Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/154

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103 automobiles for official use, and all other expenses requisite for and incident thereto, including not to exceed $5,000 for additions and impro vemen ts, $7 6,360;

Temporary details Pe rsons em ployed d uring th e fiscal year 19 29 in fi eld work outside fr om the field for of the District of Columbia under the Bureau of Mines may be service in the District . detai led t empora rily for s ervice in t he Di strict of C olumb ia for purposes of preparing results of their field work; all persons so detailed shall be paid in addition to their regular compensation only proviso . traveling expenses in going to and returning therefrom : Provid ed, Pay ment of That nothing herein shall prevent the payment to employees of the sary expenses. Bureau of Mines of their necessary expenses, or per diem in lieu of subsistence, while on temporary detail in the District of Columbia for pur poses on ly of co nsultati on or in vestigat ions on behalf of the United States. All details made hereinunder, and the purp oses of each, during the preceding fiscal year shall be reported in the annual estim ates of app ropri ation s to C ongre ss at the beginning of each regular session thereof; The Secretary of the Treasury may detail medical officers of the Public Health Service for cooperative health, safety, or sanitation work with the Bu reau of Mines, and the compensation and expenses of the officers so detailed may be paid from the applicable appro- priations made herein for the Bureau of Mines : G over nmen t fu el yards : For the purchase and transportation of fuel; storing and handling of fuel in yards; maintenance and opera- tion of yards and equipment, including motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles for inspectors, purchase of equipment, rentals, and all other expenses requisite for and incident thereto, including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia, the unexpended balance of the appropri ations h eretofor e made f or these purpose s is rea ppro- pri at ed and made available for su ch purposes for the fiscal yea r 1929, and for payment of obligations for such purposes of prior years, and of such sum not exceeding $500 shall be available to settle claims for dama ges caus ed to pr ivate pr operty b y motor vehicles used in del ivering fuel : P rovide d, That all mon eys rece ived fro m the sales of fuel shall be credited to this appropriation and be available for the purposes of this paragraph : Pro vided furth er, Tha t the requirements of sections 3711 and 3713 of the Revised Statutes rela- tive to the weighing of coal and wood and the separate certificate as to the weight, measurement, or quantity of coal and wood purchased shall not apply to purchases by the Government fuel yards at free- on-board destinations outside of the District of Columbia . H elium produ ction and i nvest igati ons : The sums made available for the fiscal year 1929, in the Acts making appropriations for the War and Na vy Departments for the acquisition of helium from the Bureau of Mines shall be advanced from time to time upon requisi- ti on by the Secretary of Commerce in such amounts as may be deter- mined by the President not in excess of the sums needed for the econ omica l and effic ient operat ion a nd ma intena nce of the plant s for the production of helium for military and/o r nav al pu rposes , including purchase, not to exceed $2,500, and exchange as part pay- ment for, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passen ger-carr ying veh icles, a nd inclu ding not to exce ed $12,2 60 for personal services in the District of Columbia; For investigations of resources of helium-bearing gas and the cons ervat ion th ereof, and of processes and methods of producing, stor ing, purify ing, and u tilizi ng he lium and he lium- beari ng gas , includ ing supp lies and equipme nt, stat ionery, furnitur e, expen ses of travel and subsistence, purchase, not exceeding $1,200, exchange as part payment for, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled neces. Repo rts thereof to congress. Details from Public Health Service . Gov er nme nt fuel yard s. Purchase of fuel, maintenance. etc . Balance reappropria- ted . Vol.44,p. 1219 . Provisos. Sales credited to the appropriation . Insp ectio n require- ments laws not appli- cable . R.S.,sees . 3711, 3713, pp. 733,734. pro duc tio n, Heli um etc . Adva nces for, fro m Ar my and Navy ap- propriations . Vol.44,p. 1337. Services in the Dis- trict . Investigations, etc., of r esour ces of he lium- bearing gas.