Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1856

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INDEX. cv Fourteenth Cem"., p .... deficien:l_01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)_:~:__~~33, 1617 Fourl«mtJ& 8lrUJl Nil., D. C., appropriation for paying, etc., Keamey to Lawrence Streets; from guo- line tax fund_________________ 1271 Fourteenth Str.. NW., D. C., appropriation for Widening, etc., Park Road to Monroe Street________ 655 Fourtunth Strut SE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Good Hope Road to S Street; from RB/IOline tax fund______________ 654 forpa~~101:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~-TarmstroBot (talk) 1272 Fourth A~ Pa.'male1' G~, appropriation for, and office penon- neL_____________________ 187,1049 for field eervice, Post Office Depart- ment, under_______________ 191,1054 for stationery, etc.; Postal Savings System supplies,etc ________ 191,1054 forpostalsupplies ________ ~----- 191, 10M for post route' and rural delivery ma~etc----------------- 192,1054 for wrapping twine, etc _________ l92, 1054 for expenses, shippin~ supplies___ 192, 10M for canceling machines and labor savingdevices _____________ 192,1054 traveling mechanicians________ . J92, 1054 for mail bags, locka, equipments, etc. ______________________ 192,1054 for material, labor, etc" ·equipment shops ____________________ 192,1054 for equipmenta, departments, Alaska, etc_______________________ 192,1055 for star route transportation, except in AJaska _________________ 192,1055 for Rural Delivery Service_______ 192, 1055 for travel and miscellaneous ex- Fourth C~~ail(;;eai8~-po;t8Tser;,je:)~2; 1055 matter included as; rates_________ ___ 941 zone deliveries____________________ 942 special delivery and handling_______ 943 first class treatment, if additional stamps affixed), etc____________ 944 Fourth Street NW., D. v ., appropriation for paving, etc., Quacken- boB to Rittenhouse Streets; from gasoline tax refund_ _______ ____ 652 for paving, etc., Whittier to Aspen· Streets; from gasoline ta.'t fund_ 653 Fourth Street SE., D. C., use authorized of designated Govern- ment land for widening___ _ _____ 1341 Fowl Pest, European, appropriation for eradicating, etc_ _ 548, 1199 Fo:c Riller, bridge across, at East Dundee, Ill., le~alized-------------- _______ 1478 authonzed acroes, Dear Algonquin, Ill__________________________ 383 in Aurora, 111., at New York Street_ 1078 at North Avenue________________ 1078 at Saint Charles, 111_____________ 383 Framingham, Ma&s., deficiency sppropriation for public buildingat___________________ 1657 France, appropriation for ambassador to ____ 65,1096 for segregating bodies, etc., in Ameri- can cemeteries in_____________ 355 Fra1lC6-Continued. p .... deficiency appropriation for pa~nt to, for d&1ll&gt!8 to French Steam- ship "MaCleleine"_____________ 913 payment to, &8 indemnity for collision damages _to French steaDllhip "Madeleine," authorized______ 512 France FWd, Canal Zone construction for Air Corps. authorized aL _________________ 749 1 1301,1303 heavy seagoing Air Carpi! retnever authOrized for________________ 717 Francis, Okla., bridge authorized aerollB Canadian Francis S~~eIte~tBridie:-iCc.:-------- 1546 appropriation for operating expeDSe8___ 657 Francois, MaTi"., sum authorized to pay, wounded by Marine Corps enlisted man in Haiti__ _____ ______ ___________ 1477 Frank, Leah, Creek 1Mum AUottee, . deficiency appropriation for equaliza- tion payment__________________ 1641 Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa., balances of appropriations for, covered in__·___·______________________ 365 Frankfort, Mich., quitclaim of portion of lighthouse reser- vation at, to Ann Arbor Rall- road Company_________________ 1025 tract of land to be given by Com- I>any in exchange_______________ 1025 Franklin 1C6 Cream Company, . defieien:lcl:TarmstroBot (talk):TarmstroBot (talk)!~~_01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk) 926 Franklin Street NB., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Sixth to Seventh Streets; from gasoline taxfund___ ~_________________ 653 for paving, etc., Thirteenth to Four- teenth Streets; from gasoline tax fund ________________________ . 1271 Franks, E. T., may bridge Ohio River&..between Owens- boro, Ky., and .tLOCk~rt, Ind__ 1322 time extenaed for bridging Ohio River byI between Owensboro, Ky., and~~rt,lnd____________ 146 Fraternal Bene . AlI8Oeiations, D. C., provisions 0 Juvenile Fraternal Act.__ 953 description of; death and disability benefits______________________ 1055 age limit; funds authorized from assessments, etc_______________ 1056 extension of death benefit payments_ 1056 exempt from District insurance laws_ 1056 outstanding agreements with mem- bers, etc., not excluded_ _______ 1056 law not applicable to associations for profit; further exceptiuns added_ 1021 Fraternal Beneficiary Societies, etc., exempt from income tax_____________ 812 Fredericksburg and SpotsuWania County Battle FUlda Meiiaorial MilitGry Parle, . appropriation for continuing establish- ment oL_____________________ 1376 Fredericksburg aM Spotsylvania County BatUe Fields Memorial, Va., deficiency appropriation for commenc- inltcstablishment of, as a national m 'tary park. ______________ 38, 1666