Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1200

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II . CHs. 147, 148 . 1929 .

1149 to settle and adjust said claims, and to certify same to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to the several persons entitled thereto, Payment authorized . as their respective interests may appear together with the reasonable and necessary expenses incident to the administration of this resolu- tion, out of any funds now in the hands of the United States Grain Corporation, and belonging to the United States, or out of the funds in the United States Treasury, not otherwise appropriated : Provided, Artr 180 . ne ys' That attorneys' fees shall not exceed 15 per centum of the amount stricted . r ecov ered . Approved, February 4, 1929 . fee s CHAP. 148 . Joint Resolution To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to Februarys . 1929 .

[H. J .Res. 340] . cooperate with the other relief creditor Governments in making it possible for [Pub . Res ., No .8i- Austria to float a loan in order to obtain funds for the furtherance of its recon- struction program, and to conclude an agreement for the settlement of the "indebtedness of Austria to the United States . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United State s o f America in Congress a ssembled, That in order that the United States may cooperate with the Governments of Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland in making it possible for Austria to obtain by means of a loan the additional funds necessary in the furtherance of its recon- struction program, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author- ized, if he determines that substantially similar action has been taken by each of such Governments in respect of the Austrian relief bonds held by it and that the Reparation Commission has given an appropriate release in respect of such loan, to subordinate the lien of the United States upon the assets and revenues of Austria pledged for the payment of the Austrian relief bond held by the United States (but without prejudicing the priority over costs of repara- tion stipulated in the relief bond) to a lien upon such assets and revenues as may be pledged for the payment of one or more loans floated by Austria in an aggregate net amount of not more than 725,000,000 Austrian schillings and for a period of not more than thirty years from July 1, 1929 ; and the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, is hereby authorized to conclude an agreement, as set forth below in general terms, for the settlement of the indebtedness of Austria to the United States : Provided, how- ever, That the terms and conditions of such settlement shall not be less favorable than the terms and conditions granted by Austria to any of the other relief creditor Governments, and should more favor- able terms or conditions be granted by Austria to any of the other relief creditor Governments, the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, is authorized to amend the proposed agree- ment so that the United States may enjoy a corresponding benefit . The amount of the indebtedness to be funded is $34,630,968 .68, which has been computed as follows Principal amount of obligation to be funded $24,055,708 .92 Interest accrued a nd unpaid thereon to January 1, 1928, at the rate of 6 per centum per annum 10, 575, 259 .76 re- Austr ia . Coop eration wi th other creditor Govern- ments authorized to enable Austria by a loan to obtain funds for its reconstruction pro- gram. Su bstit utio n for lie n up on as sets pled ged for Austrian relief bonds, a lien upo n assets pledged for lo ans floated . Agreement for settle- ment of its indebted- ness to United St ates . Proviso . Terms to be not less favo rable than t hose granted other Govern- ments . Amount of indebted- ness . Total p rincipal and interes t accrued and unpaid as of January 1,19 28 34,6 30,968 . 6 8 In full and final settlement of this indebtedness, Austria shall pay

an- nuities Set tlem ent b ginning Jan- twenty-five equal annuities of $1,337,140 beginning on January 1, nary 1, 1943 . 1943 . Austria, however, shall have the option of paying instead of the optional in 40-an- nuities beginning Jan- aforesaid annuities forty annuities as follows : Five annual pay- nary 1, 1929. ments of $287,556 beginning on January 1, 1929 ; ten annual pay- Payments.