Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1802

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INDEX. Ii Code of Law, of the United Statu and of Paae. eM Di3trict of Columbia-Contd. reference titlea given________________ 1541 form, sJyle, etc., to be prescribed by Houae Committee on Revision of La~________________________ 1542 cooperation of Librarian of Congress in preparing ancillaries_ _______ 1542 additional directions authorized____ 1542 bills and resolutions to and from the Committee to be printed, etc., as directed thereby______________ 1542 &dditional copies of every publio Act and Joint Resolution to be fur- nished the Committee in slip form, whenprinted____________ 1542 functioD8 vested in the Committee by this Resolution1 may be vested in Agency proviaed by Congress from time to time_____________ 1542 printing, binding, and distribution of the volumes~ to be done under direction of "oint Committee em Printing_____________________ 1542 Code of Laws of the United Statu, Anno- tated, limitation on purchase price__________ 1108 Codifying Laws of the District oJ Columbia, appropriation for assistance to Commit- tee on Revision of the Laws, Heuee of Representatives, in compiling and _ __ ____________ 521 deficiency appropriation for expenses of completion oL_______________ 1608 Cody, Wyo., deficiency appropriation for publio building at_ __________________ 32 Coeur d'Alene Agency, Idaho, appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at __________________ 222,1583 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, deficiency appropriation for public building at_ __________________ 32 Coeur d'Alene Indians Idaho, appropriation for i~lling treaty with_ 222, 1583 Coffee ana TelJair Coufttiu Ga., may bridge Ocmulgee River at Jack- sonville Ferry________________ 446 Coffeeville, Ala., bridge authorized acrOBS Tombigbee River at_____________________ 1530 Cohasset, Minn., bridge authorized across Mississippi River, between Deer River and_ 473 Coin, Bullion and, . appropriation for transportation of, be- tweenmintsandassayoffices_ 175,1041 Coins, appropriation for recoinage of gold_ 166, 1031 for recoinage of minor__________ 166,1032 deficiency appropriation for recoinage of minor_____________________ 29 silver 5O-cent pieces to be coined in commemoration of the sesqui- centennial of the discovery of . the Hawaiian lunds__________ 198 Cold Springs Creek, eppropriation for dam across, to in- crease wat-er supply, Montana Bison Range_________________ 558 CuUect on Delivery Mail, Po,tal Seroice, appropriation for indemnity (or lost, domestic_____________________ 191 Collect on Delivery Mail, PostaZ Servu~ p ..... Continued. service of, extended to all sealed matter bearing first class rates of post- &ge_________________________ 1177 Collector 0/ Ta:t68 D. C., OJMe 0/, appropriation for I&lariee _________ 646,1263 Collectors of Internal Rmlmue, salaries of, may be readjusted and in. C~;lDaxUnUID------------ 882 Colleges, Agricultu.ral State, appropriation for further cooperation of, in agricultural extension lVork________________________ 1193 C01lege8, etc., appropriation for Army 8upplies, etc., to, having units of Reserve Of- ficers' Traininc COrps ______ 349, 1371 for Arreyaupplies, .'1 to military, other than with umte of Reserve Officers' TraiDiIlI Corps_ _ __ 350, 1372 Colli8iOM at Sea, additional regulations for lights on ves- sels navigating Great Lakes, etc_________________________ • 592 CollisiOfl, Damagu, deficiency appropriation' for })!oyin, judgments of United State. courts in e1a.imafor____ ~,931, 1669 Colombia, . appropriation for miniater to_______ 63, 1096 Colonial Da_ oJ AftH7'ieo in Vityitaia, portion of Dutch Gap Lighthouae Res:. ervation, Va., transferred to, for historical purpoaee only________ 1024 Colorado, acceptance from, of juriadiction over Mesa Verde National Park area_ 458 compact between, and New Mexico, authorized for division of waters of Rio Grand~L etc., rivers______ U502 Oklahoma and Aansas authort.ed for division of waters of Arkan- sas River, etc._ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ 1517 provisions of Boulder Canyon Project Act applicable to, under Col- orado River oompact_____ 1057-1066 relief of homestead entrymen in des- ignated counties of, failing to maintain required residence, ow- ing to swarms of crickets or grasshoppers _____ ,,_ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ 1157 water power permits on Colorado River and tributariea not to be illloed until March 6, 1930, unless Boulder Canyon Project Act effective prior thereto_________ 1446 Colorado Judicial District, jurisdiction of Rocky Mountain Na- tional Park, assigned to_______ 1537 Mesa Verde Park assigned to_________ 459 Colorado River (,ee also Boulder Canyon Project Act), appropriation for maintenance, etc., of front work and levee system, Yuma irrigation project, ArIz.- Calif _____________________ 231,1593 for maintenance, etc., of base gaug- ing stations in________________ 232 deficiency appropriation for front work and levee system_ ____________ 903 purpose declared for controlling floods of, utilizing waters, etc________ 1057