Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1760

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INDEX. ix Animal Ind~1I BureGu, D,partment oj Paae. Agrlculture-Continued. appropriation for eradication of dou- rine __________ .. ____ _____ __ 547,1198 for executing Packers and Stockyards Act ______________________ 547, 1198 for meat inapection~ additional_ _ 148, 1198 horae meat__________________ 548, 1198 food. etc., inIpeeUona for other Federal branches at their ex- pense_____________________ M8, 1198 for emergency use, eradicating foot and mouth, etc., dieeases____ 548, 1198 uae of unexpended balances______ 1198 eradicating European fowl pest, etc__________________________ 1199 deficiency appropriation for inapection and quarantine work__________ 12 for general expensetl ______ 44,.a, 933,1616 for Fort Keogh, Mont., water service, etc__________________________ 894 for salaries, 1929________ ___ ______ 1677 provisions for preventing, etc., con- tagious diseues of livestock, extended to live poultry_______ 59 Animaz., (Ilee alao Cattle), appropriation for arresting, etc., con- tagious disea8ee of _________ 545,1196 for inspection, etc., of imported_ _ 545, 1196 for mallein testing ot. ____ ____ __ 5 45,1196 for tuberoulin testing 0'-- _______ 546, 1198 lor eradicati~ foot and mouth, etc., diseases of ________________ 548, 1198 Ann Arbor Railroad Companr, quitclaim to, of tract of lightho\l8tj reservation at Frankfort, Mich_ 1025 deed of tract from Company to be given m exchange_____________ 1025 AnnapoliS, Md. (,u Naval Academy). Antietam BGUlB FUld, Md., appropriation for preservation of monu- ments, etc.; superintendent_ 354, 1375 Anti~m, etc., Animal, appropriation for investigating, etc_ 547, 1197 for tegulating sale, etc., of_______ 547, 1197 A ntitruM Ace, 1914, interlockin~ directorates restriction ex- ceptlOn _____________________ 253 private bankers, officers of member banks, etc., permitted to serve in not more than two other F~~:!i~e:a~~E;BTarmstroBot (talk)iliO t;'ti;0; 253 revoke permits_______________ 253 mutual aavmgs banka, joint stock land banks, etc ______________ 1536 A ntitrmt lAWIl, appropriation for expenses enforcing_ 78, 1109 Apache, etc., Agmll1l, 0""'., appropriation for support, etc., of . Indiana at________________ 223, 1584 Apache, etc., Indiam, Okla., appropriation fol' support, etc ____ 207, 1569 . for payment to, from oil royalties trustfund________________ 207,1569 deficiency approp'riation for payment to, from oil royalties trust fund_ 1642 Apache Indiana, An.. report of Federal Power Commission as to c~mpenaation to, by rea- BOn of electric power at OoOlidge Dam __ . ___________________ 211 Appeala, United Stat& Courts, relief heretofore by writ of error ob- tainable by ____________ ._ _ __ __ 54 Appeals, United States Coun. - Continued. Paae. procedure; notice to be f4ed~~--~---- 64 no petition of appeal, etc.,.required_ &4 review of judgments of S~te couril of last resort, to be in same form ufor writaofenor- __ _ _ ~_ __ __ 54 statutes regulaiiq. fiPt to writ of error, etc., made applicable to, su1»titutecl tlleJ'8for __________ 466 A ppletott, WiI., deficiency appropriation f« acquiring Eite and construction of buDding at___________________________ 1656 Appointmmlll DiMon, TreatUf'tl Depari- tMnl, appropriation for chief of, and office personnel _________________ 167, 1032 Appraiser', Stores Building, 1f'ew York City, deficie~~nt00:55, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)-~ TarmstroBot (talk) __TarmstroBot (talk) 00:55, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 915 A ppropriationll, . appropriation for pre~etatement . of, for firat eesaio~, $eventieth COn~---------~.~--------- 625 for preparing; 8ta~,,~nt: ·ot, 'second &e8Bion, Beven~ieth CoI)gfeae. _ _ 1395 Firat Deficiency Act, ~"1928__ 2 Second Deficiency Act, . . ;fear '1928_ 88lJ Firat Deficiency Act, fiscal y.l929 _ 1607 Second Act, ftec!al ;year . 1929 ________________ ~_______ 1623 for Departme.nt of State___ .:.: __ .: . __ _ 64. 1095 Foreign Service____________ . : __ .; _ 8&; 1096 for Department of Justice...: _____ __ :. 77, 1107 United States courts_, . __ __ __ _ __ _ 79,1109 for Department of COmmerce ______ ~ 1114 for DePartment of Labor _________ 105; 1133 for Treaa!1ry Department__ :- _ __ _ _ _ 162, 1028 for Post OfIice~ment~------- 186,1049 for Interior De ment.; __ _,__ -:~_._ 200, 11562 for War Dep ment _________ ~ __ _ 826,1349 Army ________________ ~_..: _ __ ~_ 828, 1331 for Leglalative Braneh of the Govam- for De=!ieDtOi---\;~:=:::U~ ~~:~ for Distrtet OfCol~:.::'_L ____ 64.5, 1262 for Independent O1ftoes :Act~ 1929 _B'18, '1230 for Navy and Navy ~ment__ ,;, 624, 14&2 for eme1!encyeradicatiOn of pfuk boWo~ , worm of eotton '~. weriem Texas, etc___ .. __ ~~_'.::,!.:L:.:_<~_~ 247 for attendance of Marine Band a1i Con- . federate Vete~:· Rellnion, Little Rock, ArkJ.,,:_.:~L:',-_~,;~_ 483 for aiding Grand A'lt.rrj! Of, ~e Re- pubHo in ~'D&r8et'ricea~ at ArHngton Ce_eteIT, ~te_ ___ 494 for annual expenaee AIil8rlcail...ItOUP of the InterparUUlen"tin' UniOn_ _ 976 for paying allowed cI.aimI """bay ~W- era in Bruoria, ete.. CO,uiitle8, Texaa_______·__ ".:._~_~ __ ,;,_____ 1160 for damageedue to'ArmyairPlane ae- cident at LabginJ.lleld,""\Y. Va__ 1434 for half ooet of, brtdle ~. CheI'I'Y Creek, on Cheyenne IUWIf 'ReS- ervation, S. Dak____ ~,,________ 1488 • Moreau River, on· Cbey~ River Reservation, 8.·B.JL:.._ .. ~_____ 1487 authorized for acquiring lands· in .Dils- triet of Columbflll, '. i!ites for accommodating executive de- partments, etc_________ '- __ , ,_ _ _ 52