Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1546

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. Cxs. 508, 509 . 1929 .

1495 prevent her from departing from her loading port or place when loading in violation of section 4, or if any person shall kn owingly permit or cause or attempt to cause a foreign vessel exempted pursu- Appl icati onto forei gn ant to section 5 to depart, or if, being the owner, manager, agent or vessels. master of such vessel, he shall fail to take reasonable care to prevent her from departing from her loading port or place when loaded more deeply than permitted by the laws and regulations of the country to which she belongs, he shall, in respect of each offense, be guilty Penalty for. of a misdemeanor, unless her going to sea in such condition wa s, under the circumstances, reasonable and justifiable, and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500 . d If the master of any vessel or any other person shall know- Punishment for pe r- t'


mit tin g, etc . . detained ingly permit or cause or attempt to cause any vessel to depart from vessel to depart. any port or place in the United States or its possessions in violation of any order of detention made pursuant to section 7, he shall, in respect of eac h offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor and s hall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment not to exceed three months, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the dis- cretion of the court . (e) If any person shall conceal, remove, alter, deface, or obliter- Concealing, oblitera- ting, et c ., marks ona ate or shall suffer any person under his control to conceal, remove, vess el, a mis demea nor . alter, deface, or obliterat e any mark or marks placed on a vessel pursuant to this Act or to the regulations established thereunder, except in the event of lawful change of said marks, or to prevent cap- ture by an enemy, he shall in respect of each offense be guilty of a misdemeanor an d shall be pu nished by a f ine not to exc eed $1,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed one year, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court .

Liability of vessel (f) Whenever the owner, manager, agent, or master of a vessel when owner, etc., sub. shall become s ubject to a f ine or penalt y by way of mo ney payment sect to fine, etc ° pursuant to the provisions of this Act, the vessel shall also be liable therefor and may be seized and proceeded against in the district court of the United States in any district in which such vessel may be found . SEC. 9 . This Act shall take effect eighteen months from and after months. in Is the date of the appr oval the reof . Approved, March 2, 1929. CHAP. 509 .-An Act To provide for the repatriation of certain insane American citizens . Be it ena ct ed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That upon the application of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to transfer to Saint Elizabeths Hospital, in the District of Columbia, for treatment, all American citizens legally adjudged insane in the Dominion of C anada, whose legal residenc e in one of the States, Territories, or the District of Columbia, it has been impossible to establish . Upon the ascertainment of the legal residence of persons so transferred to the hospital, the superintendent of the hospital shall thereupon transfer such persons to their respect ive places of residence, and the expenses attendant thereon shal l be paid from the appropriation for the support of the hospital . Upon the request of any such patient, his relatives or friends, he shall have a hearing in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia . upon his mental condition and the right of the superintendent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital to hold him for treatment . Approved, March 2, 1929 . Punishment for . March 2, 1929 . [H. R. 16436.1 [Public, No. 935 .] Insane Americans in Cana da . Transfers to Saint Elizabeths Hospital, for treatment, etc. when lega l res iden ce ascertained, to be trans- ferred from th e hospital thereto . Hearing in District Supre me C ourt as to mental condition, etc ., upon request .