Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1788

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INDEX. xxxvii Bwlington, N. J ., p .... bridge authorised acrou DelaW&l'e River, at_____________________ 824 f;lme uteDded for bridgiDg Delaware River, at_____________________ 243 BvmtIIt, J. T ., may bridge Miuladppi River, at'llp- tQn~, Tenn________________ &07 BvmtIIt, J. T., . time atenaea for bridging MlsafIJIIlppl River, at TIptonville, Tenn., by_ 1'51 B1If'fII, 0reg'1. appropriMlOn for conatructlon and equipment of school buBdlng ln, for Indian pupilll___________ 216 Bumride, K'I/., bridge authorised aclO8ll Cumberland River, at_____________________ 615 South Fork of Cumberland River, at__ 612 time extended for bridging Cumberland SoUthRi;::fr. ~icumberi&Dci-Ri;er:at: l~ BVfT FefT1/, lA., bridge authorized aclO8ll Sabine River, at___________________________ 976 BUfTVN1 Fronk M., may oridge Missouri River, at Miami, Mo_________________________ 157 time extended for bridging Miuouri River at Miami, Mo.;by_______ 1511 Burton', FefT1/, Go., . bridge authorised across Savannah River, at_____________________ 751 BUlinu,~, etc., exempt from income tax_____________ 813 ButkrL~" briap authorised aclO8ll Tomblgbee River, Dear___________________ 7M Butler Btliltlifl{l, TrtJGIV.rtI Deportment, appropriation for repall'B and preeerva- ~ ______________________ 183, 1045 for mechanical equipment_______ 183,1046 Butler, TAomGI S., late a RepreHntatifle in Congreu, deficlen.;rdo~~E01:00, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_TarmstroBot (talk) _~~_~ 1607 B1IIter, appropriation for inspecting manufac- ure of renovated, etc_______ M9,1190 Buttmlut Street NW., D. C ., appropriation for pavin~, etc., Fifth Street to Piney Branch Road; from gasoline tax fund.._ _ _ __ _ _ _ 1270 c. C Street SE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Fif- teenth to Sixteenth streets; . from gasoline tax fund_________ 1272 for paving, ete., Seventeenth Street to Massachusetts Avenue; from gasoline tax fund.._____________ 1272 Cabazon WGter Compon'l/, lands B!&Dted to, for water sup-ply, etc., Riverside County, Calif________ 435 Cabin Creek KanGwha Bri.1ve Company, may bridge Kanawha River, at Cabin . Creek, W. Va________________ 475 Cabin Creek, W. VG., bridJre authorized across Kanawha lUver, at..______________________ 475 Coble Car.1 POBtal Service, appropnation for mail transportation by_______________________ 190,1053 CGtM, etc., PlanA, PIa appropriation for lnveltlptlng utiJ.isI,. tion of_______________________ 552 CGiro A"oc:iGtitm 01 CommtJrCI may bridge Ohio River, at Carro, IlL_ 196 time extended for bridging Ohio River, at Cairo, Ill., by______________ 1635 CGiro Bridp tmd T"""iftCll COtIIJJQtl'l/, _ time extended for bridtdng Milafaadppl River, at CaIro, Ill., by________ 1557 CGiro, lU., bridge authorized &CJ'OIIOhlo River,at__ 196 time ~:!~tTarmstroBot (talk)-01:00, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~ma. 1557 CalcwerGi Big Tree GrOHl, North, and &1utI&, acceptance of conveyance to, and dedi- cation by, C81iforiniaaa. State 1)6J'k 428 publfc lati:cht-tObe-a"d&cito-tb;j,Wi: 428 CaZeiico, Cali/., deficiency appropriat!on for lDspection station construction________ 919, 1656 CalAoun Bridge Compo~, may bridge Dlinol8 River, at Grafton, IUL__________________________ 604 California, appropJiation for lands for homeleu Indians In.________________ 206, 1568 deficiency apPl'OPri.1ation for exp8Do1e8 of surt establishing title to de- signated oD reeerves in_________ 5 for IUpport of Indianain_______ 1617, 1621 for expenses of enroUment mIndiaDa tn___________________________ 1640 eeceptance from, of jurisdiotion over Lassen Volcanic National Park ~________________________ 463 acceptance of conveyance to, of Cala- veras Big Tree Groves and dedi- cation ~hereof ... State park__ 428 upon dedication, designated public lands to be patented to the State________________________ 428 aabject to right of way for Govern- ment roads, ete_______________ 428 sales, ete.,of acquired landsforbidden. 428 reversion therefor to be expreased in the patent_________________ 428 mineral.rights reserved____________ 428 provisions of Boulder Canyon Project Act applicable to, under COlo- rado River compact_______ 1057-1066 time extended for relinquishing rail- road grant lands to Indians in_ _ 299 to pay half of constructinll bridge and road, Hoopa Valley Reservation, and maintain them____________ 590 unexpended balance of appropriation for purchase -of land for home- less Indiana in, carried to surplus fund________________________ 215 water power permits on Colorado River and tributaries not to be iuued until March 5, 1930, unless Bouider Canyon Project Act effective prior thereto__________ 1446 "California," Bauz"Aip, additional alterations, etc., authorised to___________________________ 1089 California mbN Comnriuitm, appropriation for expenses ________ 358, 1397 deficiency appropriation for salaries,. 1929___________________ __ ___ __ 1691 modification of Sacramento River flood- control project, in accordance with report of. _______________ 539 f