Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1204

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SEVE NTIE TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHs. 156, 157 . 1929 .

1153 CHAP . 156 .-Joint Resolution Granting the con sent of Congress to the February 5, 1929 . ci ty of New York to enter upon cer tai n United States property for the [s.J. Res. 171.] purpose of constructing a rapid transit railway .

[P ub . Res., No.s3.) Re solved b y the Se nate and House o f Repre sentativ es of th e United New York City . States o f America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Con- consent granted, to ress is hereby granted to the city of New York to enter upon for enter upon Govern- g




ment prop erty for rapid the purpose of constructi ng a rapid tr ansit railway, any and all transit railway . property of the United States situated within the area described as follows Beginning at the southwest corner of the Subtreasury site, being Location de signated . the in tersect ion of the no rtherly line of Wall Street with the eas terly r°8a, p . M8. line of Nassau Street, running thence northwardly with the line of Nassau Street along the westwardly side of the Subtreasury area coping a distance of forty feet to a point in the line of Nassau Street

thence in an eastwardly direction approximately five and seventeen hundredths feet to the westwardly wall of the Subtreasury Building ; thence in a southwardly direction with the westwardly line of the Subtreasury Building a distance of forty feet to a point in the north line of Wall Street ; thence with the north line of Wall Street along the southerly side of the Subtreasury area coping a distance of five and seventeen hundredths feet to the point or place of beginning . The subway structure, within the space hereinbefore described Construction condi- shall be designed and constructed by the city of New York to carry tions. the highest building that could be constructed on this property of the United States in accordance with the New York Building Code, and in defa ult ther eof the auth orit y he reby gra nted sha ll c ease and be null and void . Approved, February 5, 1929 . CHAP. 157.-An Act To authorize the Postmaster General to require steam-

(A . R . February

64 .] ship companies to carry the mail when tendered .

[Public, No. 704.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Mail transportation . United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 203 Vol. 35, p. 1127, of an Act en titled "An Ac t to codify, revise, and am end the penal amended . laws of the United States," approved March 4, 1909 (Thirty -fifth Statutes at Large, page 1127, United States Code, title 18, section u. s. Code, p. 485. 326), is amended by adding to the end thereof the following new paragraph c

Transportation by Except as otherwise provided by treaty or convention the Post- any steamships be- master General may require the transportation by any steamships of twee- United states and foreign ports at mail between the United States and any foreign port at the compen- compensation fixed by sation fixed under authority of law . Upon refusal by the maste r or law . the commander of such steamship or vessel to accept the mail, when tendered by the Postmaster General or his representative, the col - lector or other officer of the port empowered to grant clearance, on notice of the refusal aforesaid, shall withhold clearance until the Clearance withheld collector or other officer of the port is informed by the Postmaster on refusal, etc . General or his representative that the master or commander of the steamship or vessel has accepted the mail or that conveyance by his steamship or vessel is no longer required by the Postmaster General ." Approved, February 6, 1929 .