Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1784

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INDEX. Bndga--Contlnued. p.... time extended for CODltruotfng, &01'0II MlaouriRiveratNiobrara,Nebr_ 1562 at RandoJph, Mo_______________ 1431 at Rul0l Nebr__________________ 1524 at Stanwn, N. Dak_____________ 1475 at Waahfnston, Mo_____________ 1529 at Wolf Point. Mont____________ 117 Mononphela. River, at MoKeeSport, Pa_________________________ • 387 at Pittsburgh, Pa_______________ 384 at Point Marion, Pa____________ 1486 Oomulpe River! at Fitzgerald, 0.__ 1447 Ohio River, at Augusta, Ky________ 1253 at Cairo, Ill____________________ 1535 at Golconda, DL_______________ 1527 from Maysville, Ky., to Aberdeen Ohio ____________________ 1182,1430 at Mound City, m_____________ 1529 at New Martinsville, W. Va______ 1472 between Owensboro, Ky., and Rockport, Ind _______________ 146 between Rochester and Monaca, Pa__________________________ 112 at Sistersville, W. Va____________ 1528 at Wellsburg, W. Va____________ 1530 Ouachita River at Harrlaonburg,L&.. 279 at Monroe, ~_________________ 57 Potomac River from Dahlgren, Va., to Popes Creek, Md_______ 116, 1322 at the Great Falls______________ 1552 Port!O~V1!>:.TarmstroBot (talk) 00:59, 25 September 2010 (UTC)-~~-~~: 1159 Red River, at CoUBbatta, La_______ 1167 at Fulton, Ark_________________ 55 Red River of the North between Fargo, N. Dak., and Moorhead, Minn_______________________ 1534 Rio Grande, at EI Paso, Tex_______ 55 near Tornillo, Tex ______________ 765 Saint Francis River, at Saint Francis, Ark_________________________ 1255' South Fork of Cumberland Rive:, at Burnside, Ky________________ 1501 SlJSql!ehanna Rive~. between Wrightsville and VOlumbia, Pa_ 113 Tennessee River, at mouth of Clarks River_______________________ 1524 in Perry and Decatur Counties, Tenn _______________________ 58 Wabash River, at Mount Carmel Ill_______________________ ~1094 toll charges authorization, ete., for, acroBB Ouachita River, at Calion, Ark_________________________ 744 Red River, at Fulton, Ark_________ 743 Bridges, D. C., appropriation for construction, repair etc ______________________ 657,1273 for Highway, oPlU'ating, etc________ 657 for Anacostia, operating, etc_______ 657 for Francis Scott KeT, maintenance, etc__________________________ 657 for Highway, reconstructing floor; immediately available_ ________ 657 for Kenilworth Avenue, over Watts Branch! reconstruction________ 1273 for Anacostla, reconstruction, etc___ 1274 deficiency appropriation for Chain Bridge, repair, etc____________ 8 for Highway, reflooring______________ 1629 for construction, repair, etc.; unex- _pended balance reappropriated. _ 1629 Briti.h Empire (B/lB Great Britain). Brockton, Mau., p .... defloiency appropriation for publio buikU~--------------------- 1656 Brockvilk, Ontano, CanadG, bridge authorized acrou Saint 1..,, - rence River, Morristown, N. Y ., and_________________________ 1482 Broker., swom tax returns of, to be made _____ 837 Bronz, N. Y., deficiency appropriation for post office, Brook, T=~.~te------------------ 1656 may bridge Gamiel'B Bayou, in Ok&- 10088 County, Fla..____________ 1311 Brooklyn, N. Y ., appropriation for pneumatic tube mail transmission, New York and_ 189, 1052 for public building________________ 1042 deficiency approp'riation for .pneumatio tube mail tranamilllUon, New York and____________________ 26 for public building________________ 919 Brook81'ield, Tex., upon acceptance of site for Army fl,mg field and school, appropriations, etc., for, transferred thereto____ 129 Brooklflille Plant Introduction Garden, Fla., sale authorized of, to Hernando Tobacco CODlpany____________________ 427 Broomcorn, appropriation for study, and improve- ment 0'- _________________ 551, 1201 Broum, Edgar D., etc., time extended for bridlring Rio Grande, near Tornillo, Tex., by________ 761S BrownaviUe, Tex. t bridge authonzed acrotlB Rio Grande between Matamoros, Mexico, and_________________________ 764 consent of Mexico requirecL_______ 764 Brownville, Nebr., bridge authorized acroBS Missouri River, at____________________ 1309 BroumlliUe Bridge CompaR/{' may b~ M!b~_~ ___TarmstroBot (talk)_~~_~~: 1309 Bruceton, Pa., appropriation for mining experiment station at____________ ;. __ __ 102, 1133 Bruntwick, },ft., deficiency appropriation for publio building at___________________ 1656 Brt/,8selll, Belgium, appropriation for International Bureau for Publication of Customs Tarl1fs at__ ,.. _______________ 70,1100 Bryant Point! Md., appropriatIOn for expenses, transfer of fish cultural station from, to Fort Humphreys, Va_______ .. __ 99 Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, appropriation for administration, eto.~_ 1596 naDleof Utah National Park changed to_ 147 areas excluded from Powell National Forest added thereto__________ 147 other publio lands added__________ 147 new area of, described_______________ 502 description modified of lands from Powell National Forest________ 602 Bry.on City, N. C., tenns of court at; rooms to be provided- 457