Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1201

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II. CHs. 148, 151, 152 . 1929 . ments of $460,093 beginning on January 1, 1934 ; and twenty-five annual payments of $743,047 beginning on January 1, 1944 . If Austria shall exercise this option to pay in forty annuities beginning January 1, 1929, the obligation of Austria to pay annui- ties during the years 1929 to 1943 will in the case of each annuity not arise if the trustees of the reconstruction loan of 1923 prior to the preceding December 1 have raised objection to the payment of the annuity in question on the due date . To the extent, if any, that any such annuity is not paid by reason of such objection on the part of the trustees, the amount thereof together with interest at 5 per centum per annum compounded annually to December 31, 1943, shall be repaid together with further interest at 5 per centum per annum by twenty-five equal annuities on January 1 of each of the years 1944 to 1968, inclusive . The bonds to be issued under the agreement to be concluded under authority of this resolution shall enjoy the same security as the relief obligation of Austria now held by the United States (relief . series B of 1920) except to the extent that the lien enjoyed by this obligation has been released by the Secretary of the Treasury under authority of the joint resolution of Congress approved April 6, 1922, and also to the extent that it may be further released by the Secretary of the Treasury under the authority of this resolution . Austria shall make no payment upon or in respect of any of its obligations issued to the relief creditor nations, to wit, Denmark, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and S witzer land b efore, at, o r afte r matur ity, w hether for p rincip al or for interest, unless a similar and proportionate payment shall simultaneously be made upon the relief indebtedness of Austria to the United States . Any payment to be ma de under the agreemen t may be made at the option of Austria in any United States Government obligations issued after April 6, 1917, such obligations to be taken at par and accrued interest . Appro ved, Febru ary 4, 19 29 . Obligation to pay annuities, 1929 to 1943, will not arise if recon- struction loan trustees object to a payment on a due date. Amount not paid . t o be repaid in 25 an- nuities on January 1, 1944 to 1968 . Bond s is sued unde r this agreement to have same secu rity as of obl i- gation now held . Lien release d . Vol. 42, p. 492. No payment by Aus- tria to o ther cred itor natio ns u nless pro por- tionate payment simul- tan eou sly ma de to United States . Payments may be ma de in United States bonds . February 5, 1929 .

CHAP . 151 .-An Act To amend section 1396 of the Revised Statutes of the [n'R . 13414.] United States relative to the appointment of chaplains i n the Navy . [Public, No. 700 . 1 Y'

' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Navy . Chaplains .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 1396 . R. S., sec. 1396, p. of the Revised Statutes of the United States is hereby amended by 249, S Code p . U02. striking out the words "A chaplain " in the first line thereof and sub- Acting chaplain . Age qualifications . stituting therefor the words "

acting chaplain," so that said section will read as follows "An a cting chap lain shal l not be less than twent y-on e nor more than thirty-five years of age at the time of his appointment ." Appro ved, Febiu ary 5, 19 29 . February 5, 1929.

[73 . R . 15324.] CHAP . 152 .-An Act Authorizing the attendance of the Marine Band at the [Public No . 701 .]

Confederate Veterans' reunion to be held at Charlotte, North Carolina . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Confederate ans' Reunion vet"- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President . Marine Band author- is authorized to permit the United States Marine Band to attend a tte nd, at Charlotte, NC ize d to and give concerts at the Thirty-ninth Annual Confederate Veterans' Reunion to be held at Charlotte, North Carolina, June 4 to 7, inclusive, 1929 .