Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1380

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SEVENTI ETH C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 352. 1929 .

1329 of the boar d of exami ners in the b asic sc iences shall teach o r pract ice the healing art while serving in that capacity . SE C. 11 . The commission shall refer to the board of examiners in tenses s App lica nts to be referred for t to the b asic sc iences every applica nt for a lice nse to practi ce the healing a omin ae srst i basi c o art in the District of Columbia, except those entitled to licenses by apply the sciences to virtue of licenses to practice medicine and surgery in the District of P the ersons excepted . Columbia outstanding at the time of the approval of this Act, or by virtue of years of practice of osteopathy or some form of drugless healing in the District of Columbia at that time, for determination of the applicant's ability to understand and to apply the sciences of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, bacteriology, and pathology to the Board not to kn ow study and practice of the healing art . The commission shall refer method of practice of such applicants so that the board of examiners in the basic sciences applicant . and any member of that board shall not know the method of practice the appli cant has studi ed or the met hod of practi ce he intends to Acceptance, in lieu of follow. The board of examiners in the basic sciences may examine examination, proof of any applicant referred to it, but it may accept in lieu of examination priorexaminations,etcr proof that the applicant has passed, before a board of examiners in the basic sciences, by whatsoever na me it may be known, or befo re any examining or licensing board in the healing art as that art is hereinbefore defined, of any State, Territory, or other jurisdiction under the United States, or of any foreign country, an examination in anatomy, physiology, chemistry, bacteriology, and pathology, as comprehensive and as exhaustive as that required in the District of Report of findings . Columbia under authority of this Act . The board of examiners in If qua lifie d m the the basic sciences shall report its findings to the commission . An sciences, to be certified b

to examiners in medi- applicant who is reported by the board as qualified in the sciences of cine, etc., to d eter mine anatomy, physiology, chemistry, bacteriology, and pathology, but professional fitness. who is not entitled to a license to practice the healing art, without examina tion, shall b e certified by the commissi on to the boa rd of examiners in medicine and osteopathy, or a board of examiners in drugless healing, as the case may be, for determination of his pro- fessional fitness . An applicant who is reported by the board as License without ex- amination by reciproc- qualified in said sciences and who is entitled to a license by reciproc- ity . ity, without examination, shall thereupon be given such a license . The commission shall issue no license to practice the healing art to No license to person not reported by exam- any person who has not been reported by the board of examiners in inersin basicsciencesas the basic sciences as qualified in the sciences of anatomy, physiology, qualified therein. chemistry, bacteriology, and pathology, except to such persons as are entitled to licenses by virtue of licenses to practice medicine and Exceptions. surgery in the District of Columbia outstanding at the time of the approval of this Act and by virtue of years of practice of osteopathy or some form of drugless healing in said district prior to approval of this Act, and except to applicants for licenses to practice midwifery . Board of examiners in SEC . 12 . The commission shall appoint as members of the board medicine and osteop- of examiners in medicine and osteopathy persons who have been athy . Qualification re- graduated with the degree of doctor of medicine, doctor of osteop- quire d . athy, or some equi valent degree by a school r egistered und er this Act and who have taught or practiced, or taught and practiced, medi- cin e and surgery or ost eopath y for n ot less than five co nsecuti ve yea rs, the last three of which, at least, immediately preceding their respec- tive ap pointments, h ave been in th e District of Columbia . The board of examiners in medicine a nd osteopathy shall be com- posed of four practitioners of medicine and surgery, one of whom shall be an adhere nt of the home opathic schoo l, and an ost eopath . The degrees doctor of medicine and doctor of osteopathy shall be accorded the same rights and privileges under governmental regula- E xamin atio ns . tions . They sh all examine i nto the qualif ications of a ll persons referred to them who desire to practice medicine and osteopathy. Identical questions The questions pr opounded to s uch applicants shall be ide ntical i nt o be propoun ded .