Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1859

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INDEX1. lhMral Staff Corp_, Army---(:ontinued. details .. aoting General 8t&1f oftioerl; limit of, for War Department , General8ta1f___________ ~ _ __ _ _ Geural&4g SeItool, ,4,.,." Commmacl aM, appropriation for instruction expeDlle8_ Geural Supply Committee, T~ De- P.... 619 329, 1352 , p6rlment, ' appropriation for II&lariM_~.,. ____ ~'~ IM,1030 for 'expeneee, tranefemng B\irplus ' oftioeequipment,etc__ ~~ ____ IM,1030 authorised to purchaee and distribute rrJt!ie8 for de~te, eet&b- ente,aB<f District of Ca- ,lumbia---------------------- 1341 for field eervioe ma~.::,.:ncll1ded- _"' _ '1342 deeipation of pure by the Sec- retary of the Treasury__ _______ 1342 departments, etc., to fumieh estimates of requirements for purehallee___ 1342 reimbursement to BUpply fund"'_____ 1342 cost, etc., of BUppH~t to be reim- buned by requiaiuoninS depart- ment~_~ ____________________ ~ 1342 general supply fund Bet aside for paying reim~=!~!:t\;Wn;quwtio~i;;g-Of: 1342 fioe by deposit to iBredit of_ _ ___ 1342 amounts oreidited to fwld and reap- ~~,t~reto------------ 1342 annual atateineB\ of aaeeta and liabil- ities 01. ___ __________________ 1342 audit by Comptroller General ______ ' 1342 pa~$ei:.Z:-zp=:; 1342 be direct to vendon, by depart- mentor eetalllishment_________ 1342 regulations to be prescribed by Secre- tary of the Treuury__________ 1342 acqMrlng site and conatruction of 'Ware- ,, " house building authorised for storage apaCe, etc., for 8uppJ,y 'Committee, department., DiS- trict government, ate__________ 1343 ~inTarmstroBot (talk).:r~~:_01:12, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~ 1343 rental baIiIa for District govern- ment__ : ____ .. :__ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ 1343 plane for building to be prepared by 'Direetor of Public Buildinp, etc_ 1343 'o8Multation with Commission of , ,Fine Arts____________________ 1343 eloIiing of streeta,etc., authorised;- _- : 1343 allowance for' special techniC&l llervi___~ __________'_________ 1843 amount authorised for buildings, etc_ 1343 '~Ne1w., , approp!i&tion for Indian school a~_ 718,1578 Geofroplfic Boord, United Statu, " appropriation for B&lariea and expenses_ _ 585, 1243 for printing and binding for _____ 585,1243 deficiency· apptopriation for I&laries, 1929_______ ...: ___' _ ... __ __ ___ _ ~___ 1676 ~ Bu;"", InterWr DBpGrt-m, appropriation for Director, and other perso~ ~cee__________ ~ 231, 1593 for pneralIexpeD!I88____________ 231, 1593 aUow&lle8for attending scientific Ineetinge ________ ~ _______ __ ,231, 1594 for topopaphio .urveY8__ ~ __ _ .. __ 231,1594 Shenandoah National Parll;, Va___ 1594 for geologic BUrVeys; chemical and ph~ researches_________ 232, 1594 Geological Survey, Inleri.or Department- p .... Continued. ' appropriation for volcanologic BUrveys, etc., in HawaiL ___________ 232, 1594 for mineral resources of Alaska_ _ 232, 1594 for gausing water supply, etc____ 232,1594 operating Lees Ferry, Am., gaug- ing station_ _________ ______ 232, 1594 Colorado River drainage statioDS ____ 232, 1594 reatriction on cooperative work 'with States _______________ 232,1594 for preparing illustrations _______ 232, 1595 for enforcement of Acts relating to mining of coal, nonmetallic min- eral deposits, etc___________ 232,1595 scientific, etc_, work for Depart- ments, etc., by ____________ 232,1595 funds to be transferred_______ 232,1505 amounts received for cooperative work to be used in reimbursing appropriations_____________ 233,1595 aerial photographs to be furnished for topographic mapping proj- ects _________________ '_ ____ ___ 1595 copies to cooperating State, etc., agencies____,____ ____ __ __ _____ 1595 obtaining from civilians__________ 1595 transporting personal effects of em- ployeeson change ofstations_ 233, 1596 foreltpeD8esof, under Meldcan Water Boundary CommissiolL________ 70 for expenditure by, under Canadian Waterways Joint Commission_ 73, 1103 for printing and binding for _____ 202,1564 for expeneee, supervising mining op- erations on restricted, etc., Indian • lands_____________________ 207,1570 for stream gauging, cooperative with Indian ,~ce ____________ 210, 1572 deficiency appropriation for expenses_ 46, 933 , " 1617, 1621, 1643 for' topographic survey, etc.:, Great Smoky Mountains .National Park, N. C . and Tenn ______ 903, 1643 for topographic survey, etc., ShenlUl- doah National Park, Va________ 903 for oill gas, etc., investigations~----- 903 for enforcement of nrineralJeases;.etc_ 903 for CanAdian Boundary Waters,\jom- mission transfer____________ 903,1651 for transfer to Navy ______________ 1618 for transfer to War Department_ _ _ _ 1620 for strpervitring mining operations on Indianlands _________________ 1638 for topographic surveys____________ 1M3 for salaries, 1929, under___________ 1683 assistance of, for project to control Miaissippi RIver, etc., floods___ 536 expenditures f~r Mexican water bOund- field w~~ ~~P;(;'Priationsf~r;;,.~&ii&bi~ for hire of work animals, vehicles, 28 etc________________________ 243,1606 limitation of field use of vehicles for 1929, increased.._ ___ ____ ____ __ 1643 George, Pruton L., deficiency appropriation for extra eerv- ices_____________ .;.; . .. ___ _ '4, 886, 1624 George Rogerll Clark Suquicentennial , CommillBion, deficiency ~pprol?ria~ioD for expenses of partlClpatlOn ID_ ______________ 887 amount authorized in preparing plans, etc__________________________ 1626