Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1668

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1617 For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, $24.25. For botanical investigations and experiments, $125 . For general expenses, Forest Service, $1,503 .37. For general expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, $948 .27 . For general expenses, Federal Horticultural Board, $17 .30 . DEP ARTME NT OF COMM ERCE For expenses of the Fourteenth Census, $24.20. For commercial attaches, Department of Commerce, $1,417.07. For promoting commerce, Department of Commerce, $2,504 .74. For promoting commerce in the Far East, $7 .16 . For contingent expenses, Steamboat Inspection Service, $2.15. For general expenses, Bureau of Mines, $9 .49 . For general expenses, Bureau of Standards, $9 .28. For party expe nses, Coast a nd Geodetic S urvey, $ 44 .4 9 . For gene ral expe nses , Li ghth ouse Ser vice , $18 .92. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For contingent expenses, Department of the Interior, $2.38 . For Geological Survey, $5 4 .16 . For education of natives of Alaska, $35 .75 . For medical relief in Alaska, $22.94. For Saint Elizabeths Hospital, $17.50. For Army pensions, $205 .33. For general expenses, Indian Service, $2 .76 . For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $509.12. For equalizing allotments, Chickasaw freedmen, Five Civilized Tribes, $8 .40. For w ater s upply, Nava jo and Hopi Indian s, Ar izona, $48 . For irrigation project, Gila River Reservation, Arizona (reim- bursable), $30. For Indian schools, support, $809 .40 . For Indian boarding schools, $69 .63 . For relieving distress and prevention, and so forth, of diseases among Indians, $253 .41 . For support and civilization of Indians, $66 .50. For support of Indians in California, $5.10. For support of Indians in New Mexico, $ 7 . 20 . For support of Northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes, Montana, $166 .50. D EPART MENT OF JU STICE Depa rtmen t of Com- merce. Inte rior Depar tment . For contingent expenses, Department of Justice, miscellaneous t; Department of items, $21.57 . For printi ng and bind ing, D epartm ent of Just ice an d cour ts, $194.50. For detection and prosecution of crimes, $10 .85 . For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $3,294 .11 . For pay of special assistant attorneys, United States courts, $3,500. For salaries and expenses of clerks, United States courts, 43 cents. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $39 .80 . For fees of jurors, United States courts, $10. For f ees of witnes ses, Un ited St ates c ourts, $74.50. For mis cellaneous ex penses, United States court s, $126.87. For supplies for United States courts, $142.50 . For support of prisoners, United States courts, $149.55 .