigation of dental materials : To investigate the physical and . chemical properties of dental materials, including the method of their application and the causes of deterioration of such materials in serv- ice, fo r the purpos e of d evelop ing st andards of qu ality and st andard methods of test, including ersonal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, 5,300 ; Bureau power plant . Purchase, installing, Power-plant equipment, Bureau of Standards : For the purchase etc•, of new, and installation of new power and heating plant equipment, to gether with such a uxilia ry equ ipment as may be ne cessar y, the mov- ing and installing of equipment on hand, and the tie-in with the pres- ent heat and power systems, including contract labor and personal services in the District of Columbia, $100,000 ; Cooperative work During the fiscal year 1930 the head of an department or inde- with departments, etc .,


y in sc ientific inve stiga • pendent establishment of the Government having funds available for Lions, etc' scientific investigations and requiring cooperative work by the Bu reau o f Stan dards on sci entifi c inve stigati ons wi thin t he sco pe of the functions of that bureau, and which the Bureau of Standards is un able t o perf orm wi thin t he lim its of its ap propri ations , may, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, transfer to the Bureau of Standards such sums as may be necessary to carry on such inves- Transfer of funds to tigations . The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer on the credit of Bureau . books of the Treasury Department any sums which may be author- ized hereunder, and such amounts shall be placed to the credit of the Bureau of Standards for the performance of work for the depart- ment or establishment from which the transfer is made, including, where necessary, compensation for personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field .