Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1807

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Ivi INDEX. CongrUMonal Bmploy,u--Continued. P.... salaries of, for December, 1928, to be paid December 20, 1928_______ 1027 CongrUMonal Library (8.. Library of COn~~). . Congre8Monal Medal oj Honor, Army, uuautho~ed wear~ng, etc.} of, pro- hibited; punishmentlor_______ 437 Congruaional Ruord, appropriation for reporting debates, House of Repreeentatives____ 523, 1393 for reporting, Senate____________ 520, 1390 for expenses of semimonthly and sea- mon indexes ______________ 530,1400 doficiency appropriation for additional cataloguer oL________________ 1624 Connecticut Avenue NW., D. C., appropriation for widening roadway, west side, M to Eighteenth Strcets_ ______________ _______ 655 bo~u;~~:c01:03, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~-~~:-~ 655 for widening roadway, etc~ Fl~rida Avenue to COlumbia .H.Oa.a____ 655 "Connedicut," BauJe8hip, bell used on, to be delivered to Ameri- Can LeJtion Naval Post 110_____ 1181 Connor. Point, lViB., bridge authorized across Saint Louis River, from Rices Point to_____ 280 Conservation oj National ForeBte, appropriation for determining best methods of___________________ 1205 Conservation oj NavigabltJ Water8, ac., appropriation for cooperation with States, etc., in forest fire protec- tion/ etc_____________________ 555 for acqUiring additional lands under Act for ___________________ 556,1206 deficiency appropriation for cooperation with States, etc., in forest fire protection_ _______ ____ __ _____ 41 for acquimtion of lands____________ 895 purchase of lands for, authorized_____ 468 amounts avaUable for 1928, 1929, and 1930____________________ 468 acreage limit in anyone State____ 468 Consolidated Chippewa Agency, Minn., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at_____________________ 1571 Consolidated Ute Agency, Colo., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at_____________________ 222 for electric s~steIll---------------- 1567 Consolidated Ute Ruervation, Colo.! appropriation for water supp y, un- a.llotted lands oL_____________ 1572 Constantinople, Turkey, appropriation for launch for embassy_ 66, 1097 Construction Loan Fund, Shippinp Board (see alBo Merchant Manne Act, 1928), sources and uses oL________________ 690 Consular Officers (Be6 Foreign Service Officers). Consular Service (llee Foreign Service). Consulates/ appropnation for clerk hire________ 66, 1097 forcontingentexpenses __________ 67,1097 for loss by exchan~e ____________ 67,1097 deficiency appropriation for contingent expenses _______________ 27,937,1622 Contagious D~ea~e8, Animal, appropriation for preventing spread of, livestock__________________ 545, 1196 Contagioull Diseases, Animal-Continued. Pa... deficiency appropriation for prevent- ing spread of, Indian livcstock_ le3S provmons for preventing, etc., extended to live poultry ______________ _ Contagious Di8eaBeB, D. C., 59 appropriation for preventing spread of________________________ 667,1284 for isolating wards for minort.~ Gar- field and Providence .Hospi- tals ______________________ 668, 1284 Containers Jor Frui.ts, Vegetables, etc., appropriation for executing law fixing standards, etc ____________ 563,1214 standards fixed for hampers and round stave baskets _______________ _ capacities specified _____________ _ contents of standard sizes _______ _ for splint baskets________________ _ capacities specified _____________ _ contents of standard sizes _______ _ tolerance allowed: cover conditions_ dimension specifications of manufac- tures to be approved by Secre- 685 685 685 685 685 685 686 tary of Agriculture___________ 686 manufacture, etc., of containers not complying with Act, unlawfuL_ climax baskets, etc., excepted___ _ penalty for violations____________ _ immunity if purchaser has guar- anty from manufacturer, etc., that containers are correct____ _ requirements of guaranty_______ _ seizure of illegal containers, etc______ _ disposal of contents ______________ _ condemned containers __________ _ procedure in cases of- ____________ _ foreign shipments not affected; banana hampers allowed _____ _ prosecution by district attorneys__ _ regulations, tests, etc~ to be prescribed_ cooperation with /:States, manufac- 686 686 686 686 686 686 687 687 687 687 687 687 turers, etc_ __________________ 687 expenses for employees, etc., author- ized_________________________ 687 necessary sums to be appropriated__ 687 seizure, etc., provisions effective one year after November first______ 687 Contested Election Expenses, House oJ Representative8, appropriation for compiling cases, etc__ 524 deficiency appropriation for payments to contestants and contestees_ 884, 1623 Contingent BXp6718eB, appropriation for Department of State ______________________ 64, 1095 for foreign missions _____________ 65,1096 forconsulates __________________ 67,1097 for Department of Justice _______ 77,1108 for Department of Commerce ____ 84,1115 for Department of Labor _______ 106,1136 for Treasury Department_______ 163,1029 for public mone~8-------------- 166,1031 for Post Office Department_____ 187,1049 for Interior Department________ 201,1563 for War Department ___________ 327, 1350 for Army _____________________ 327,1351 forSenate ____________________ 519,1389 for House of Representatives ____ 524, 1394 for Library of Congress ________ 529, 1399 for Department of Agriculture___ 540,1190 for Executive Officc ____________ 573,1230 for Civil Service Commission ____ 577, 1234 for Navy _____________________ 625,1453 for Navy Department__________ 642,1471