Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1264

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 227 . 1929 .

1213 Agriculture may from time to time designate, o at points which may be conveniently reached therefrom, under such rules and regula- tions as he may prescribe, including payment of such fees as will be reasonable and as nearly as may be to cover the cost for the service proviso . rendered : Provided, That certificates issued by the authorized agents Legal effect of certifi- of the department shall be received in all courts of the United States e ater. a s prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements therein con- tained, $440,000 . Market news service . Market news service : For collecting, publishing, and distribut- Collecting, etc ., in- ing 7 by telegraph, mail, or otherwise, timely information on the dairy forma , t agriculture, oftre,e etc ., b, market supply and demand, commercial movement, location, dispo- products, sition, quality, condition , and mar ket pric es of liv estock, m eats, fis h, and animal products, dairy and poultry products, fruits and vege- tables, peanuts and their products, grain, hay, feeds, and seeds, and other agricultural products, independently and in cooperation with other branches of the Government, State agencies, purchasing and consuming organizations, and persons engaged in the production, transportation, marketing, and distribution of farm and food prod- ucts, $1,304,260 . Cooperative market- Cooperative marketing : To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to ing. - carry into effect the Act entitled "An Act to create a division of visions of Act Admiofs rela ting cooperative marketing in the Department of Agriculture ; to provide thereto . . 44, p.802. for the a cquis ition and diss emina tion of i nform atio n per taini ng to u . S . Code, p.1895 . cooperation ; to promote the knowledge of cooperative principles and practices ; to provide for calling advisers to counsel with the Secre- tary of Agriculture on cooperative activities ; to authorize coopera- tive associations to acquire, interpret, and disseminate crop and market information, and for other purposes," approved July 2, 1926 (U. S . C ., pp . 1895, 1896, sees . 451-457), $290,000 .

cotton . Cotton statistics : To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry Statistics of grad e into effect the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of a d staplplagth. Agriculture to collect and publish statistics of the grade and staple u . S . Code, Supp. I, length of cotton," approved March 3, 1927 (U . S . C., Supp . I, p ' 24 ' pp . 24, 25, sets . 471-476), $420,000 . In all, sal aries and expenses , $4,769, 160 . Cotton Futures, and ENFORCEMENT OF THE UNITED S TATES COTTON FU TURES ACT AND UNITED Cotton S tandards Acts . STATES COTTON STANDARDS ACT To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the pensesorcement ex- V . provisions of the United States Cotton Futures Act, as amended 40, P. 1351.p . 476; Vol. March 4, 1919 (U . S . C ., pp . 788-791, sets . 731-752), and to carry U. 4C de,p . 7 98 into effect the provisions of the United States Cotton Standards U . S. Code, p. 90. Act, approved March 4, 1923 (U . S . C ., pp . 90, 91, sees . 51-65), includ- ing all expenses necessary for the purchase of equipment and sup- plies ; for travel ; for the eniployment of persons in the city of Washington and elsewhere ; and for all other expenses, including rent outside of the District of Columbia, that may be necessary in execut- the use of Agreement standards, ing the provisions of these Acts, including such means as may be arbitration of disputes, etc ., in foreign coun- necessary for effectuating agreements heretofore or hereafter made tries . with cotton associations, cotton exchanges, and other cotton organiza- tions in for eign c ountri es, fo r the adoptio n, use , and observ ance o f univer sal st andard s of c otton classi ficatio n, for the a rbitra tion o r settlement of disputes with respect thereto, and for the preparation, distribution, inspection, and protection of the practical forms or copies thereof under such agreements, $219,500 . Grain Standards Act . ENFORCEMENT OF THE UNITED STATES GRAIN STANDARDS ACT Enfo rcem ent e x- To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the pro- pen Vol . .as, p. 482. visions of the United States Grain Standards Act, including rent