Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1595

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . Srss. II. Ca. 682. 1929 . 120/1 shall dedicate to the District of Columbia for street purposes all of the parcel known and designated as Parcel F, containing forty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-one square feet, as shown on map filed in the office of the surveyor of the District of owner s to dedicate described land to the Columbia and numbered as map 1429, and shall further, in considera- Commi ssio ners of the tion of the incr ease in area of the prop erty of said own er o r ow ners District.

of said parcel 120/1 by reason of the transfers as provided herein, dedicate to the District of Columbia about thirty-six thousand square feet of land, the location of which shall be mutually agreed upon by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia and the owner or Transfer of parcel as part of soldiers' uome owners of parcel 120/1, and that said owner or owners of said parcel grounds . 120/1 shall transfer to the United States as part of the grounds of the United States Military Asylum, known as the United States Soldiers' Home, all of the parcel known and designated as Parcel G, containing one thousand five hundred and forty-three square feet, as shown on said map numbered 1429 in the office of the sur- roriso .

veyor of the District of Columbia : Provided, however, That the Transfer to the own- ers , desi g nated land by board of commissioners of the United States Soldiers' Home, or the Soldiers' Home com- missioners . proper authorities having title, control, or jurisdiction, shall transfer to the owner o r owners of t he parcel desi gnated on the assessment and taxa tion rec ords of the Dist rict of Colu mbia as parc el 1 20/1 all the land comprised within the parcel known and designated as Parcel C containing four thousand five hundred and seventeen square feet, as shown on map filed in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia and numbered as map 1429 . P lat showing trans- SEC . 4 . That the surveyor of the Distric t of Columbia is hereby fers to be prepared and certified b y the Dis- authorized to prepare the necessary plat or plats showing all parcels trict surveyor . of land to be transferred in accordance with the provisions of this Act, with a certificate affixed thereon to be signed by the parties in interest making the necessary transfers ; which plat and certificate, after being si gned by the v arious interes ted parties a nd approved Recorded in office of surveyor .

by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, shall be recorded Legal tr ansfer of titl es upo n order of sa id commission ers in the off ice of the su rveyor of when so recorded .

the District of Columbia ; and said plat or plats, when duly recorded in said office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, shall con- stitute a legal transfer of title of the various parcels to the parties in interest according to the provisions contained in this Act . requ ired by Was hing SEC . 5. That the Washington Railway and Electric Company shall ton Railway and Elec- t ric

be authorized an d required, u pon the straig htening and s hortening Company .

b of the line of Michigan Avenue as provided herein, to remove the tra cks of said c ompany from t heir present l ocation along Michigan Avenue, from Franklin Street as laid down on the plan of the permanent system of highways of the District of Columbia to L incoln Road, and t o rel ocate said t racks along the c enter of Michigan Avenue according to the new location of said avenue between said points, as straightened and shortened in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and to bring said relocated tracks to approved grade of said avenue as determined by the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia, and to do all necessary work in by the cos ts Company. expenses connection therewith, the costs and expenses of the removal and relaying of tracks and replacing the trolley poles, and all necessary work incident ther eto, to be bor ne by said Wa shington Rail way and Supervi sion of work . Electric Company ; all such work to be performed under the super- vision and to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia . Amount aut hor iz ed for pavi ng Michiga n SEC . 6. That the appropriation contained in the District of Avvenhue, capitbitwang Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June 30, Monroe Streets, ma de 19 30, fo r the paving of M ichiga n Aven ue be tween North Capito l available . e . 1272.

and Monroe Streets, northeast, is hereby also made available to pay