Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1811

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Ix INDEX. COMn oj CuaCom. and Paten. App«Jla, pqe. Unit«l Saaa-contlnucd. appeals from Paknt Office, if ,no hoar- ing. etc., appeal, with papers, etc., to be transferred to new co~ etc____________________ 1476 equity jurisdiction of Diatrict Court of Appeals not eJfected by this Act_________________________ 1476 opinions of, in appeals, in Patent Office decisions to be made in writing and filed aa record in the case__ 1476 cert~ed copy to be sent to C0mmis- sioner of Patents and entered in Patent Office________________ 1476 CourC <'I Cuatoma Appeala, appropriation for salaries__________ 79 1110 for rent, contingent expenses, etc_ 79' 1110 deficiency appropriation for judges, in- ' title ch:m~~&;~ of -C~tona-a~d 20 Patent Ap~-------------_ 1475 Counhouae, D. C. appropriation for care, etc ________ 670 1287 for repairs, etc________________ 670' 1287 date of bid for construction, etc., ac- ' cepted_______________________ 1425 Couru, D. C'I appropriatIOn for juvenile court ___ 669, 1286 for police court ________________ 669,1286 for municipal court ____________ 670,1286 for supremecourt ______________ 670,1287 for court of appeals____________ 671,1287 for miscellaneous expenses ______ 671,1288 deficiency appropriation for police court________________________ 9 for supreme court_________________ 9 for court of ap~--------------- 9 Co'Uru and PriaOfUJ, D. C., deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929________________________ 1693 Coum Martial, de., Army, appropriation for expenses of______ 330, 1354 Couahatta IndiaM, de., Tu., appropriation for education, etc____ 215, 1576 deficiency appropriation for industrial &88~ance,ete________________ 900 land in Texas purohased for, and Ala- bamas. subject to mineral inter- ests and timber contracts______ 1186 Couahatta, lA., bridge authorized aor088 Red River, at_ 66 time extended for bridging Red River, at_ 1167 Covington, A. W., name placed on yellow fever honor roll and presented gold medal___ 1409 to receive 1126 monthly_____________ 1410 Cowe, BjJa, Creek Indian AUoUee, deficienoy appropriation fClr payment of COtDp6M,~~:j:on to_______________ 1641 provisions for erecting monument to commemorate________________ 1668 Cox, S. R., may bridge Ohio River, at New Mar- tinsville, W. Va______________ 1472 Coyotea, appropriation for devising methods for destroy~---------------- 559,1209 Crater lAke NatioOOl Park, Oreg., appropriation for commissioner _____ 79,1110 for administration, etc__________ 233, 1596 deficiency appropriation for insect con- trol work____________________ 1643 Crater National Forest, Oreg., Pa,p. exChanM'ti~~ TarmstroBot (talk)_~~:TarmstroBot (talk) 01:04, 25 September 2010 (UTC)e_~_f~~_~~_- 450 public lands added to_ ______________ 450 revested Oregon and California grant lands within area included_____ 450 Creek IndiaM, Okla. (aee also Five Civil- ized Tribes), appropriation for tribalschools_______ 216 for common schools_______________ 220 for per capita payments, from tribal funds_______________________ 1584 advancement from tribal fund, for ex- penses of attorneys in claims of, against United States__________ 944 time extended for filing suit in Court of Claims, by_ _ _ _ _ _____________ 1230 unexpended balance of appropriation for equalizing allotments, etc., coveredin____________________ 216 Creelsboro, Ky., bridge authorized &crOBB Cumberland River, at____________________ 616 time extended for bridging Cumberland Crematori~':~b. ad.:-p~bl~:------------ 1528 appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 669, 1285 containers for receiving ashes of the indigent to be provided _____ 669, 1285 Crete, Nebr., deficienoy appropriation for publio buildingat___________________ 1657 Crickeu, . provisions relating to homestead entry- men in designated counties of Colorado, failing to maintain re- quired residence owing to incur- sion of swarms of. ____________ 1167 Crier8, UnitPAl Statu Courts, appropriation for pay______________ 81,1112 deficiency appropriation for pay _ _ _ ___ 21 Crimes, appropriation for detection and prose- cution of___________________ 78,1108 protectin~ the President__ _ ___ __ 78, 1108 preservation, etc., of criminal iden- tification records ____________ 78, 1108 for suppressing counterfeiting and other _____________________ 173,1038 defioiency appropriation for detection and prosecution ot. _____ __ 1617,1645 no trial, etc., for offenses, not capital, unless indictment found, etc., within three years after com- mission thereof. _ _ _ __ ___ ___ __ _ 51 not applicable if indictment hereto- fore found, etc________________ 51 Crimes and Misdemeanors, penalty for violation of standard fruits and vegetables containers Act. _:: 686 receiving excess allowance for services 88 agents, etc., in claims of Texas hay growers ___________ . __ . __ ___ __ ___ _ 1160 violating provisions of Healing Arts Practice Aot, D. C., 1928______ 1338 permitting merchant vessel to depart without certified load line mark- ing, etc_______________________ 1494 permitting foreign vessel to depart' without load lines marked as re- quired by laws of its country___ 1494 failing to make required entry in log book before departing_ ________ 1494