Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1639

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 705. 1929. Pensions Bureau . Army and Navy Army and Navy pensions, as follows : For invalids, widows, pensions . minor children, and dependent relatives, Army nurses, and all other pensioners who are now borne on the rolls, or who may hereafter be placed thereon, under t he provisions of any and all Acts of Navy os from nava l Congress, $221,000,000, to be immediately available : Provided, That fund .

the appropriation aforesaid for Navy pensions shall be paid from the income of the Navy pension fund, so far as the same shall be Separate accounting. suf dent for that purpose : Provided further, Th at the amount expended under each of the above items shall be accounted for separately. Commissioner, office personnel . Post, p. 1642 . BUREAU OF PENSIONS PENSIONS SALARI ES and For the Commissioner of Pensions and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $1,225,000 . SPECIA L INVES TIGATI ONS AND EXAMINATIONS In vesti gatio ns, t rav- eling expenses, etc . For expenses of special investigations pertaining to the Bureau of Pensions, including traveling expenses of persons detailed from t hat b ureau for such purp ose, purc hase of su ppli es an d equ ipme nt for field use, copies of records and documents, and reimbursement of cooperating governmental agencies for expenses necessarily incurred in connection with such investigations ; also including not to exceed $1,000 for necessary traveling and other expenses of the commissioner or employees of the bureau assigned, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to official duty in connection with th e ann ual conve ntion s of orga nized war vete rans, $105 ,000 . Examining surgeons . For fees and mileage of examining surgeons engaged in the exami- nat ion of pensi oners and of claim ants f or pens ion, f or ser vices ren- os.

dered within the fiscal years 1929 and 1930, $300,000 : Provided, That Exam ination s here- after by one physician, hereafter all necessary medical examinations of claimants or pen- et c.

sioners not heretofore ordered shall be made by one physician or Vol.22,p.155. U.S. Code, p. 1194. surgeon, duly appointed under the Act of July 25, 1882, as amended (U . S. C ., p. 1194, sets . 71, 72), and duly designated for such exami- nation by the Commissioner of Pensions, except when in the j udg- ment of the said Commissioner the examination should be made by Feeforeach examina- lion . more than one : Provided further, That the fee paid any such physi- cian making such examination alone, or otherwise, shall be $5 for each examination, foreign or domestic . Retirement Act .

REIIHEMENT ACT Expenses of Bureau, under.

To enable the Bureau of Pensions to perform the duties imposed 44, .V pol.912, p. 619; vol. upon it by the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees U.S. Code, p.1887. in the classified civil service, and for other purposes," approved May 22, 1920, as amended (U . S . C ., p . 1887, sees. 706a, 707x), including personal services, purchase of books, office equipment, sta- tione ry, an d othe r supp lies, travel ing exp enses, expen ses of medic al and other examinations, and including not to exceed $2 .200 for com- Actuary, etc.

pensation of one actuary, to be fixed by the Commissioner of Pen- sions with the ap proval of th e Secr etary o f the Interi or, an d actu al necessary travel and other expenses of three members of the Board Government contri- of Actuaries, $81,000 . bution to retirement For financing of the liability of the United States, created by the fund . Vol.41,p. 619; Vol. Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees in the classified 0,'sCCode, p. 1887. civil service, and for other purposes," approved May 22, 1920, and Acts amendatory thereof (U . S. C., p . 1887, sec. 707a), $20,500,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the " civil-service retir ement and di sabili ty fun d ."