Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1781

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INDEX. Bree... J. L., !tWffUJr ~,., NGNl . IUuiH p_~


gold medal awarded, for achi.el'8lll8Dt in first successful traDa-Atiantic tught________________ ~~ _____ _ BfflMrlon lV(IIA. time .ded for bridging Port Wash- ington ___________ _ Br«t, Captain J. O. A •• Arm" credit &llowed in accounts of, for ac- quiring Canadian properties__ _ Bricu Crou ROada BiJUle FiiltU, Miu., site to be acquired for marker to com- IOeOODorate ___________________ _ Bum authorlled fort fencing l etc___ _ annual amount autnorlled lor main- t80ance_____________________ _ Bricu Crou Roada, Miaa., deficiency appropriation for battle field at _________________________ _ Brick, 1158 1159 463 1254 1254 1264 1666 appropriation for studying proceeaes in manufacture ot.______________ 91 Bridg,port, Conn., deficiency appropriation for public at___________________ 919 BrldfJ'PDrl, Tmn., bndge authorized across French Broad River. at___ '-_________________ 1179 Bridges, appropriation for COnatructinL Arling- ton Memorial, across Potomac River_____________________ 6:'5, 1232 for half cost of,-~ross Cheny Creek, Cheyenne .H .iver Indian Reserva- tion, S. Dalt., from Indian funds_ 1488 Mol'6au River, Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, S. Dak., from Indian funds____________ 1487 fo:, two brid~ on Menominee Res- ervation, W"18 •• from tribal funds_ 1587 deficiency appro3>riatioD for con- etructin~t Bayou Tech~l La____ 1635 agreement of Wlaconsin and Michigan, for constructing, across Menom- inee River, consented to_____ 300 of New York apd Vermont to create Lake Chainplain Bridge Com- miasionJ .for construction of, aCl'OllS La.ll:e Champlain________ 120 chanse of location authorized of, &Cl'OII8 Wabash River, m. and Ind____ 1406 construction ofI authorized across ~te . Pass, Kitsap Coun!y, Wash____ 1447 Alabama River, near Camden, Ala_ 754 at ClaIborne, Ala_______________ 754 Allegheny River, at Kittanning, Pa__ 117 Alt!~it~.h~~; -at -TownsuiJiU1i 114 Atc~a!'fl;a<ti;;er;at -MelVilie:La:: rrg at Morgan City, La_____________ 279 Bayou Bartholomew, at Point Pleas- ant, La______________________ 57 Bear Creek, at Lovel Point, Md_____ 727 Bogue Chitto River, in &int Tam- many Parish, La______________ 753 Calumet River, at Chicago, DL_____ 379 Canadian River, at Francisl Okla___ 1546 Choctawhatchee River, m Dale County, Ala_________________ 977 Clinch River, Tenn______ ._ __ __ __ _ _ 313 Conecuh River, in Escambia County, Ala________ •• __ ~~ ___ ~ _____ ~_ 295 Bridg"""COntinued. construction of, authorised &CI"OII Cooea River l at Cedar Bluff. Ala____ 288, 754 at Chilaeraburg, Ala_____________ 754 at Gilberta Ferry, Ala____________ 1526 at Pell CIty, Ala_____ ~ _______ ~___ 295 at Riverside, Ala __________ ~_____ 754 between Talladega and Shelby COun~_____________________ 288 at Wetumpka, Ala__________ ~___ 110 Choptank River, at Cambridge, Md_ 1313 Chowan River, in Gates and Hert- ford Counties, N. C_____ ______ 1434 Columbia River, at Arlington, Oreg_ 1022 Cumberland River, at Burkesville, ]{y_~_ ______ _____ ______ _____ 613 at Bumside~]{y---------------- 615 at Canton~y---------------- 138, 607 at Center .l"oint, ]{y____________ 614 in Clay CountI, Tenn_____ ~_____ 296 at Creelsboro, ]{y__ _____________ 815 at Indian Creekt.J<:y--------- __ _ 616 at Harts Ferry, Tenn____________ 1167 at Iuka, ]{y___________________ 140,756 at Neel~ Ferry, ]{y_____________ 612 at Smithland, Ky _____________ 141,608 in Stewart COunty, Tenn________ 419 in Wilaon and TrOusdale Counties, Tenn________________________ _ Current River at Biggel'B, Ark______ _ at SUcce88, Ark ________________ _ Delaware River, at Burlington., N. J _ Des Moines River at Croton, .Iowa __ Detroit Riverj.,at Stony Island, Mich. Duluth Ship \Janal, Minn_________ _ 416 516 309 324 706 620 116 Elk River, between Lauderdale and Limestone Counties Ja Ala_______ 109 EdDe~n00:59, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~~_TarmstroBot (talk)__ TarmstroBot (talk) 00:59, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_:TarmstroBot (talk) 505 Fox River, near Algonquin, Ill_____ 383 in Aurora, m., at New York Street_ 1078 at North Avenu6._ __ __ ___ __ __ __ _ 1078 at Saint Charles, IlL._ ________ __ 383 French Broad River, at Bridgeport, Tenn________________________ 1179 at Del Rio, Tenn________________ 606 Gamiers Bay0..!!l.. between Smack Point and wnite Point, Fla____ 1311 Grand Calumet River, at East Chicago, Ind ______________ 114,1168 Illinois Rivet:z..!'t Grafton, m_______ 604 TarmstroBot (talk)'1u~er:-at--Cabbi-~: 392 W. "a_______________________ 475 at Dunbar, W. Va______________ 981 at Point Pleasant,..W. Va________ 408 at Saint Albans, w. Va__________ 473 Lake Champlain, Crown Point, N. ~'I to Chimney Point, Vt___ 62 East Alburg to West Swanton, Vt_______________________ ol~ 1506 at Rouses PointL..N. Y___________ 512 between Rouses.l"oint, N. Y .,and Alburg, Vt___________________ 1178 Lake Memphremagog, Vt__________ 297 Lake Michigan at mouth of Chicago River, in Chicago, m__________ 1078 Lake Sabine, at Port Arthurl Tex__ 609 Little Calumet River, at AShland Avenue, in Cook County, DL __ ~ 113, 290,1510 at Indiana Avenue, Cook County, 111__________________________ 112 at Wentworth Avenue, Cook County, m_______________ ~___ 113